
Saturday 10 March 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . Girl, Boy, Flower, Bicycle

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

This girl
Waits at the corner for
This boy
Freewheeling on his bicycle.
She holds
A flower in her hand
A gold flower
In her hands she holds
The Sun.
With power between his thighs
The boy
Comes smiling to her
He rides
A bicycle that glitters like
The wind.
This boy this girl
They walk
In step with the wind
Arm in arm
They climb the level street
To where
Laid on the glittering handlebars
The flower
Is round and shining as
The sun.
~ m k joseph

Michael Kennedy Joseph (1914–1981) was a British born New Zealand poet and novelist in several genres ranging from I'll Soldier No More, A Pound of Saffron and A Soldier's Tale to the science fiction works The Hole in the Zero and The Time of Achamoth to the historically-based Kaspar's Journey.

Born in Chingford, Essex to Catholic parents, who, after some years in post-war Belgium and France, immigrated to New Zealand in 1923, he gained degrees at Auckland and Oxford before serving in World War II with the Royal Field Artillery. In 1946 he joined the Auckland University English Department, retiring, as a professor, in 1979.

Joseph's war experiences form the basis not only for some fine poems but also for the novels I'll Soldier No More and A Soldier’s Tale. His works include science fiction, a university novel, historical romance, and a major study of Byron.

I'm off to Runcorn today to meet up with my pal Sheilagh. We're popping over to Crabapple Crafts for some crafting workshops and a fab day of crafting fun! Not sure what all we will get up to, but it will be great! I have been to Crabapple Crafts one other time and it is a wonderful place with everything you can possibly imagine to do with paper crafting! Great stuff!! Todd will be batching it all day, but he's up to it. He'll probably actually enjoy a bit of peace and quiet without me around! Either that or he will fret all day wondering what I'm getting up to. Ka-ching Ka-ching!

Actually he'll probably spend the day watching cowboy films and reading books. I hope he remembers to eat something.

Look at what arrived by UPS yesterday! Isn't it beautiful! My friend Annelisa painted this for us two years ago after we lost our Jess. She had already sent it over to us once, but for some reason it wasn't delivered and got sent back to her. This time we were waiting for it. It is so beautiful. When I opened the box and took it out I was so amazed and moved to tears. She has captured our Jess beautifully and it was like Jess was right there in the room with us. This was such a loving gesture on the part of Annelisa and I am so very grateful for her love and kindness. She is an amazing artist. You can check out her work here. Thank you so much Annelisa! We have found the perfect place for it. YOU are amazing!

Over in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Rhubarb Upside Down Cake!

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