
Monday 7 December 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, December 1st, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and very, very still, which makes a change. We have had such rainy and windy weather lately. I am getting a bit fed up with the rain. I am craving sunshine and clear skys, even if it does mean that it will be a lot colder. This rain really gets on my nerves after a time, and another way of putting it Bon . . . is . . . it's really getting on my wick!

I am thinking...
About the lovely testimony meeting we had in church yesterday. I know, testimony meeting is always lovely, but yesterday was one of those days when people seemed to be racing up to bear their testimonies and the air was just filled with the spirit. I wanted to bear mine, but was not quick enough and before we knew it . . . the meeting was over. I did bear it in Relief Society though, so all was not lost. I just love being able to bear my testimony. I am so grateful to have one and to know the things that I know to be true . . . to be true. There is a difference between having a knowledge of the truth, and KNOWING the truth, and I am grateful to know the difference. If that makes any sense, and I hope that it does!!

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation.
~Isaiah 33:6

I am thankful for...
Prayer. Where would I be without it. It uplifts, sustains and helps to carry me forward. I have always been a praying person. I am thankful for that. The scriptures tell us to pray unceasingly. I have a running conversation going on with my Heavenly Father in my head all the time . . . a continuous prayer. It helps to keep me sane and grounded.

Nevertheless I am continually with Thee: Thou has holden me by my right hand.
Psalm 73:23

I do love the Psalms.

From the kitchen...
Ohh, there's some yummy goodies. There's still some fairy cakes leftover from the weekend, and some delicious Christmas Chutney. (see below) I have a Christmas Cake to decorate at some point and other goodies to create. I got a nice set of Star Christmas Cookie Cutters at the weekend and have it in my mind to bake a bunch of Gingerbread stars to hang in all my windows and on my tree. Finger's crossed I get it all done!!!

I am wearing...
Mismatched Jim Jams. I could not find a matching top and bottom and so I have on the bottoms of one and the tops of another. I need to get some new PJ's actually as mine are all getting too big. (Love saying that by the way!!!) I have been looking for some cotton flannel nighties but to no avail. I don't think perhaps that they make them over here. I shall have to wait til I go home next summer and hopefully will be able to pick up a few then. I do love a cotton flannel nightie in the winter.

I am creating...

I thought I would share a few more photos of the doll I made for Margaret. Thankfully she was well pleased with it. I sure hope her grand daughter likes it.

I tried to make her really playable for a little girl. I would have loved to get a doll like this when I was a girl. I was a real doll lover. Not all little girls are doll lovers. My two girls were like chalk and cheese in this area.

My eldest daughter loved her dolls and her dolls always looked well loved, loved to pieces. My youngest daughter could have taken or left a doll. Her dolls always looked brand new as they were never played with. Me . . . I love dolls and will just have to make myself one of these one day soon.

I have fallen in love with her painted legs and shoes. What do you think?

I think I need me one too. I also think I will perhaps make a few more in a similar vein to pass along to loving and willing hearts.

I am going...
I have another busy week in front of me. Work today and tomorrow, and then another all night excursion on Tuesday night and then I don't think that I have an evening free until next week some time. There is the Relief Society Christmas do on Wednesday night. Normally I work on Wednesday nights, but since I will have been up all Tuesday night I shall have it off for a change and I am looking forward to going. I just hope I can stay awake for it! Then on Thursday I have Seminary and after that there is a Christmas Craft class for the ladies at the church. We are going to learn how to make five small Christmas Gifts for a fiver. Friday night is our Christmas Scripture Study Group get-together. I have promised to make some finger food for that. I think I'll make my olive poppers and possibly my hot pepper jelly cheese cookies. Then Saturday we are driving up to Romford to visit Todd's brother and wife, needing to be back here for early evening as our Ward Christmas Party is Saturday evening. Church on Sunday and then there is a Youth Fireside which we are combining with the Seminary Christmas get together as all of our youth are involved in Seminary. We are going to watch the Book of Mormon movie and have pizza! Oh yes, I have my therapist tomorrow afternoon as well! No rest for the wicked!! That's me!

I am reading...

Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors. I always find her books to be page turning and quite entertaining. This one is no different. It's the story of a murderer on death row who decides that he wants to donate his heart, which is a perfect match, to the eleven year old sister of one of his victim's who is in need of a transplant. At the time he killed her sister, he also killed the father. What do you do as a mother and widow . . . do you put all your feelings aside, and allow the heart of your one child's murderer become the saviour of your other child???? What a dilema!! Fascinating and thought provoking as always.

I am hoping...
That I can get everything done this week that I need to get done and that I can get all my Christmas Cards written and into the post as well! Each year I say I am going to do them early and then each year I end up doing them at the last minute again . . . I want to put a letter into each, but am afraid that once again, I don't have the time! Nevermind . . . my heart is in the right place and that's what counts!

