
Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, October 5th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and quite, quite chilly. It's dry though and that is good!

I am thinking...
To err may be human, but to admit it isn't. (Taken from Apples of Gold) I wonder why we have such a hard time admitting when we are wrong? I think it is a pride thing. That's probably why the Bible warns us that pride goeth before the fall.

I am thankful for...
Having finally gotten online this morning. Our internet connection has been really acting up lately. Most annoying! Then when you try to get through to AOL, you get the inevitable recording . . . "We are experiencing a higher than normal volume of calls." and the canned music starts . . . except with them you don't get whole songs . . . you get several lines of a variety of the most annoying music on the planet!

From the kitchen...
There is pumpkin cake leftover from Thanksgiving, some rolls I made, and a box of mince pies. I know . . . it is early for Christmas food, and every year I say I am not going to cave in and buy any until closer to Christmas and . . . every year I fail! They're just so durned good!

I am wearing...
Pink, pink, pink !!! Jim jams.

I am creating...

Another new Card! This one is Christmas as well. I just love how she turned out. You can see her in full over HERE.

I am going...
I have to pop into town this morning to pay a bill and then I have meetings for the Primary Presidency tomorrow night. Other than that I don't have a lot planned. I have been given some anti-biotics now for my ear infection, so hopefully that will be cleared up soon and I'll be feeling more like my old self soon!!

I am reading...

Snow White and Rose Red, by Patricia C Wrede

Once upon a time . . . there was a poor widow with two daughters, beautiful as roses . . . Blanche and Rosamund: Snow White and Rose Red. Once upon a time . . . the Queen of Faerie had two changeling sons; one was content in his mother's Court, the other yearned to wander through the human lands. Once upon a time . . . two human sorcerers, in an unwitting alliance with a spiteful spirit, forged an enchantment which trapped a changeling prince, and drew Snow White and Rose Red to befriend him, whatever the cost.

You just know a story that begins with "Once upon a time," is a story worth reading. Written in 1989 I have long had this on my bookshelf and have read it a few times. I just love it. It's a fairy tale retold in a style that makes it interesting for grownups to read.

I am hoping...
That these anti-biotics kick in soon and my ear starts to improve. It's not fun being half deaf . . . not for me, nor for the people around me!!

I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . Mitzie snoring . . . that is a beautiful sound. I just love her so very much!

Around the house...
Lots of little chores to take care of. I've not been doing much since I came down with this nasty bug. I need to kick my arse and get with the program!

One of my favorite things...
is taking these pictures and stories I have playing about in my mind and putting them to paper and bringing them to life . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot. I have a lot of work to get done for Primary, so will be pre-occupied with that for most of the week.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Can you remember what it was like as a child to get on a swing, pump your legs and soar through the sky like a bird? I can. What an amazing feeling it is. It is probably the closest that one can get to feeling like a bird. I think I'm going to find myself a swing today and let my spirit soar!☺

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

If we pause to think, we will have cause to thank.
~Apples of Gold

Take time each day to count your blessings. We may be surprised at just how many there are . . .

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

My Todd loves pork chops. We don’t have them all that often though. Maybe once or twice a month at the most. It’s really hard to cook pork chops so that they aren’t dry and flavourless. I believe I have found a way to solve that problem . . . well, I actually have several ways, (you knew I would) and this is one of them . . .

*Courgette Stuffed Pork Chops with Mustard Sauce*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Juicy and moist loin chops stuffed with a delicious mixture of courgettes (zucchini) and cheese makes these a real taste treat. You don’t have to make the mustard sauce but it really does make the dish. Try experimenting with other types of mustard if you like. A nice grainy mustard works very well and is also quite appealing to the eye!

4 or 5 medium courgettes, grated
1 TBS salt, plus salt to taste
4 TBS olive oil
2 large cloves garlic, peeled and minced
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
Four ¾ inch thick pork loin chops (I useboneless loin steaks)
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 shallot, peeled and finely chopped (or a small onion if you prefer)
1/3 cup dry white wine (I use apple juice as we are not wine drinkers
and don't always have it in the house!)
½ cup heavy cream
1 TBS Dijon mustard

Combine the courgettes and 1 TBS salt in a colander and let sit and drain for 30 minutes. At the end of that time use your hands to squeeze as much liquid from the courgettes as possible. Heat a heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add 3 TBS of the oil and heat. Sauté the courgettes in the hot oil for around 8 minutes, then add the garlic and sauté for another two minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the parmesan cheese. Set aside to cool for a few minutes, about five, while you prepare the chops.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut a deep pocket into the side of each pork chop, being careful not to cut all the way through to the other side and keeping it as even as you can. It’s easier to do this if they are still a little bit on the frozen side. Fill each chop with one fourth of the courgette mixture and dust each chop with some salt and pepper. Heat the remaining 1 TBS oil in a large heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add the chops and brown them for seven to eight minutes on each side, or until firm to the touch. Transfer to an oven dish and keep warm in a low oven while you make the sauce.

Sauté the shallots in the pan drippings for about 4 minutes until soft and lightly browned. Add the wine (or juice) and stir as it bubbles up, scraping up any brown bits and juices from the bottom of the pan. Whisk in the cream, mustard and any juices that have accumulated in the oven dish you have the pork in. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

To serve spoon a bit of the sauce on each of four heated plates and lay a pork chop on top of each. Delicious!

In The English Kitchen today, a delicious Tomato, Leek and Dill Soup!


  1. Hi, Marie! Just love your Day book entries... And LOVE you very latest illustration! I said that yesterday too, didn't I? But it's true... I love them all! Funnily enough, lately I've been thinking about those little joys of childhood--sailing high on the swings, running barefoot, skipping... I think as adults we could do with some more of that kind of play! ;o) Hope you are feeling better... Thinking of you--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. Thanks for your sweet visit to my kitchen -- I love all your adorable creations of little girls -- I have four grandgirls. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  3. Lovey illustration dear Marie!
    Im sorry you feel bad I hope you will be fine soon! Here hubby was sick with the pressure blood (high)
    he takes some medicines too.
    I hope you have a lovely week with Todd and Daisie!! gloria


  4. My internet is slow this morning too. It's not aol, but it's slow. I'm glad you got something to take for that bug and hope you'll be good as new soon.

  5. I think we are so lothe to admit we're wrong because it involves having to forgive ourselves and THAT is something we do not shine at.

    I promised myself to leave the mince pies alone but - heck, if Aldi MUST get their Christmas stuff in so early, somebody just has to check they're nice enough don't they?

    Re: "Around the House" - now this I MUST see, you kicking your own arse!!! I mean, opposable thumbs is one thing........

    Glad you've got some antibiotics for your ear. Be sure you takt the full course and you'll soon be right as ninepence.

    'Scuse me, an Aldi mince pie is calling my name! Love you very much!

  6. Marie, as usual you always give me something to think about. I love your Woman's Day Book entries. I think I will try it sometime. Right now I have six of my grandchildren here for a visit and I have been watching them out on the swing.
    Blessings and hugs to you! LeAnn


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