
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Somebody is turning six today!

There's a special man in my life and guess what. He is turning six years old today! Yes, my grandson, Gabriel is now six. I remember as yesterday the day that he was born and how very excited I was! He made me a Grandmother for the very first time! That's a special joy you know. There is only ever one person in every family that turns a woman into a Grandmother for the very first time! And in my family, Gabriel was that person!

I think this is his Pirate look. He loves Pirates just like his mom. I can almost hear him saying "Ahar there matey!" in this picture. Those jim jams he is wearing are a pair his papa had when he was a baby. His papa was cute when he used to wear them, but I think my Grandson is cuter! Especially when he is playing Pirate!

He was almost two when I actually got to meet him for the first time in person. I so enjoyed that time we had to spend with each other!!! I'm not sure he did . . . after all I was a stranger, but we have gotten to know each other a LOT better since then! I think that we are now friends, and that is a good thing!! I love being Gabriel's friend!!

He's a happy little boy and a smart one too! Mind you I may be just a bit biased . . . but then again, I think a Grandmother is allowed to be a bit biased!

He's also a pretty good cook! You can see him in action here. I think he gets that from his daddy, who gets it from . . . well, ME! Not to brag or anything!

He loves his "Soccer Monkey," that grandma made just for him. The last time I saw "Soccer Monkey," his tail was twice as long as he was . . . I think that is what happens when a sock monkey gets lots of extra loving. It went to Gabriel filled with lots of love . . . Grandma love . . . and now it is filled with even more . . . Gabriel love, that is! Grandma love and Gabriel love mixed together is a pretty magical combination I think!

So is Pirate love . . . and I just adore this lil' Pirate! He's probably just about the cutest pirate that ever lived . . . and the smartest one too I think!

He is also a really great Gingerbread house cooker man! He is so multi-talented!
I think he get's that from his daddy, who got it from me too! Just sayin' is all!

Another job he is really good at is being a BIG brother to lil' Luke. Being a big brother is serious business and Gabriel does his job very well! Sometimes it's not easy to be a BIG brother. Little brother's can be pains in the patootie from time to time . . . but then they can also be your best friend too. It's just something you learn to balance . . . and Gabriel does it very well!

It's a job that never ends, this being the oldest one. I should know because I became the oldest one a long time ago, and 53 years later I am still doing it! I hope that I do the job as well as Gabriel does!

He's growing, growing, growing, but he still has that beautiful smile . . . the one God gave him, and the one he shares with everyone he meets. It just lights up a room. Of course . . . once again, I am a tad bit biased! Meh! Deal with it!

Here's that big brother job kicking in again. As you can see, it's a job that is taken very seriously. Note the hand around lil' brother. You can tell it's a very protective hand. Good job Gabriel!

Even Santa listens when Big brothers speak!

It's not an easy job . . . but someone has to do it!

The rewards more than make up for it though . . . lil' brothers really look up to BIG brothers, especially if you are good at the job, and Gabriel is.

All grown up and going to school . . . it's so very hard to believe. The past six years have flown by in a flash!!! Before I know it, he will be dating girls and driving a car! I best hold on to these precious years while I can!

Happy Birthday Gabriel!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and that you know that waaaaaaay across the ocean in a little brick house Grammy and GranTodd are loving you very, very much in a very, very special way!

♥♥♥MWHA!! ♥♥♥

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