
Thursday 1 March 2012

Bits of news for a Thursday morning . . .

Good morning everyone. I am just so very excited this morning. This picture is one of my eldest daughter Eileen and her fiancee Tim. They are such a cute couple, and will be getting married in July of this year. It will be a wonderful occasion for them. They've been dating each other for a very long time.

This past week they have both been in St Albert, Alberta competing in Canada's Winter Special Olympics together, as part of the Annapolis (Nova Scotia) Special Olympics Group. I am so proud to announce that yesterday in the 100m race, Eileen won a Bronze medal and Tim won a Silver!! Then in the 1km race, Tim won a Gold and Eileen a Silver! This is a major accomplishment for them both and I know they have both trained so very hard for this. I am so happy for them, and also very proud! Today they will be competing in the 500m so I am praying that they do well.

They've been having a wonderful time in Alberta, visiting the West Edmonton Mall and getting to go to an NHL game etc. She will be so full of news and stories to share when they both get home. I think it's so wonderful that they have gotten to experience this together as a couple. It will be a sweet memory that they will take well on into their old age.

This is a slide show I did of Eileen when I went to Idaho with Lura, Dick and Lenis a few years ago to watch her compete in the International Special Olympic Winter Games with Team Canada. I was such a proud mom and it was such a wonderful gift from a much beloved friend that I was able to go at all. I got to see for the first time what a great athlete she was and how wonderful the Special Olympic Organization is. This organization gives these very special people the ability to feel good about themselves in a very positive and meaningful way. We were all so very impressed with the way it was run and the care that the atheletes were all given. I just know that this experience in Alberta is the same for them . . . Top Notch!

I was a proud mama then, and I am a proud mama now!! I can't wait until they are home and I get to speak to her on the telephone!! You can read more about their adventure HERE.

I was deeply saddened last evening to learn of the death of Davy Jones of the Monkees fame at his home in Florida at the young age of 66. When I was 10 years old I had the hugest crush on him. I wanted to marry him, along with about a bazillion other teenie boppers! I believe he was a truly very talented man, and most importantly a very nice man. I have never read a note of any scandal about him. My friend Anna met him late last year at a Monkee's concert in Manchester and had her picture taken with him. Her husband had bought her the ticket to go as a gift. I remember being Green with envy. She said he was a very genuine and nice fellow, and she had really enjoyed the concert. That he would stop afterwards to speak to his fans and then have his picture taken with Anna spoke volumes to me.

Another talent taken far too soon, may he rest in peace.

So there you have it . . . all my news for today. Some good news and some sad news, and now some food news . . .

Baking today in The English Kitchen, a delicious and very traditional Battenburg Cake!

Oh, and if you are living in the UK and want the chance to win something really special, go and have a look at THIS, and leave a comment!

Happy Day everyone!

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