
Friday 30 April 2010

A walk in the woods . . .

A walk in the woods is a rare afternoon treat on a mild and sunny spring day. It stands silent and immobile before you . . .

but it is a living silence, filled with breath and rustlings and movement.

You walk on and the wind stirs . . . the newly budded leaves on the trees rustle . . . a sigh amongst the sentient trees.

Suddenly the air is filled with the sound of a thousand wings, which flutter as disturbed birds take to the skies, ripping the quiet and making you start.

You continue on . . . and then you hear the muffled whisperings of startled leaves . . . someone heard you coming and decided to take shelter from your footfalls . . .

You hear the distant crack of a shot . . . which only serves to emphasise the peace which it disturbs. It is a shock, and yet at the same time, not entirely unexpected . . .

A bird trills and sets up a soft ripple along the surface of the stillness of the woodland . . . the sobbing of doves beating like a hidden pulse at the heart of the silence.

Oh how it thrills your heart to be tucked in the soul of the woodland . . . to be wrapped in it's strong and silent arms.

Can anywhere on earth be closer to the presence of God . . . perhaps . . .

but right at this moment, you think . . . not . . .

Just my thoughts on a quiet Friday morning . . .

We are potato people in this house. We both love them and never tire of them. I could eat them three times a day every day and still be enthused! Here is an easy and very tasty way to prepare them. On their own they make a very scrumptious lunch, but they are also great as a side dish to grilled or roasted meats and poultry. I hope you'll give them a try!

*Dusty Oven Baked Wedges*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

We love potatoes in any way shape or form, and these tastey little oven baked wedges are a real favourite of ours! Infinitely better than any that you might buy frozen from the shops. These are delicious served with a bowl of sour cream to dip them in, but they really go well with many things. Chutney, catsup, ranch dressing . . . pick your own poison! Your family will really enjoy these!

4 large baking potatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
2 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

Preheat the oven to 205*C/425*F/gas mark 7. Lightly grease a large shallow baking tray and set aside.

Wash the potatoes very well and then dry them very well with a kitchen towel. Cut them lengthwise into 2 inch wide wedges with a sharp knife. Put them into a large bowl. Sprinkle them with the olive oil. Add the salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and onion powders. Give them a good toss and a stir, making sure they are well coated with the oil and that the seasonings are well distributed. Scatter them over the baking sheet.

Bake in the heated oven for 30 minutes, until nicely browned and tender inside. Stir them every ten minutes or so to make sure that they brown evenly.

Remove them from the oven and dump them into a paper bag. Add the cheese and parsley to the bag and give them a good shake to coat. Divide amongst four heated plates and serve along with your favourite dipping sauce! Delicious!!

Over on The English Kitchen today I'm cooking a delicious pasta dish with sausage, caramelized onions, and cabbage in a tasty mustard sauce! A dish to die for!


  1. What beauty in those woods, Marie! I would so love to walk there--how peaceful and perfect! Love your sweet thoughts, as well!

    And those potatoes will make my husband VERY happy! He's always wanting a good roasted potatoes recipe--this looks like just the thing!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night, my dear friend--much love sent your way!

    P.S. Crafty Secrets is doing a $50giveaway, and today is my day to host it--so hurry over and leave a comment so your name is in the "hat"! See you tomorrow!

  2. What beautiful pictures you posted today but then you always do. I love to be in the woods. I don't get a chance to be there very often but I love it when I do. I also love the sea shore. I love the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand beneath my feet, the breeze on my face and the salty taste and smell of the ocean. God has given us such a beautiful world with so many lovely places. I think the only area I don't really like is the desert. We have to drive for hours through the Mojave desert each time we drive to Utah. All you can see for miles and miles is brown hills with some cactus and yucca trees. However I know some people that like the desert. I guess each area has some form of beauty.

    I love those potatoes. Yum Yum
    We just got home from the temple. It is late and I am tired so I will say good night and wish you a happy day. Love as always, Lura

  3. Wow those woods are just the most splendid sight. I have never seen anything like it as the Australian bush is nothing like that.

    Take care Marie and Todd.

  4. What beautiful photos with the woodlands fully dressed in her springtime dresses. Are these the woodlands near you?

  5. Hi, Marie! A walk out in nature, a walk in the woods... best religious experience I know! :o) Just loved this walk along with you, my friend. Wishing you & Todd a lovely weekend! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! OXOXOX ((BIG HUGS)) Oh, terrific recipe today...mmm...

  6. The pictures of the woods made me feel as though I'd had a brief walk there this morning. How beautiful it was. And the potato and cabbage w/pasta dishes both are gems in my books. I'll be trying them out for sure. I love sausage, cabbage and potatoes too. Have a Fantastic Friday!

  7. Dear Marie
    What beautiful photos and beautiful words! We are visiting our newest grandson in Boston for a few days and he is having a nap, so I've come for a visit. it's nice to have the time to catch up with you. Hope you are settling in to your new home and town.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  8. I enjoyed my walk with you today..thanks for sharing it! I love potatoes too, it's the only food I could eat and not through up when I was pregnant! Have a good day..come say hi :D

  9. Aah Marie these pictures are really beauty i love this Type of pictures but as Lura say you always place lovely photos, but really I love these.
    The potatoes dish are absolutely tasty, Maybe I make this at night, look yummy!!! dear Marie have a lovely weekend with your lovely Todd, and enjoy these time, blessings and send you huggs to you and Todd, love ya, gloria

  10. Marie, thank you so much for your blog today; the pictures and thoughts are beautiful and lifted my soul. I have been ill with pneumonia and as I look out of my window I see dreary weather; gray clouds and snow. I seek for spring and for a moment your pictures took me there.
    Thanks, LeAnn


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