
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Wednesday prattle . . .

If you have a garden
there is always work to do,
Beds to hoe and grass to mow
and things to plan anew,
Shrubs and bushes to be pruned,
dead wood to cut away,
Fresh young shoots to tie and train
and apple trees to spray.

Plots to dig
and leaves to sweep
and compost heap to make,
Tubs and benches to be painted,
leaning trees to stake.
Edges of the lawn to trim,
a broken fence to mend,
The shed to put in order and
the rockery to tend.

Ragged heges to be clipped.
The kitchen path
to weed,
Pots and boxes to be sorted,
read for the seed.
Borders to be planted out
with next year's show in view,
In a garden you can always
find a job to do!
~Patience Strong

We had a fairly mild day here yesterday, so we spent some time in the garden doing some digging and odds and sodds . . . I say "we" rather loosely, coz it was Todd did all the work . . . I just supervised!

We dug out some more of the vegetable patch, getting things ready for planting and put some of our potatoes out to "chit". Todd says that means letting them sprout and stuff. He has them on the window sill. My regular potatoes seem to just "chit" in the cupboard, without even trying!

I am really excited about the garden this year. We arrived here a bit late in the year last year to really do much with it. I have purchased all sorts of seeds . . . beetroot, chantanay carrots, little gems . . . courgettes, beans, peas . . . butternut squash, jerusalem artichokes . . . and then of course we have the potatoes . . . no less than three varieties (pink fir, an early variety and a late). My job will be planning on where to put everything and then . . . supervising of course! The missionaries are going to come one day and help Todd square everything off and I'll feed them lunch! There's something really spiritual about planning and planting a garden I think . . . I love the smell of the damp earth and all that fresh air!

Mitzie was all agog to get into the garden and run about, but it was far too wet and we didn't want too muddy a doggie so she stayed on the other side of the fence with me and supervised. She is so sweet. I think we really lucked in with her. I just adore her. She quite happily goes into her bed when we are both going out, either to church, or shopping, or even to bed! Oddly though when only one of is away . . . she frets a bit until we are both back together. She doesn't cry or anything, but spends most of the time sitting or laying near the door with her eyes planted on it. She is such a little dear . . .

I baked a marble cake yesterday afternoon, from a cake mix . . . sometimes you just get a craving for a good old fashioned cake mix cake! Then we had leftover meatloaf for supper and a new macaroni dish that I was trying out. It turned out rather well. Todd seemed to happily eat both . . . but then afterwards he made a joke by saying . . . I know what you were thinking this afternoon . . . what shall I feed the old bugger for supper? I know . . . Pasta and Chocolate! (he hates both!) Then we both had a good laugh!

Nevermind, this isn't pasta, nor is it chocolate, but it is similar to something else Todd doesn't really like . . . pizza! It's totally delicious though and very easy to make and kids just love it! You can get the refrigerated biscuits over here at ASDA, but I do confess that I often just make up my own biscuit dough and use that instead. It works just as well, and is probably a lot better for you!!

*Tear and Share Pizza Ring*
Serves 20
Printable Recipe

A pull apart snack ring filled with cheese and pepperoni, served along side pizza sauce for dipping! Makes a brilliant appetizer or snack for the kids on sleepover nights!

6-8 TBS butter, melted
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 cans of refrigerated flaky biscuits, each containing 10
about 3 ounces of small slices of pepperoni
(40 slices)
8 ounces of mozzarella cheese, cut into 20 pieces
1/4 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
1 1/4 cups of Pizza sauce, heated

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Grease a 12 cup fluted tube pan really well. Set aside.

Mix the melted butter, Italian seasoning and garlic powder together in a small bowl. Separate one can of the dough into 10 biscuits, rolling or pressing each one into a 3 inch round. Place 2 slices of pepperoni in the centre of each. Top with a piece of mozzarella cheese. Bring the dough up around the filling, pressing the edges and shaping to seal. Shape each into a ball and then roll in the butter mixture. Place 10 balls in the prepared pan. Sprinkle with the grated Parmesan cheese. Repeat with the remaining can of biscuits, placing the balls over top of the first layer. Pour the remaining butter mixture over top.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until golden brown. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before gently loosening the bread from the sides of the pan. Carefully turn out onto a large heatproof plate. Serve warm with pizza sauce for dipping. Delicious!

Over in The English Kitchen today, delicious Pear and Hazelnut Frangipane Cakelettes!

Have a scrummy day!


  1. Morning Marie! Just love the sound of these pizza things... Kids are going to love 'em! Well, when I say kids...I know they're a bit old to be calling them kids, but all the same they will love them. Can you send me a picture of biscuits you mean... no idea what they can be... thanks - love to the Toddster and Mitzy x

  2. How wonderful it must be to be able to work outside in the garden. Here it is frozen and snow covered once more. No one plants much of anything before Memorial day in May here as it then that we have no more heavy frosts. I do hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!

  3. Hi, Marie! Todd doesn't like pizza either??!! Mind boggling... LOL! This cheesy ring looks so good. Almost a bit like stomboli! Your gardening sounds sooo good! Wishing you great luck with growing everything! It's so exciting to grown & eats one's own. We've had variable success with our little veggie patch the past couple years. Not sure how much we'll plant this year. But it's nice to dream about it all--especially mid-winter! No signs of spring here yet. Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))


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