
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thursday Mish Mash . . .

A young girl was asked to say a blessing over the food one day at dinner time. She began by thanking her Heavenly Father for all of her friends, naming them one by one. She then thanked him for her mother and father, brother, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles . . . again naming them one by one. Finally she began to give thanks for the food . . . the chicken, the potatoes, the salad, the dessert . . . and then she paused. After a long silence she looked up at her mother and asked, "If I thank God for the broccoli, won't he know I am lying???"

I suppose we all feel that way at one time or another. It is easy to thank Heavenly Father for the things we are truly thankful for, and we are told to be thankful for all things, even the bad . . . but in all honesty . . . let's face it. Each of us has a lot of broccoli in our lives that we just don't really want to give thanks for.

It's not impossible though. Through the years I have learned the value and the promise of being able to give thanks even for the broccoli (trials) which I don't necessarily enjoy eating (experiencing,) even when it seems very hard to do so. It involves trusting in my Heavenly Father and His plan for me. Knowing that there is a purpose in all things . . . even the bad stuff, and recognizing that it has been through my trials that I have been refined and made stronger . . . that through them I stand here today, a better person, filled with much more grace and love, and understanding for those around me.

Being thankful, even during trials, and nurturing a heart of gratitude, no matter what . . . is a wonderful way to bolster our faith on a daily basis, as hard as it may seem at the time to do. We must learn to smile through the tears, and to move forward in faith, trusting in He who knows all and who has a special plan just for us. We may never know the answers or reasons on this side of the veil, but I have no doubt that when we get to the other side, and can see the whole picture, we will see how our trials have blessed us in a beautiful and meaningful way.

Just my thoughts this morning . . .

I am dreading the injection in my knee tomorrow. I know I will get through it, but I am such a wimp when it comes to pain and I have little faith in the Doctor who is going to do it to me. I will be heavily relying on the Saviour to carry me through the experience for sure!

I'm having my Pampered Chef Party tomorrow night and I think it is going to be a bust. Most of the people I have invited are not available to come, and I think there will only be a handful there. I don't like to bring the consultant out with so few in attendance, but I guess it can't be helped. She must be used to it I am sure.

I did another little painting yesterday. I really love how it turned out. This is one of my newest rubber stamp designs that I have now painted and brought to life. She was cute in black and white, but I adore her in colour. I am a bit biased I know! I love the sentiments that I have included in the painting. One of my favourite sayings! It is available as a print through my Etsy Shop or via myself. Just contact me if you are interested!

I wondered too, if you could spare a few more prayers for Lura and the newest challenge she is facing. You can read all about it here. There is a chance that she may now have cancer on top of everything else she has already gone through. My heart aches for the worry and concern she is now experiencing. I wish so much that I could bear some of this burden for her. Please, please could you uphold her in your prayers and thoughts. I would be so very grateful for your care and I know she will be as well. I am praying that it is not what they suspect and that if it is the worst scenario, that it has been caught in good time so that it can be completely eradicated. I am also praying that she has the strength and courage to deal with this newest challenge she is facing.

Are you prepared for some cuteness?? This is my newest Mitzie photo! I popped a ribbon over her ear the other day and quickly snapped a shot. I had to be really quick too as she was not long in getting rid of it! Oh, I do love her so very much.

I love summer and summer food. Here is a recipe for some cute and tasty little pies that are so easy to make and oh so scrummy to eat! Todd loves these. His favourite are apple ones, but I love the cherry ones!

*Crumble Topped Little Pies*
Serves 16
Printable Recipe

Tasty little muffin sized pies, with a fruit filling and a nut streusel topping. Nothing could be easier!

For the streusel:
3/4 cup of plain flour
1/2 cup of soft light brown sugar, packed
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup of chopped toasted nuts (optional)

1 can of refrigerated layered biscuits
(Or one recipe of your own buttermilk biscuits, making 12 servings)
1 can (21 ounce) of fruit pie filling, (Apple, cherry, blueberry)
1 to 1 1/2 cups of whipping cream
Cinnamon sugar to sprinkle

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.

