
Friday 2 March 2012

Spring is springing . . .

The first crocuses of the year always seem to take you by surprise. You never seem to see them coming . . . and then, they spring seemingly up overnight . . .

Quite suddenly you become aware of them . . . patches of purple and yellow under the trees . . . little flecks of purple and gold along the edges of pathways . . .

Before too long the whole garden is fairy-lit with little crocus-candles of ivory and lavender . . . but it is the firstlings of yellow that take your breath away . . .

And every year it is the same . . . oh what a joyous harbinger of spring they are . . . each year I am filled with the same astonishment and joy at their sudden appearance . . . truly amazing . . . and then . . .

This is the true harbinger of Spring to me. Can you see him there??? Bumbling along from petal to petal, drinking in the early spring nectar as he ambles along. When I see him . . . then I know Spring has truly spring. There can be no doubt!

Eileen and Tim both did very well again yesterday, with Eileen bringing home a Bronze and Tim a Silver, and have now finished their races! They are free now to enjoy watching the rest of the competitors in their events, until their return home to Nova Scotia on Sunday. I can just imagine how very excited they are!

We've had such lovely weather this week. March has truly come in like a lamb this year, which makes for a very pleasant change. We popped into town in the morning after the reading lesson to pay our rent and do a few errands and it was so very pleasant walking along the rows.

We sat for a while and watched this amazing violinest playing. It was so very beautiful. Do watch the video. It wasn't taken yesteday, but a few years ago, but it IS the same busker we were watching yesterday in town and there are some spectacular scenes of Chester in this video. He was quite, quite amazing!

There was also this guy:

I believe his name is Joseph. He is there all the time, singing and praising the Lord, shouting repentance from the rooftops. You really have to admire his courage and strength of conviction!

I just adore Chester City. It is always so very alive with sights and sounds. The architecture is beautiful as well. I wish that I did not have so many problems walking these days. Todd and I have always loved spending days in Chester, walking around and looking at all of the sights and listening to all of the sounds . . . it's just not possible for me these days, but I do love it when I catch a glimpse here and there.

Happy Friday everyone! The weekend is here!

Almost forgot! In The English Kitchen today, Harissa Potatoes! and if you live in the UK and would like the chance to win a fab giveaway, check out this! Leave a comment on that post and I will be drawing a name on Monday for a fab product. Cillet Bang's new all in one dispenser. It truly is a fab product and kinda cool! You've got nothing to lose by entering, and the winner could be YOU!

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