
Saturday 1 May 2010

Thoughts about rain . . .

I set off for the Dentist yesterday morning under a sky that was definitely overcast and threatening of rain. I didn't mind though. I had my trusty umbrella with me.

It can't be sunny every day as much as we think we would like it to be. As I walked I thought about all the things that I like about rain. It's good to look at the positive side of things . . .

Jumping in puddles. It's fun to jump in puddles . . . to watch the water splash up and to feel like a child again, if only for a moment . . .

Tasting rain and letting it fall off the end of your tongue . . . your eyes closed and face upturned . . . again, feeling like a child . . . innocent and free of care and woe . . .

A carefree dance of abandon . . .what's the worst that can happen . . . let yourself go . . . let God . . . enjoy . . . even the rain.

It's one of life's smallest pleasures, or can be if you let it be . . .

And after the rain . . . comes always the sun . . .

And maybe even . . . a rainbow!

Life after all isn't as much about waiting for the storms to pass . . . as it is about learning to dance in the rain . . .

While I'm here . . . I shall dance, no matter what.

Good news at the Dentist by the way. I have no cavities! I made us some tasty Fish Tacos for our supper last night, just to make a change, and with them I served this really delicious Corn Salad. I used tinned corn for it, but you can use fresh corn if you have some really good fresh corn. It's quick and easy and very tasty!

*Corn Salad*
Makes about 2 cups
Printable Recipe

If you can get really good fresh sweetcorn, by all means use it. Just scrape the kernels from the cob and blanch in boiling water for several minutes. This is a delicious corn salad that is best served at room temperature. Easy and quick and very popular around here!

1 tin of sweetcorn niblets, drained or an equivalent amount (340g)
of frozen corn niblets, blanched
1/2 of a medium red onion, peeled and finely diced
3 TBS cider vinegar
3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
pinch of hot chili powder
1 TBS freeze dried basil leaves (or you can use about 1/2 cup chiffonade cut
fresh basil leaves)
1 TBS caster sugar

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and allow to macerate for at least half an hour before serving. Delicious!

To see what I served with it, check out the Fish Tacos today on The English Kitchen!


  1. That is great news about the dentist.

    I love rain, not the grey sky, but the rain. It is such a gift to see the world being cleansed and to see the rainbow is a joy.

    Have the best of days.

  2. Good morning Marie! I love the photos you've posted today. We really can't complain about the rain after the many days of beautiful weather we've had, it's a shame if someone is away for the Bank Holiday weekend though. Peter has to work but will be off on Tuesday and Wednesday so hopefully the rain will be gone by then so we can get out in the garden to prepare for the new lawn!

  3. So glad your trip to the dentist was a positive one, Marie! A little rain is a very OK think... a walk in a gentle rain, I do like. Hurrying through a deluge though... not so great... LOL! But I'll risk it for a rainbow! ;o) Your fish tacos looks wonderful--so does that corn salad...mmm... Happy Weekend, dear friend--LOVE YOU!! OXOXOX ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I was raised hearing that if it rains on your head in May, you won't have a headache for the rest of the year. This month I plan to paly in the rain!

  5. I guess if we want the sunshine, we have to put up with the rain. I had just read about fish tacos the other day and wondered how they were made. Thanks to you now I know. Glad the dentist gave you a good report! Have a Super Saturday!

  6. I love the rain too...I love to also just sit by the window and watch it and I love to drive in peaceful1 :D

  7. I adore the smell of a real downpour after a spell of warm dry weather and then I love the singing of the birds after the downpour. On such days can happily sit in the conservatory and do absolutely nothing, not even read a book.

  8. I am glad that you can dance in the rain. You get so much of it over there it is a good thing you are not just sitting around waiting for it to pass. Now here, in sunny old CA, if I waited to dance in the rain, I wouldn't get much dancing done.

    I hope you have a great weekend. I am off to be a docent for 5 hours for our community Vintage home tour. I would rather be at the walk-a-thon for Daylon but I signed up to do this first.
    Hugs, Lura

    p.s. We love fish tacos and your look delicious and so does the corn salad....yum yum

  9. This corn salad is such a wonderful summer side dish! I can't wait to serve it the next hot day we have! Thanks Marie!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My Grandma use to say, "The sun always shines only in a desert." I think that is true. I am going to try to be more positive about the never ending winter this year. After all it has produced one of the most gorgeous springs on record.

    I enjoyed this post as a reminder that our Father in Heaven knows best what we need. And I do love the coziness of the winter days in side. Up to a point that is! LOL!

    I loved the idea of a temple trip with you. Next time I go I am going to imagine it is you sitting beside me! Who knows when we can really make it happen. Maybe we'll come over for a Michael Ball concert and to visit you one day!

    Piper and Julia are going to Scotland in June to meet their Daddy after he has been there for a week in Edinburgh working. Lowell's company is based their. I wish I was going with them! They will have an airline person with them the entire time until they meet up with their Daddy for a week of fun and touring. Hmmm, lucky person! Piper was born in Edinburgh and this is her first trip back. The paln was alway o take her back when she was ten. Well, the whole family cannot go but at least she and Julia are going now with Lowell. Traveling with the two little girls would be too hard for Jen.

    For all they have been through they are only a few months late in fulfilling their promise to let her see where she was born at 10. She has been 11 since March. It is pretty remarkable really, all things considered.

    Happy Sabbath tomorrow! ♥ B

  12. yea for no cavities!!! :)

    and i too love the sound of rain, even a litle bit of thunder(as long as its not too loud) soothes me. but in texas, we mostly get thunderstorms when we get rain- which is scary, especially when there are tornado sirens going off! :) darn north texas tornados.

  13. Hi Marie, I loved your post. I came across it because I was googling pictures on rain for my post for today. I specified, "Raining on one with an upturned face," and your post came up. I hope you don't mind if I use the picture of the little girl. But I'm glad I was directed to your blog. It's beautiful and uplifting.

    Visit me when you get a chance at

    God Bless.


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