Mix the flour, brown sugar and cinnamon together in a medium bowl. Using a pastry blender or fork, cut in the butter until mixture looks like coarse crumbs. Stir in nuts, if using.

Separate the biscut dough into 8 biscuits. Split each biscuit in half to make 16 rounds. With floured fingers, flatten each to form 4-inch round. Press each round into ungreased 2 3/4x1 1/4-inch muffin cups. Spoon 2 tablespoons of fruit pie filling into each biscuit-lined cup. Sprinkle each with about 2 TBS of the streusel mixture. The cups will be full.

Bake the pies for 15 to 22 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in the pans for 5 minutes, before carefully removing and placing on a rack to cool. Cool 10 minutes.

Whip the cream until stiff and then place a dollop on top of each pie. Sprinkle with some cinnamon sugar. Store in the refrigerator

Over in The English Kitchen today I'm serving up a deliciously healthy Grilled Chicken and Wheatberry Salad!


  1. Morning Marie, do hope this "goes" this morning. It is so annoying when you comment and then it just dissapears..anyway I will be hoping that your knee injection goes ok. Mary has had them quite often in her knee and say's to tell you it is not to bad...Shame that you havn't got many to come to the "party" but I am sure the demonstrator won't mind at all.
    I am holding our dear Lura in my heart and prayers. God Bles her.
    LOve to you Todd and Mitzie,
    Sybil xx

  2. Hello Dear Marie,
    Thank you for your kind words of concern for me. I love you dearly and I know that you would love to be here with me. I would love to have you here. I think one of the hardest part of knowing I have to have surgery is waiting for it and waiting to see if it is cancer. I am trying to optimistic but I know that they wouldn't put my broken up body through surgery right now unless they think it might be serious. It is a bit scary even though I have faith that I am in God's hands and no matter what.... all is well.

    I hope your injections and your party go well.
    Much love, Lura

  3. Hi, dear Marie! Is today Wednesday or Thursday... I thinking I'm losing it--LOL! Hoping all goes well for you tomorrow with the injection--may it go quick, and fast. And hope all goes well for your party. I'm sure it will be fun, no matter how many are there. :o) Those little pies look so good. I dare not make though--my waistline can't handle it... haha...VERY cute Mitzie moment! Summer is here...Wishing you all the bliss for the sweetest summer, my friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Thank you for a post I neede to read today. Good luck with your knee! Mitzi is just so adorable!

  5. I agree with you, it is not always easy to be thankful in everything. I do try to do just that every day. I used to have parties years ago like yours but when no one comes it seemed to me time to stop and that's what I did. I will be praying for your friend. She is having some trials for sure. Her faith will carry her through it all. Hopefully your next injection will give you some relief and last longer than the first. Your Mitzie is adorable and I'm sure she brings you lots of JOY. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. Dear Marie,Your post is just what I needed so up lifting as always.I do hope all goes with the injection's. So glad that Mitzie brings you joy she is adorable.And the new painting wow,if I were rich I would by most of them. I've put Lura's name in at the temple,wish I could do more. You Todd and Mizie are in my prayers .xxoo

  7. oh marie i'm so sorry to hear of lura's troubles,, so sad,, she will be in my prayers,,you are such a good friend,, these little pies made my mouth water,, yum,, I love the new photoof mitzie ,, I'm so jealous!Youir new di=esighns are so sweet,, you have the best imagination,, just baeutfiul,, where do they all come from,

  8. i hope the injection isn't too bad marie. i hate that kind of stuff. needles are yuck. and hopefully your party isn't a total bust, a few people are better than none! i've been to a pampered chef party with 3 people there before and it still was fun! and items were purchased that made it worth it for the consultant. good luck! :)

    lots of prayers for lura..i can't believe there is a new worry in her life, like she doesn't have enough to bring her down already! :( so sad. i wish i could do more for her than pray! but thats all i can do right now. i think things will be okay though, i really do. she was spared for a reason-she is needed here!!!

  9. Right now m sending lot of prayers for Lura! well we have to pray more! I stopping by in her blog and I think like you.
    This Mitzie pic look delicious! she is a sweetie girl! Love yah my dear, huggs, gloria


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