
Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, May 24th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

The sun is shining today. We have had a bit of rain, but not a lot and not enough to drench the ground. The days are getting longer. We are now going to bed in light and waking up in light. Mind you, we are early to bedders, and are in bed between 9 and 9:30 every night!

I am thinking...
I got to speak to my eldest grandson on the telephone yesterday afternoon. It was a delight. Todd and I both enjoyed it very much. He had his pre-school graduation the other day and was full of the excitement of that. We spoke about them coming over here next summer. My daughter-in-law's sister will be on Canada's Rowing Team for the Olympics and so they are planning on coming over here and spending some time with us. Todd and I will get to play Grandparents with the kiddies while my son and his wife go down to London for the games. It will be so nice for us. I have never ever gotten to spend any great length of time with my grandchildren so it will be a real treat for sure and the thought of it makes my heart sing.

I am thankful for...
There is always much to be thankful for. Even the worst of times contain small blessings and I think that most of us, in looking back, will find that the worst of times were actually the best of times, if that makes any sense. All things have a purpose and a meaning.

From the kitchen...
Not a lot! But I do have a fridge filled with little tubs of low fat Greek Yogurt! I'm trying to be good.

I am wearing...
A blue Nightie and my slippers. I usually don't get dressed until around 9 o'clock in the morning, a bit earlier if we have something to go to. I am always back in my jammies by early evening as well, unless people are coming over. I would live in them if I could, but alas . . . I can't!

I am creating...
I am getting a special project ready for our Relief Society extra meeting next week. I sure hope that the ladies enjoy what I have planned for them!

I am going...
Not a lot on this week. It's pretty boring really. We have an appointment with the Vet for Miztie tomorrow. She is on a diet and we have to take her in to be weighed. Other than that there are no other pressing matters. We have Stake Conference this weekend at church. The RS is providing food for the Priesthood in between their session on Saturday afternoon and the Family session on Saturday night, so I have a lot to do to get ready for that. We're just doing finger food.

I am reading...

The Work and the Glory, Pillar of Light, by Gerald N Lund

Still reading and enjoying:
PILLAR OF LIGHT begins the saga of the Benjamin Steed family, who, in the fall of 1826, move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. Almost immediately they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of controversy that swirls around him. Is he deluded farm boy or prophet of God? Does he commune with angels or consort with devils? The answers to those questions - intensely personal, bitterly divisive - will profoundly affect the lives of the Steeds and many others. From the frontiers of early America to the complexities of the last half of the twentieth century, THE WORK AND THE GLORY series chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of one family caught up in the events of the Restoration

There are nine books in the series and this is the third time I am reading them. I always really enjoy them. Gerald N Lund is a brilliant writer. If you are interested in history, and in particular the history of the LDS church, you would really enjoy these books. They are wonderfully written. I highly recommend!

But . . . I am ALSO reading:

A Course In Weight Loss, by Mirianne Williamson

It's early days yet, but I saw the book on Oprah's Favourite Things show. What can I say . . . I like Oprah and she has good taste in books.

Nobody can say it better than the author herself.

I am hoping...
That I can get all that I need to get done for Saturday without too much stressing and also that I can have everything ready for the Extra Meeting next week and that it goes well.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. The birds are chirping loudly in the back garden. The tip tapping of the computer keys, Mitzie gently snuffling here next to me on the sofa. Early morning traffic. I love the early morning. It is my favourite time of the day. It is when I am at my sharpest and do my best work and thinking. I am truly a morning person!!

Around the house...
Not a lot. There is a pile of ironing to do, of course, but there always is!!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A bit of work, a bit of play and everything in between! No meetings this week. Todd's got some blood tests this morning and I am going to have a cooked breakfast ready for him when he gets back. I am sure he will be starving! We may take a drive out somewhere one day if the weather is nice. I love days out like that, especially with Todd!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Elderflowers are in bloom just at the moment. This is the time to gather them in and make your cordials, jams and jellies. Elderflower fritters are also supposed to be good. You can infuse cream with them by warming some cream along with several blooms. Allow the cream to cool, then strain out the blooms. Chill and then whip the cream until light and fluffy. Fold in some cooked gooseberries or fresh berries for a real taste treat. We are quite fond of Elderflower Cordial ourselves. I just buy it bottled. There are some really good ones out there. It's lovely and refreshing chilled and and poured over ice on a warm summer's day!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up. ~Pearl Buck

It is a good thing to be able to enjoy one's own company I think.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

I'm getting a bit nostalgic in the kitchen this morning with this lovely salad/dessert which goes way back to the 1970's. I can remember eating this at baby and wedding showers, and even weddings! It was very popular at the time and is really quite delish!

*Watergate Salad*
Serves 8
Printable Recipe

I think most people have eaten this at one time or another. It's great for pot luck suppers and the holiday table. We always had it for dessert, not as a salad.

1 (1 pound 4 ounce) can of crushed pineapple,
in 100% pineapple juice, drained - reserve the juice
2 small packages of instant pistachio pudding mix
1 large (16 ounce) tub of Cool Whip, thawed
2 cups of miniature marshmallows
1 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts, optional

Drain the pineapple, reserving the juice. Stir together half of the pineapple juice with the pudding mix until well blended. Gently fold in the Cool Whip, and then carefully stir in the pineapple, marshmallows, and pecans. Add additional juice only if needed. You want this to be moist, but not runny. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour or preferably overnight.

There is even more nostalgia for you today over in The English Kitchen. Delicious Spam Fritters!


  1. Hello dear,
    I have been worthless most of the day. I've felt really tired and slept a lot of the day away... yesterday too. I am getting to be way too lazy I think when I even find computer time to take too much energy.
    Maybe I will perk up tomorrow. I am glad that you got to spend such a lovely day with your friends last Sat. It must have been exciting to find your stamps on sale.... however, I think they should have your name on them.

    If you think your week looks boring just think of mine and your will seem exciting in contrast. I hope that it is a great one for you. Hugs, Lura

  2. I'm quite looking forward to when Jesse retires and we can putter around together!

  3. I hope you can get out and enjoy the weather. Have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Oh this salad does bring back memories,, it wa sthe salad FayMcCleeland always brought to UCW meetings or womens Institute meetings,, we love this salad,, this is a truly Canadian salad,, I think,, have a super day Marie,

  5. I've never had the Salad it looks ymmy,and I must make some.Thanks for recipe.I hope you and Todd have wonederfull outing.(HUGS)xx

  6. How lovely you will be able to have your Grandchildren around Marie.Nothing nicer.I am so happy for you.I hope you manage a day with Todd,it's lovely to be able to get out together and forget about other things at home for a change.I hope Todd's blood tests prove good and like you I would live in my nightware too if it were possible.(COMFORT BE MINE) LOL!!!Have a lovely evening and demolish that ironing and then it is done with.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  7. The book one weight loss looks good. Your blog is making me hungry! Everything looks good, that is my problem on days like today. Problem is I had one of those days yesterday too! Yikes! Love, B


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