
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Wednesday meanderings . . .

How happy are you, right now, at this moment? Take a few minutes and stop whatever it is you are doing, and think about it. I bet you have to think really hard. Most of us know what makes the people in our lives that we really care about happy, but when it comes to discerning the things in life that make us happy . . . specific things in our lives that bring smiles to our faces and contentment to our hearts, we often have a problem voicing those out loud.

Is it because we feel selfish putting words to our own desires? As women, we so often put the needs of others in front of our own, and often this is quite rightly so. We are the nurturers . . . the mothers and wives . . . the daughters . . . the caring friends . . . I believe it is instilled in our very nature of being to be this way, and any woman who isn’t, well . . . she is somehow thought lesser of. I think that’s wrong. I think that, as women, we need to find the true sense of enjoyment in our lives, to become more aware of the things that makes us happy and to embrace them, and in doing so we will not only make ourselves happier, we will make those around us happier as well.

It could be something as simple as sitting in the garden and taking a few minutes to feel the sun on your face, or baking a particularly delicious batch of cookies for your children and feeling a sense of joy while you do it, rather than a sense of duty. We must learn to embrace the tender, small moments of our day that bring us contentment and peace. We must learn to see the trees in the forest individually, and call them by name. Take five minutes on a sunny warm day and sit outside our doorways sipping on a nice hot cuppa (hot chocolate in my case) and smell the warmth of a gentle spring breeze as it brushes past our face and listen to the birds singing.

I know we have chores to do, and work to complete . . . and we can’t spend the whole day dawdling and frittering our time away. I’m as busy as the next person . . . but we can find little pockets of joy in our busy days, if only we will look for them and recognize them when we find them . . . simple pleasures waiting to be enjoyed . . . small awareness’s of what makes us truly happy . . . those things uniquely our own, and only ours to savour, things often overlooked. Grab one or two today and claim them for yourself.

I'm sure it will be a better day if you do!

I think I am going to try to go into town this morning with Todd. I have a few things that I need and I can't get them by staying home. The sun is shining and it looks to be a gorgeous day. Too nice a day to waste!

Here's a delicious salad that is quick and easy to make and amazingly filling. It makes a quick lunch or a nice light supper. Perfect to make on warmer days when you have some chicken leftover from your Sunday lunch. I have even been known to pick up a rotisserie bird just to make this. It's really tasty! You can add some cheese if you are feeling really indulgent! (I'd use a good Feta or Parmesan.)We

*Roasted Chicken Salad*
Serves 4
Printable recipe

A delicious and hearty meal salad that can be put together really quickly!

5 TBS olive oil
1/4 cup of white balsamic vinegar
2 tsp of Mediterranean blend or spaghetti seasoning
1 tsp sugar
3 cups torn, day old garlic foccacia or Italian bread
2 cups shredded roast chicken
3/4 cup pitted ripe olives
3 hearts of romaine lettuce, washed, dried and coarsely chopped

Whisk together 4 TBS of the olive oil, the vinegar, seasoning and sugar. Set aside.

Heat the remaining TBS of oil in a large skillet. Add the bread and cook and stir for about 5 minutes until lightly toasted. Remove from the skillet and set aside.

Add the chicken and olives to the skillet along with the dressing. Cook and stir to heat through. Return the bread to the skillet and toss to coat.

Divide the lettuce amongst 4 plates. Top each with an equal portion of the chicken mixture. Serve immediately.

Baking over in The English Kitchen today a delicious Almond Gingerbread!


  1. I wonder if this will "go" today I had trouble sending a comment yesterday....also coudn't get into my own blog !!
    Anyway hope you do get into Chester shoudl be nice...what about the shopmobility shop Marie you can get a scooter there and woudl be so much easier for you to get around...honestly they are such a useful charity and some are being closed down so use whenever you can...
    lok forward to seeing what you are buying today !!
    Loev Sybil xx

  2. There is a lot of joy for me in doing just the simple everyday things here. Happiness is made up of so many different things. I hope your shopping trip is a good one and you can find what you are looking for.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. sounds yummy Marie, have a lovely trip to town.

  4. Marie I hope that you have a wonderful outing with your Todd. I agree that we all need to make the time to nurture ourselves too. It is not at all easy but so essential. Lately we have been blessed with some intense rainbows and I have to stop and bathe myself in the beauty and the promise.

  5. I hope you enjoy your time in town Marie and I also hope blogger will print this comment,thus so short, what a trial it has been today.Take Care God Bless Kathxx

  6. If people ask me if I'm happy....or what makes me happy, I just look at them rather blankly. I don't even know. Nobody asks me, so I never really give it much thought...

  7. I love the photos you chose for this Marie, so dreamy and pretty!

  8. this post is so true marie! i clean and cook and do laundry too much sometimes. i need to sit down and relax more often. this week i allowed myself a couple of things: i read a book(wow! that hasn't happened in awhile:) and then today i actually did something for me, i made a flower hair clip for each of the girls(thats about as crafty as i get:) i was proud of my little creations and it felt good to create something with my hands.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!