
Thursday 24 February 2011

Thursday thoughts . . .

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle . . . or to be the mirror that reflects it."
~Edith Wharton

I came across this quote the other day and it made me pause for thought. I found it perceptive and very encouraging . . . we may not all find it within ourselves to have the courage or the strength to be a light or source of wisdom or enlightenment, but we can certainly, each of us, be a mirror to those qualities, reflecting and spreading the light wherever we go!

I did another little painting yesterday afternoon. I really liked the way she turned out.

She's all packed up and ready to go on a journey of some sort. I love her hat and dress and of course her luggage. Trips can be so very exciting can't they! Life is a journey. Sometimes we may think that we just can't go any further . . . that we have been given too much to bear . . . but I promise you, if you will only keep moving forward, just one step at a time . . . you will get there in the end, and you'll be able to look back and to see that it was all worth while!

Picture this in your minds . . . a small bird perched on a very slender branch, overhanging a roaring waterfall . . .

The bird has no cause to be afraid, because it has put perfect trust in the fact that it's been blessed with wings and can fly on out of there any time it wants to.

We, too . . . can have this perfect peace . . . if we will put our trust in the one Lord who protects, guides, leads and loves us with a perfect love, both enduring and unfailing. No matter how scary things might seem to us at the moment, or how uncertain . . . no matter how strong the storms seem that rage around us. We can have that perfect . . . stabilizing . . . inner peace. If we have worries we can share them with Him, and we will know we are not alone.

"On Christ, the solid rock I stand, all other ground is shifting sand." ~unknown

Just my mix of thoughts on this February morning as the earth comes awake and the birds begin to sing . . .

I was supposed to go to a Pot Luck luncheon yesterday, but I ended up without a drive there so Todd and I had the casserole I had made instead. It was rather a lot and we'll have the leftovers today. Very tasty though! Pineapple, beans and bacon are such a tasty combination, don't you think???

(Picture from Taste of Home)

*Baked Beans with Pineapple*
Serves 10 to 12
Printable Recipe

Sweet and sour and delicious!

6 slices of bacon, cut into bits (I use my kitchen scissors)
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
2 (14 ounce) tins of baked beans
1 (8 ounce) tin of crushed pineapple, drained
1/4 cup of tomato ketchup
1/4 cup of dark soft brown sugar
splash of Worcestershire Sauce
freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. You will need a medium sized casserole with a lid.

Heat a large non stick skillet. Add the bacon bits and cook stirring until they begin to brown. Toss in the onion and cook, stirring occasionally until the onion softens. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil, stirring. Pour this mixture into the casserole dish and cover with the lid.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until all the flavours have well amalgamated and the sauce has thickened somewhat. Serve hot with some homemade biscuits or crusty bread for mopping up all those delicious juices!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Beef Bourgignon!

PSSSTT!! My friend Tatiana is having a lovely little giveaway on her blog, That's the Way It Crumbles Cookiewise. Hop on over and have a look. She is soooo talented!


  1. What a sweet start to the day here, Marie... And your new illustration is so lovely--what a cutie-pie she is! LOVE the ideas of pineapple in baked beans... must try! From tomorrow I'm taking a bit of a digital sabbatical... but I'll be around. ;o) Happy Weekend ahead, dear friend! Hope we get to chat soon... LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. You never cease to uplift and bless my day each time I drop by.
    You always seem to spread that special 'light' with what ever you write and share. I hope your challenges are becoming fewer and your joys greater.
    Darling new little one you created! It is so true this life is a journey and sometimes curve balls (trials) come. Thanks goodness we are never alone and have the Lord to help us bear them.
    You are a beautiful woman dear Marie!
    We love Hawaiian Baked Beans! These are the only kind of baked beans I have made for almost 40 years for potlucks. I want to make the pizza rng for my grandchildren. Thanks for sharing your heart, thoughts and treats one again. ~♥

  3. Love that quote. Really gives me something to think about. And your new painting is adorable. And I just printed out your casserole recipe. I've never heard of that combo before, but it does sound delicious.

  4. I'm still trying to keep the flame aglow here but with another winter storm coming in with more snow to shovel, my glow isn't quite as bright as it should be. Life is a journey and this part of it will soon roll on by and Spring will come. I love the bean w/pineapple recipe and will have to give it a try. Interesting combination. Hope your Thursday has been a great one!

  5. I have never thought of beans and pineapple, but I will definately give it a try, sounds delish:)

    I love your quote too, something to meditate upon.



  6. Sorry you didn't get to the pot luck lunch..But the recipe sounds excellent to me. Net Todd loved it. It's one I have kept as I am sure Mary would love it...Might even make it today ..
    we all had a good time at Bournemouth and arrived home safely wed. afternoon. Just catching up on everyone now !!
    LOve Sybil xx

  7. beautiful picture! i love how her little bags are all packed and ready to go! so cute. your art is awesome!!!


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