
Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, August 31st, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is light outside and I think we are going to have a good day today weatherwise! It's about time! August has been a total washout!

I am thinking...
About the senseless killing of the Bishop of an LDS Ward in California on Sunday. You can read about it here. Only 42 years old and the father of six children, the youngest only 6 months old. It makes me very sad.

I am thankful for...
The beautifully sunny day we had yesterday for our picnic at the chapel and for the sunny day we are supposed to have today! That will making picking up our catalogues so much more pleasant!

From the kitchen...
There is still some Victoria Sponge and some Rhubarb Crumble. Todd must be slowing down!

I am wearing...
Pink and grey pajamas. The bottoms are grey with pink stars all over them and the top is pink with some grey trim. Comfy and warm for these cooler nights we are now having.

I am creating...
I still have a SALE going on in my Etsy shop. I have marked down all of my dolls and prints by more than 10%. I would like to make room for some new stuff. Lots of sketches done. I just need the time to paint now! I also need to re-organize my craft room. Todd moved the computer in there and it's a right tip!

I am going...
I don't have a lot of plans for the rest of this week, except for my Primary Presidency Meeting on Wednesday evening. Some weeks are like that, which is good . . . blessedly empty of activity and then again, other's are too busy! I like being busy, but I also like having nothing to do!

I am reading...

The Time Of My Life, by Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi

In a career spanning more than thirty years, Patrick Swayze has made a name for himself on the stage, the screen, and television. Known for his versatility, passion and fearlessness, he's become one of our most beloved actors.

But in February 2008, Patrick announced he had been diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. Always a fighter, he refused to let the disease bring him to his knees, and his bravery has inspired both his legion of fans and cancer patients everywhere. Yet this memoir, written with wisdom and heart, recounts much more than his bout with cancer. In vivid detail, Patrick describes his Texas upbringing, his personal struggles, his rise to fame with North and South, his commercial breakthroughs in Dirty Dancing and Ghost, and the soul mate who's stood by his side through it all: his wife, writer and director Lisa Niemi.

A behind-the-scenes look at a Hollywood life and a remarkable love, this memoir is both entertainment and inspiration. Patrick and Lisa's marriage is a journey of two lives intertwined and lived as one--throughout their years in Hollywood and at home on their working ranch outside Los Angeles, and culminating in the hope and wisdom they've imparted to all who know them. This book will open the door for families, individuals, and husbands and wives to grow, bond and discover entirely new levels of love and sharing, proving that life shouldn't be lived as a series of endings, but rather as the beginning of greater strength and love.

I am hoping...
Now that my youngest daughter is expecting a child of her own I am hoping that perhaps things can improve in our relationship. She has been somewhat estranged from me for a number of years now. I don't know what the problem is. It is like she has basically cut me out of her life, and if I didn't chase her up every now and then, there would be no communication at all. In fact, I only found out she was pregnant by reading something on facebook. After talking to my son the other day I discovered that everyone already knew that she was expecting, except for me. It was the same when she got engaged. I was the last to find out. My mother was told by her plumber . . . and I hadn't even been told yet, although I had long suspected. I love my daughter so very much and I wish I could heal this rift between us . . . but until I know what it is that I have done wrong there is not much I can do. In the meantime, I just keep communicating as always, like nothing is wrong and hoping that one day that will be true.

I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . Mitzie snuffling next to me here on the sofa. Classical FM is on the telly, playing softly in the background. Life is good

Around the house...
I now have two baskets of ironing to work my way through instead of one! It seems to be growing! I'm not sure what that is proof of . . . either I am getting lazy or I have way more clothes to wear than a person needs!

