
Monday 30 August 2010

A garden party of a different sort . . .

A few weeks ago my good friend Tracy asked me if I would mind doing one more Blog Cafe, and I was very happy to oblige! Today I thought I would take you to a very special place . . . tread carefully now . . . and slip through the gate quietly . . .

When you step amongst the blooms,
Beware, they're really fairy rooms
And 'tho they only reach your knees
To fairies buds are tall as trees.

Cleverly hidden near the ground
Tiny colonies can be found
Behold the pastel Four o'clocks
Shade resting fairies perched on rocks.

Queen Anne's Lace, shimmering white
Blossoms plucked in morning light
Make silver threaded wedding dresses
And veils to cover lovely tresses.

Fairy babies so sweet and small
Quite simply hard to see at all
Asleep on Bachelor Button beds
Babies Breath pillows at their heads.

Fairy babies so sweet and small
Quite simply hard to see at all
Asleep on Bachelor Button beds
Babies Breath pillows at their heads.

I hope you hesitate to take
the finest daisies strong and straight
Alas, they're truly parasols
For days of sun or mild rainfall.

Shades of azure, everlasting
bushy, spreading, shadow casting,
Silent tents of Forget Me Not
Where fairy soldiers guard their flock.

Leaves are stripped and gently dried
to make canoes for midnight rides
Moonlight kisses transparent wings
And shines upon the crowns of kings.

Fairy dust has a tinkling sound
Try to catch it fluttering down
Before it quietly disappears
or blends with rainbow dew drop tears.

So in the flowers when you play
Remember what you've learned today
And if you hear a tiny sound
Quickly glance down to the ground.

You may just get a fleeting glimpse
of golden wings or faint footprints
For gardens whether large or small
Are not quite what they seem at all.

~ Diana Greenwood, Garden

Now come on in . . . closer . . . the garden is set for a little tea party for you and for me . . . We'll sip dainty cups of chamomile tea . . . and munch on the lightest of scones . . . filled with lovely hazelnuts . . . shhhh . . . don't tell anyone . . . nutella!!!

Fairy scones fit for Fairy Queens . . . why . . . that would be You and . . . Me!!

*Hazelnut Scones*
Makes 12
Printable Recipe

Light and fluffy scones, chock full of hazelnuts, with a lovely dab of nutella in the centre and a scrummy vanilla glaze. What's not to like?

2 cups flour
1/2 cup finely chopped hazelnuts
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
6 TBS unsalted butter, chilled
2/3 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup nutella or other hazelnut chocolate spread

For the glaze:
1 cup sifted icing sugar
few drops vanilla
1 TBS milk

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.

Sift the flour into a bowl. Whisk in the sugar, hazelnuts, baking power, baking soda and salt. Drop in the butter and cut it into the flour mixture, using a pastry blender or two round bladed knives, until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Whisk together the buttermilk and the vanilla. Add to the flour mixture and stir in with a fork to form a soft dough. With lightly floured hands divide the dough into two halves and turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Lightly pat each into a five inch circle. Cut each circle into six wedges. Transfer the wedges to the baking sheets. Using the end of a wooden spoon or your finger, make a small indentation in the centre of each. Drop a teaspoon of nutella into each indentation carefully. Bake in the heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until the tops are golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool while you make the glaze. Whisk the glaze ingredients together until you have a smooth drizzable mixture. Drizzle over the warm scones with a spoon in a decorative manner. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Serve.

Note - these can also be served warm and do freeze very well.

Drop on over to The English Kitchen where I am baking a lovely Rhubarb and Ginger Wine Crumble!


  1. That was the photos. And the scones look delicious!

  2. Oh, Marie... This Fairy Tea Party in the garden has been the perfect way to wrap up The Blog Cafe's run and summer too! Thank you for the enchantment... and not least, these FABULOUS scones. Thanks so much for hosing again for us--LOVE YOU, dear friend. :o) We must chat this week! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I had never heard of the Blog Cafe but this was a lovely post to wind it up with.

  4. I would love to enjoy the delicious scones and tea with you...what fun it would be there in your garden. It's a perfect way to start a new week! Have a great Monday!

  5. Oh yum, I love scones of all types. What a beautiful garden you have.

  6. Aww, I love this post. I love fairies. Thank you so much for the visual and poetic treat.

    Question: Do you pronounces "snones" as "Sc-ah-ns"? Or "Scoh-nes"? My British friend who first introduced me to these treats said, "Scah-nes", so that's what I say, but people here think I'm wierd when I say it that way, as most Americans say "Scoh-nes".

    How is that for trivia?

    Have a great day!

  7. Scones and Rhubarb? Two of my very favorites!!

    Becky K.

  8. What a glorious garden! It certainly looks like there could be a fairy or two residing there. I love the colours on your tea party table too. I am of UK descent and we say scone...rhymes with gone. But of course you guys say gahn instead of gone....accents are quite difficult to write about aren't they? :-D

  9. What a lovely Blog Cafe post. Very unique and charming. I love your photos, poetry and party treats. It was fun to escape to this fantasy land for lunch. Thank you.

  10. I love fairies! I have fairies and gnomes scattered around my yard and in my house. Calendars and everything I can find! Books, even. As a child, I was told if you drink a glass of water without taking a breath, you drown a fairy -- so I never did!! Thanks so much for this post today. It was fun.


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