
Thursday 23 June 2011

Not a lot!

It was only a cup of water with a gentle grace bestowed,
But it cheered the lonely traveller upon life's dusty road.
None noticed the cup of water as a beautiful act of love,
Save the angels keeping records, away in the land above.
The trifles in secret given, the prayer in the quiet night,
And the little unnoticed nothings are great in our Saviour's sight!

I just love this little verse. I try to do what I can for those around me at all times, not because I think they will do something in return for me, but because I just cannot see someone in need and not do something to help out. That is why those commercials on the television of starving and deprived children and animals break my heart. I wish that I had the means to help all of them, but I do not, and it makes me sad sometimes that I can't . . . but I do what I can and that's what's really important.

It is another gloomy day out there today. Another day of not being able to hang out the wash . . . we are getting our April showers in June!! I don't mind, just so long as we don't get January in July!!

I was able to paint two more Christmas Cards yesterday for my 2011 collection. If you are on Facebook, you will have already seen them, but if you are not, here they are for your perusal!

The World in solemn stillness lay . . . Imogene and Puff are making snow angels! I used to do this when I was a child. In fact I think it was sometime before I got pregnant for my youngest son, so some 23 or so years ago now that we were having a huge snow storm and I took myself off outside for some fresh air and I remember making snow angels on our front lawn, out there all by myself. It was a nice feeling. Sometimes you just have to get away don't you . . . and making snow angels was the perfect escape!

And then here is Puff in his Christmas Finery! I do have a thing for orange cats, or ginger cats, whatever you want to call them. We had one called Dandy (short for Dandy-lion) when I first moved over here. He was so sweet. My mother has one now, called Ginger. He is getting quite old now and has bad arthritis. He is my mother's best friend and companion. Animals become just that don't they? I don't know what we would do without our pets. They add such a beautiful dimension to our lives.

I am off to tidy up the house now, as I won't be doing much after my injection this afternoon and I want the house to look nice for my guests tonight. I do so love to have company! We'll be making a tasty Kalamata Olive Dip and some Strawberry Amaretto Puffs!

Even though we have been getting lots of rain, I have been making more salads these days. It's just the salad time of the year! Our lettuce is ready in the garden as are the spring onions. This layered salad is one of our favourites, although in all honesty when I make it here at home I scale it right back as there are only the two of us! I sometimes add a layer of cooked macaroni, some sliced boiled egg, and a layer of cooked ham or turkey, which turns it into a heartier main dish salad! If you don't fancy red onions, you can use chopped spring onions!

*Layered Salad*
Serves 12 (1 cup) servings
Printable Recipe

This is the perfect salad to take to pot lucks or barbeques. It's pretty to look at and everyone always loves it! It does need to be made at least five hours in advance so plan ahead!

4 cups torn romaine lettuce
1 1/2 cups grated mild cheddar cheese
2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
1 small red onion, peeled, sliced thinly and separated into rings
2 tomatoes, chopped
1(10 oz.) package of frozen peas, thawed
1/2 cup good quality mayonnaise (I like Hellman's)
1/2 cup dairy Sour Cream
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
4 slices streaky bacon, cooked until crisp and then crumbled

Layer the lettuce, 1 cup of the cheese, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and peas in a large see through bowl. (I use my Pampered Chef Trifle bowl.)

Mix together the mayo, sour cream and basil. Spread this mixture over top of the salad, completely covering it.

Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bacon. Refrigerate for at least five hours or overnight.

In The English Kitchen today, Creamy Dilled Potato Salad.


  1. Morning Marie,
    Thankfully it is a nice morning here ..send the washing down and it can be hung out in the garden !!! Nothing like washing hung out to dry...
    Loved your new cards...ment to saythat yesterday love the smile on her face yesterday !! Will be sending some money soon for an order...Good luck with the injection and tonight,
    Love Sybil xx

  2. Hi, Marie! LOVE, love, love all your Christmas illustrations... too cute! It wouldn't be Christmas without a cat. ;o) Hope all has gone well with your injection to, and that you can take it easy a bit the rest of the day. Very pretty layered salad. It's pretty, sunny day here, but I think to make soup. I just love soup. But a cool salad to go with, is a good idea--thanks for the inspiration! :o) We go to our niece's birthday tomorrow evening. And this weekend we're going away to a lovely seaside place. But hope we can chat next week--dare I hope we can make a date?! Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. We continue to have lots of rain here. The only difference being that it is warmer now. It was the wettest spring I ever remember. Hope your day is a wonderful one and that the injection goes well for you.

  4. I feel for all the poor people as well, its heart breaking to see their crying faces.We have loved this salad too Marie, its the best.Thanks for visting Marie.I'm having issues with my blogger , I've lost my following list,, just part came back.

  5. I hope and pray that your injections work.

    How I would love to attend a pampered chef party. The little I have seen fascinate me. So enjoy yourself tonight.

    We are having a cold winter for here. I don't mind the cool nights because most days are sunny. Even on windy days I can generally find a warm spot.

  6. I just had to comment on your new cards...absolutely adorable. You have such talent. I also love the verse you quote. It kills me too that I can't do more for those in need, but I too do what I can and then feel content that I've done my part. I've never understood people that don't give to charity. I think it's a privilege. Anyway, have a great day and hopefully you'll get some sun soon! lots of love...Jan

  7. Your post reminded me of Hym#219 Because I have been given much...
    Wish you could send some of the rain here.Yesterday it was 112.Never much of a garden here from the heat kills off everything.And salads are just the right thing moust of the time.That cremy dilled potato salad looks so yummy.Good luck at the Doctors.xxxoo

  8. First of all dear Marie; I hope your injections work. I worry about you and will send prayers.
    I love your pictures and think it is so awesome that you are marketing them.
    We are finally having sunshine but I am stuck home. I just had surgery on my ankle to remove a plate and screws due to an accident 22 years ago. One of the screws was coming out. I am sitting with my leg elevated and iced. It is feeling better today so I will try to walk a little more. This has given me more time to read my favorite blogs.
    Blessings and hugs to you!

  9. I just got up but I know that you have already had your injections and are in the middle of your party by now. I hope that the injections were not too painful and that they will help. Have fun with your friends.

    Thank you for your love and support. I am at Sils for a few days. It will help me pass the time waiting for the surgery.

    Hugs, Lura

  10. Imogene and Puff are so adorable, Marie. Well done! Hope you had fun with your company! xoxo

  11. The cards are adorable...and THANK you for this recipe! It's one of my all-time favorite salads, but I never knew how to go about searching for a recipe to make it myself! (heading off to pin this to my Pinterest wall now!)

  12. Hi Marie. I don't know you and I'm sure you don't know me! I was checking the words of "It was only a cup of water" when it came up on your website. Thanks for your help. Your cards and food look terrific. Hope you are keeping well. David


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