One of my favorite things...
is the autumn . . . I love, LOVE the cooler evenings and the crisp feeling in the air. You get sunny days that are very enjoyable and not hot and sticky. Just days that you can get out and about and enjoy what's left of the warmish weather. They are even more special because you know that soon it will be winter. I love the changing of the colours of the leaves and the special smell that autumn brings. It is my favourite season of all.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really!! Sometimes that's a good thing I am thinking!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Are you getting tired of puppy pictures yet??? Good! Coz I have lots of them! This is one of Mitzie lazing about on the sofa next to Todd. She was feeling very comfortable here! She is such a little charmer and we love her so very much. I think she's really smart. She is picking up on her training really quickly. The only thing she isn't taking to is walking on a lead. She seems to want to chew on it and hold it in her mouth. I'm not sure what to do to change that. We haven't taken her out on proper walks yet as until she has had her last shot she really shouldn't be out and about where she could run into other dogs, so we are basically just trying to lead train her in the back garden. I have her almost sitting still now for grooming. She is getting the feathers now on the backs of her legs and her belly. She can also be very stubborn we have discovered. We just have to show here that we are more stubborn!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

The cheerful heart has a continuous feast!

And there you have it . . . my day book for the first week in June. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

This is a dessert that I often made for dinner parties up at the Big House when I was working there. I miss doing the dinner parties. I always loved the challenge of orchestrating them . . . the picking of the menu, the shopping, the planning, the cooking and presentation . . . I am thinking of giving one on one cooking lessons here in my home. I'll need a larger stove first though, so they will have to wait a while . . .

*Little Lemon Souffle Cakes*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

Delightful little cakes guaranteed to turn even the simplest of occasions into a special affair. Deliciously tart and combined with a lovely sweet raspberry coulis. (see recipe below) Fabulous!
nonstick cooking spray
3 TBS butter, softened
1 cup white sugar
4 large free range eggs, separated
2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
2 TBS all purpose flouf
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup milk

To finish:
raspberry coulis (see below)
softly whipped cream
fresh mint sprigs

Preheat the oven to 160*C/325*. Lightly coat six (10 ounce) ramekins with some cooking spray and place in a large roasting tin with deep sides. Set aside.

Cream the butter with an electric mixer on high speed for about 30 seconds or so until fluffy. Add the sugar and beat well until combined. Beat in the egg yolks until the mixture is creamy. Gradually beat in the lemon zest, lemon juice, flour, salt and the milk. Beat for about 3 minutes on medium speed until well combined.

Clean the beaters well. Beat the egg whites with the clean beaters until stiff peaks form. Fold the yolk mixture carefully into the beaten egg whites. Divide the mixtue evenly amongst the prepared cups. (I like to use a small ladle to do this) Add hot water to the roasting pan to reach about halfway up the sides of the cups. Place the roasting pan on a baking tray for ease of getting it in and out of the oven. Bake for ten minutes, uncovered. Reduce the heat to 150*C/300*F and bake for 30 minutes longer, or until a knife inserted near the centre of each comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for several hours.

Place some raspberry coulis on the bottom of six chilled dessert plates. Carefully unmold each lemon cake onto the top of the coulis. Top each with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprig of mint to serve.

*Raspberry Coulis*

The fancy name for fruit puree or thick sauce, a coulis (meaning strained) is perfect served over ice cream or chocolate cake. You can use this recipe for other berries such as blackberries and strawberries.

300g of fresh or frozen raspberries
juice of one lemon or lime
1 to 2 TBS icing sugar, or more to taste

Place the raspberries in a saucepan and add the lemon or lime juice. Mash gently with a fork or potato masher and sift the icing sugar over top. Stir until it dissovles. Heat the raspberries just until simmering, then push them through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Discard any solids left in the sieve. Taste the puree and add more sugar if desired, although the coulis should be somewhat tart, with a strong flavour of the berries.

Over in The English Kitchen today, Triple Threat Crispie Treats! The perfect after school snack!


  1. What a terrible thing to happen to Clay that young mad.. One can't help but wonder what our world is comming too. My prayers for his family will be joining many more for that I am sure.
    Tired of photo's of Mitzie...are you mad...I certainly aint tired of ever seeing her lovely wee face.
    It is a lovely sunny morning here as well not a cloud in the sky..
    Have a lovely day. Just a thought Marie have you thought of cooking a dinner etc. for people in their own homes ? Like my sister at the moment she has someone come and make lunch supper etc. she dosn't actually pay as it is provided by the NHS or someone...but I am sure some people would love a lunch made for them..
    Love Sybil xx

  2. There can be few things worse than a loved one closing down communications and you not knowing WHY. Without that bit of information you can't try to fix it. On the other hand you can't MAKE her tell you. I think you do right to keep open those reach-out lines because the day will come.....the day will come.

