
Monday 16 August 2010

To rise above the storm . . .

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

~Isaiah 40:31

I have always loved this scripture. It has long been one of my favourites. There have been many times in my life where I have been able to draw great comfort from these words . . . times when I have been facing real hardships . . . such as recently when I lost my job, our home and our Jess. They reminded me that, although life will bring us challenges from time to time . . . with Heavenly Father's help we can and will get through them.

Did you know that an eagle can sense when a storm is coming???? It can!! Rather than take shelter from the impending storm, the eagle will go to the highest point and then wait. With the coming of the storm, it will launch itself into the wind and then soar above the raging tempest below.

How very reassuring is the thought of an eagle flying high in the sky, meeting trouble head on and rising above it is . . . and, as this scripture teaches us . . . with God's help we will always be able to do the same.

Oh how I love the scriptures . . . there is everything I need to know to get by within their pages, just waiting for me to discover them.

Just my thoughts this morning . . .

How do you completely tire a puppy out? You give them a garden, an empty plastic water bottle and a little boy to play with.

Works like a charm!!!

I got some lovely plums at the grocery store at the weekend. We ate our fill of them and then I needed to use up the rest rather quickly before they went off! These lovely muffins were the perfect way to do just that!

*Pink Drizzle Plum Muffins*
Makes 12 medium muffins
Printable Recipe

Moist and studded with chunks of lovely plum and topped with the delicious crunch of macadamia nuts and a sweet drizzle of pink icing! Simple, easy to make and oh so yummy!

225g (1 1/2 cups plus 2 TBS) plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
75g caster sugar (1/3 cup)
1/2 tsp salt
1 large free range egg
200ml (3/4 cup) milk
30g (2 TBS) butter melted
180g of red or purple plums, stoned and diced (approximately 4)
the finely grated zest of one lemon
75g (1/2 cup) of chopped madacamia nuts

For the icing: (optional)
100g (1/3 cup) sifted icing sugar
a drop of red food colouring and water to thin

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/gas mark 4. Generously butter a 12 cup medium muffin tin, or line with paper cups. Set aside.

Whisk the flour, baking powder, sugar, lemon zest and salt together in a bowl. Melt the butter and whisk together with the egg and the milk. Add the liquid mixture to the dry all at once and mix together only until the dry ingredients are moistened. Fold in the chopped plums.

Divide the batter evenly amongst the prepared muffin cups. Scatter the chopped madadamia nuts over top of each. Bake for 17 to 20 minutes, until well risen and lightly browned on top. Remove from the oven and transfer each muffin to a wire rack to cool slightly before eating.

To make the optional drizzle icing whisk together the icing sugar, a drop of red colour and enough water only to make a drizzle icing until smooth. Drizzle over the warm muffins and serve.

And in The English Kitchen today, a tasty yogurt dessert made with Greek Yogurt, Apricot Preserves, Toasted Walnuts and Honey!


  1. I just found my way over to this blog of yours, what a lovely place! Your new puppy is heartbreakingly cute. I need to go hug my dog now : )

  2. Whose more worn out, Mitzie... or you & Todd? ;o) You all are probably! Looks like happy days with new puppy at home. LOVE plums... and these plum cakes are sooo, sooo pretty! Happy Day, dear Marie--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. Hi there...oh my goodness, you have a new member of the family! I love your new puppy! So cute! You guys must be having a great time with little Mitzie :D

  4. Marie, your puppy is darling! What a wonderful blessing!

  5. MItzie is adorable!!!!! huggsss I hope you and Todd enjoy a lot with her, how she sleep I remmeber when Muska had only two months cry at night and I have to go bed with her. je, huggs xoxoxo gloria

    Really love your recipe! xx


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