
Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Twilight of the year . . .

How beautiful are the grey-blue twilights of October. I sit at the window looking out at the first stars that appear . . . pricking through the dusk, but all too soon darkness falls . . . a golden crescent moon hangs in the sky . . .

It is time to lower the blinds and draw in the curtains . . . time to light the lamps.

Oh, it is lovely in the evening . . . the time when one can rediscover the joys and comforts of home, softly lit rooms . . . the hearth all cosy and warm . . .

The wood snaps and crackles and the air is filled with that familiar scent . . . it is the smell of autumn . . .

One can sit and watch the flames for hours . . . a blanket covering the knees tucked up underneath you, a good book for reading on your lap . . . a soft light over head.

The flames flicker and cast their magic spell about the room . . . they sing a song . . . home . . . home . . . sweet, sweet home . . . a place to perfectly catch the mood of the season . . .

Such is the tranquility of spirit that comes only at this time of year . . . at the twilight of the year . . .

Have you ever felt that you were standing upon the precipace of something big?? I feel like that right now and it is altogether exciting and a little bit frightening as well. Only time will tell . . . but . . . wish me luck and say a little prayer or two . . . hopefully all will be revealed soon . . . soon . . .

Off to puppy school today. Mitzie is coming along ever so well. She is friendly to everyone she meets, and quite affectionate. She's laying next to me right now and it is such a lovely feeling. I was missing that . . .

Here’s a little delicacy I picked up through the years. My mom would make this sometimes when we were kids and it was always a real treat. Of course her's only had salt and pepper for seasoning. She discovered this recipe way back when we were living in Germany in the 1950’s. She always did it with veal which was not something she could often get. I like to make it with turkey or chicken breasts, or even pork fillets pounded flat. It’s always delicious.

*Wiener Schnitzel*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Traditionally made with veal steaks I more often than not make this with turkey or pork. It’s easy to do and always delicious! Serve with some lemon wedges for squirting over the finished dish!

1 pound of turkey cutlets, or pork fillet
(cut into 2 inch thick pieces)
(if you can get it veal cutlets are very good)
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
1 tsp sweet paprika
Garlic granules
Salt and pepper to taste
1 TBS parsley flakes
2 tsp lemon juice
1 large egg
Oil for cooking

Pound the meat until it is about ¼ inch thick. Season each piece lightly with salt, pepper and garlic granules and set aside.

Beat the egg together with the lemon juice in a shallow dish. Put the bread crumbs along with the paprika and parsley flakes into another shallow dish. I like them up on the counter in a row….first the plate of meat, then the dish with the egg and finally the breadcrumbs.

Into a large skillet pour oil, approximately ¼ inch deep and heat until the oil bubbles when you drop in a few bread crumbs.

Dip your meat, one piece at a time, into the egg and then into the bread crumbs, coatingwell. Fry in the hot oil until golden brown on each side. Place on a paper towel lined baking tray and keep warm in the oven until you are finished cooking them all.

Serve hot with lemon wedges. Delicious!

In The English Kitchen today, some scrummy Buttermilk Scone Muffins!


  1. Good to see that Mitzie is going to "school" today. bet you will both love it ... I took my wee Dee and he was ...terrified....but then he always has been a daft wee dog...although in his old age he is getting better !! he is only coming up to 9 now !!!!!
    I am so curious to see what exciting thing is happenung in your life .... keeping us in suspenders again LOL

  2. VERY excited about this "feeling" you have... do hope it will bring something wonderful for you, Marie! So glad all goes well with Mitzie and that the puppy school helps. Hope you are feeling better these days. Oddly enough, your photos are showing in this post--at least on my end they're not... funny that... Hope they come back--haha! Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. How lovely it must be to have a fire to watch. The only flames here come from flickering candles. I enjoy them but a fireplace would be better. I miss having a dog or a cat to snuggle with in the evenings. I had at least 2 or 3 or more for years but now due to age they are gone. Your Mitzie is a blessing. Thanks for the recipe for the Wiener Snitzel today. When we did our little mini October fest I was asked about that and said I'd make it next year. Veal is very expensive here so it's good to know you can make it with pork too.

  4. Marie you always have such lovely pictures on your posts. I know that some of them you take but others you find on the internet. Do you have a favorite site where you find these? blessings, marlene

  5. Your posts are always so warm and cozy. They warm me just like a cup of hot chocolate and a nice fire.

  6. we are finally having autumn-like weather here. okay, so only in the mornings and evenings, but still, i'm happy. even if it will hit 85 degrees this afternoon...

    and i have to add that mitzie looks like the softest puppy ever!


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