
Tuesday 17 August 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, August 17th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is still very early. You can really see the days drawing in now. It seems only yesteday I was waking up in full sunllight and going to bed in the same . . . now it is dark . . . Not sure what the day will bring, but hope that is is sunshine and warmth!

I am thinking...
We had the most lovely evening yesterday. I first met Carolyn via her foodblog, Tasting Spoons. It was our shared love of cooking and food that brought us together, and it was not long before we were e-mailing each other. Last night Todd and I got to meet Carolyn and her husband Dave in person as they have been over here visiting England over this past week. What a wonderful time we had together. We met at a restaurant very near to here called the Banastre Hotel and Spa and had a lovely dinner together. I don't think we shut up the whole time. Fabulous people! Afterwards they came back here to the house to meet Mitzie and have an after dinner drink. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings I have had in a long time and it went far too quickly! I have met some of the nicest people through this internet and through blogging. It has added a wonderful dimension to my life!

I am thankful for...
Special times spent with special people. These are the true treasures in my life.

From the kitchen...
Can you believe we ate that whole cake!! (the birthday cake) I need to make another cake. A house without cake is missing something! We are having the missionaries over for tea today so I will probably bake something this morning! You know how I love to feed them up!

I am wearing...
Pink pajamas with little black sheep all over the bottoms and across the front of the top. Baaa!!!

I am creating...
This week I AM going to sit down at my drawing table and get some artwork done! I got the outline finished for the Primary Presentation so that is now behind me and I can get on with some fun stuff!

I am going...
We don't have any plans this week to go anywhere special in particular. We probably won't know until Mitzie gets old enough that we can take her out for walks and such. On the cards this week is a trip to the vet to get some worm medicine and her first check up with us. Next week it will be shot time again. Once she has had all her shots then we can begin to take her out and about a bit more. Jess always hated going in the car right from when we first got her. We are determined that Mitzie will love going with us in the car!

I am reading...

The Rapture of Canaan, by Sheri Reynolds

At the Church of Fire and Brimstone and God's Almighty Baptizing Wind, Grandpa Herman makes the rules for everyone, and everyone obeys, or else. But even in this isolated community where it seems nearly everything is forbidden, temptation occasionally touches the congregation . . . and for Ninah, temptation comes in the form of her prayer partner, James. Ninah is determined not to sin with James---so determined that she's willing to fill her shoes with shells to keep her mind on Jesus' pain.

Nevertheless, she soon finds herself pregnant. She fears the wrath of Grandpa Herman, the church members, and God Himself. But the events that follow show Ninah that God's was are more mysterious than even Grandpa Herman can understand...

This is about the third time I have read this book. It is on my "best loved book" list and is a long time favourite. I highly recommend!

I am hoping...
That I will soon see the scales going down again. I have been stuck on this plateau for far too long now!

I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . Mitzie snuffling next to me here on the sofa. It is good to hear the sound of a canine companion again. The other night I was playing with her down on the carpet and my eyes just welled up in tears at the thought of how mistreated Jess had been at the same age . . . I wish it had never been so. I am glad that we found her and were able to make most of her life a happy one though, so that is good.

Around the house...
I have yet another basket full of ironing to do. I don't mind ironing actually. It is the mindless kind of chore that you can do with your hands, whilst your head takes you on an adventure somewhere else! There is the usual tidy up chores . . . not a lot really. We did finally get the guest bedroom totally sorted! That took us long enough! We've been here 4 1/2 months!

One of my favorite things...
I just love cooking for other people. No surprise there! It was the part of my job at the Big House that I loved the most, especially when there was a big dinner party to plan and cook for. I put a lot of my soul and heart into cooking . . . always have done. Last night I had the most wonderful chicken in a wild mushroom sauce. I am determined to replicate it!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really. I have church meetings tomorrow night and I am sure I will have a sharing time on Sunday next to plan for. Other than that I am just looking forward to seeing what sorts of blessings and adventures the next week has in store for us. That's one of the special things about life isn't it . . . the way it unfolds before us, this mysterious future of ours. I am glad that I am the sort of person that tastes every moment of it!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Can you bear another puppy pic? I hope so coz that's what you are getting! This was Mitzie snuggled up to my leg a few days ago, trying to tempt me into playing with her. Know what??? It worked! How ever could I resist!!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
~Albert Schweitzer

And there you have it . . . my day book for the first week in June. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

As you know, Todd and I went to Erddig House in Wales last week. We really enjoyed our visit and when we got home I made us a lovely pot of soup for our supper from out of a little recipe leaflet that I picked up there and some of these delicious cheese scones to go along with it. Oh my but it was a meal fit for a King!

*Cheese Scones*
Makes 8
Printable Recipe

Delicious scones flavoured with both parmesan and cheddar cheeses. A warm cheese scone and a delicious bowl of soup make a very tasty supper.

2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
generous pinch of ground red pepper (cayenne)
1 1/2 cups shredded strong cheddar cheese
3 TBS freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup unsalted butter, chilled
1/3 cup milk
2 large eggs

optional glaze:
1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tsp of water

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Butter a large baking sheet. Set aside.

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Whisk in the red pepper. Stir in the cheeses. Cut the butter into small bits and drop in. Cut in with two round bladed knives or a pastry blender, until the mixture forms coarse crumbs. Beat together the milk and the eggs. Add to the flour misture, stirring until combined. Mix to a soft dough.

Shape into an 8 inch circle on the prepared baking sheet. Cut into 8 wedges with a serrated knife. If desired brush with the glaze. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes, until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into one of the scones comes out clean. Serve warm with butter for spreading.

I cooked the most delicious soup to have with the scones. A very old recipe for a carrot soup which I picked up at Erddig last week. The BEST soup I have ever eaten, I kid you not! You can find it today over on The English Kitchen.


  1. Mitzie... MORE Mitzie! Bring her on, Marie... Not tried of doggie tales & pics, oh now--the more the merrier! :o) Such fun you were able to meet Carolyn & Dave. To meet for real is a special experience. Don't we know?! Hubby & I talk all the time about when we had that wonderful day with your & Todd--can that really be two years ago now?! Mustn't let a whole two more go, 'eh? ;o) Hope you have a great week ahead, my friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. I would never tire of seeing your puppy pictures. I am going to have to try out those cheese scones. It is a lovely cool morning here and for a change I could open a window and let some fresh air in. It has been so hot here that this is a refreshing change. I hope your Tuesday is a great one!

  3. Hi there...I love as many pictures as you will share of cute Mitzie..also, I love that quote! :D

  4. I'm so glad a new dog found you! How did your birthday go?

  5. It may take a while but I get around to catching up eventually! Just you keep that camera pointed at Mitzie. Does she curl up on your feet and go to sleep while you're standing at the kitchen sink? Easy to see she thinks of you and Todd as Mum and Dad now


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