    Just you keep those Mitzie pics coming. Do you think it was in her honour that they showed South Pacific YET AGAIN this bank holiday (Mitzi Gaynor)?

  3. What a horrible thing to have happened to that Bishop... Shocking! I didn't know about that before... prayers to his ward and family. It was so sad when Patrick Swayze passed away... Oh, but smiles today--Mitzie's here! :o) Could never tire of seeing Mitzie--more photos, please! Good luck wit your sale... Looking forward to seeing all your new goodies soon. Any chance of getting to chat this week? Hope so... Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I love the pictures and hope you continue to show us Mitzie. She always brings a smile. I no longer have a dog of my own, so I share other peoples. I'm sitting here waiting news of the birth of 14th grand child this morning. Hope your day is a TERRIFIC one!

  5. Enjoy the quiet week! Thanks for sharing Mitzie pictures...cutie pie! You're a good mama for keeping up with your daughter...time and the Lord can heal even what we don't understand. xoxo

  6. i still am in shock by the killing of that california bishop-its so very very sad and what a senseless and evil act. my friends son is serving a mission there and was two doors down in the building when it happened. very shaken up. prayers for the bishop's family and the ward family in california.

    have a great week marie and thanks for the fb birthday wishes! i probably won't be on here for a few days(having this baby tomorrow!!) so i will talk to you soon! wish me luck-i'm excited but starting to feel nervous!

  7. You can imagine how CA is reeling from the news of the slain Bishop. Very sad and something one would never think would happen. I just read his new baby is only three months old and was just blessed last Fast Sunday. Yikes.

    I loved the Patrick Swayze book. What a remarkably driven man to succeed in all he did. He was one of my favorites and I, to this day think of him on occasion and wonder how Lisa is doing now. I absolutely fell in love with him as his character Orry Main in the mini-series, North and South about our civil war. That was amazing if you ever get a chance to see it, you should.

    I am glad you have a relaxing week ahead.



  8. I was sad too to hear that a man who is insane was lead to kill that bishop, such a fine man too, how sad for his 6 children!
    No wonder you can cook all these goodies, your Todd is one of those skinny men! Cute pic of the dog..he will learn to go for those walks yet. Recipes look divine! :D

  9. Always I think in you and Tood I image Mitzie beside you, what wonderful, enjoy these times my dear and sweet friend.

    So sad that happens with the Bishop in California, I dont undesrtand these things!, father of six OMG! really sorry.
    Make me sad too.

    Love he book you are reading, I loved Patrick Swayze.

    Hope you have a lovely day with Mitzie and Todd, (love your colour piyama!)xoxoxo gloria

  10. Hello Dear,
    I am in a rush because we are leaving for Ca today but I had to drop by and say hello to you. We will drive half way today and finish the trip tomorrow. We will get home in time to unpack, wash and get a nights sleep before we go to the temple Thursday. I almost talked John into getting subs again this Thur but he feels we really need to be there.

    I too am sad about the bishop being killed. I just can't understand it.

    I hope that your daughter will have a change of heart. I believe that she will in time.
    I send love, Lura

  11. Our heart are also saddened and heavy for the innocent Bishop's wife, sons and ward family. I can't even imagine whatwould have caused that young man to kill someone he had never met just because he was a bishop. My Precious Mr B was released just 5 years ago and he so loved his wad family. It makes me feel that all bishops are sitting ducks. We certainly are in the last days.
    I love your Sunday six post! It is the little things that truly brings happiness and joy. We all have so much to be grateful for.
    I pray youngest daughter will realize as she holds her old sweet baby what an awesome mom she has. I can't imagine your own heartbreak. Congrats on another precious grandbaby!
    Thank You Marie for being you and sharing yourself with us~♥

  12. I hope that when your daughter becomes a mother, she will start to appreciate you more. Just continue to be open with her and to love her just as you are now! Best wishes.


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