I am hearing...
I am hearing nothing but the ticking of the clock, the humming of the refrigerator, the clicking of my keys and Jess's gentle snores from over in the corner. It is so very quiet in here. I have the fire going as it is very chilly in here this morning, and as per ususual . . . Jess is stretched out in front of it!!!

Around the house...
I need to get things organized and ready to put up the Christmas tree and decorations. I usually wait to do that til after my employers are gone for Christmas. That's when my Christmas really starts and I can get the things done that I need to do for the holidays. I am really lucky that I get to take a bit of a breather at Christmas . . . a chance to re-charge my batteries for the coming year ahead. I work really hard most of the time and so this is a real bonus for me. I know, tis a blessing as well.

One of my favorite things...
Is collecting quotes and poems. I just love them. I used to fancy being a poet when I was younger and used to write quite a few poems. I wish I had kept them, but they are lost in space somewhere.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I don't even want to think about it!!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

My son's locker at bootcamp. I have waited his lifetime to see his drawers looking so neat and tidy! It is quite clear to me that the whole time he was growing up I shoulda been yelling louder and been a little meaner!! Look at the results I would have gotten at the thought and fear of his having to drop down and give me 25!!! Seriously though. I am very proud of him.

He seems to have found his niche and is doing well. I hope that I am not making you tired of seeing photos of him in his uniform!!! I just can't get enough of them. I think he's so handsome . . . I know . . . I'm his mother and so I am biased!

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

As promised here is my delicious recipe for a Christmas Chutney! I really hope that you will make this. It's absolutely fabulous and goes so well with Ham, Turkey or Chicken! It also makes a wonderful last minute gift for those on your special list of friends! We just can't get enough of it in our house and I know you will love it too!

*Christmas Chutney*
Makes 4 cups
Printable Recipe

This lovely chutney makes a wonderful gift and is such a lovely change from the usual cranberry sauce. It goes beautifully with turkey, ham or chicken. We just love it.

3 cups fresh cranberries
1 cup sultanas
1/2 cup chopped candied peel
1/2 cup chopped peeled onion
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup water
1 cup white sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tsp salt
2 whole cloves
2 tsp celery seed
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp dried chilies

Place the vinegar, water, both sugars, lemon juice and salt into a heavy non-reactive saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring to help dissolve the sugar. Once the sugar has dissolved add the cranberries, sultanas, candied peel, onions, garlic, cloves, celery seed, ginger and chilies. Simmer gently, stirring often, uncovered for 45 minutes. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Process in a hot water bath for 15 minutes. This will keep for up to a year. You can, of course, just put it into jars for giving away and immediate use, but if you do want to keep it longer, you really must process it in the water bath. Enjoy!

Over in The English Kitchen today, I'm cooking up a lovely steak with a Bearnaise Sauce!


  1. Good Morning Marie. I send you love and prayers to sustain you through your week. It sounds busy but enjoyable too. I am especially interested in your ladies craft night. It sounds like a tonne of fun. Take care.

  2. Good Morning Dear.
    I just got my blog posted and was heading off to bed when I noticed that you were up. I do enjoy reading your day book. I just love your darling little doll. I am sure that your friend's little granddaughter will love it.

    We had nice testimonies at church today too. I wish that I could have heard yours...well maybe one day I can attend testimony meeting with you. Wouldn't that be nice.

    I was gone most of the day. I took dinner out to Mindy's and then attended a program Claire was in. We brought Austin back home with us. I have so much to do this week. I am having a meeting here Tue and the Daytime Relief Society Christmas program and luncheon is here on Thursday. I am hoping to get your package mailed tomorrow but it isn't even finished yet. I need to get gifts wrapped and finish cleaning up the house....but at least I don't have to stay up all night working like you do. I will be thinking of you...with always. Have a good week. I must get to bed...Austin will be up early.
    Hugs, Lura

  3. Hi Marie,
    It is 3:00 AM and I can't sleep; too much excitement yesterday; so I thought of you just fininshed reading your blog; you have a lot going on. Love your doll; I have never made chutney but this one sounds perfect. Have a great week but stop and smell the goodies.

  4. Hi, Marie! Oh, that Christmas Chutney had my mouth watering...mmm... Fun to see your Bruce--and inside his locker--LOL! Sounds like you've had a string of busy days already, and that they're not letting up yet...LOL! Have fun in between all the busy. So sorry to be so slow to visit these days...*sigh*...with less than two weeks until our Christmas trip, it's been crazy-days getting things ready, organizing gifts & cards, having a little Christmas here and such, etc. Hope we get to catch up soon... Oh, LOVE the new doll--she is sooo sweet! What a splendid creation--well done! Happy week, dear friend... LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. What a beautiful post, Marie! Love hearing what you're doing in Church! Isn't it lovely to think that the same thing is happening all over the world in the various wards and stakes? I love that thought! Glad you had a lovely day, and I'm hoping you get your tooth taken care of today!

    I'll check in with you tonight--the raing stopped for you, but it just started for us! Pouring today!

  6. its been rainy and yucky and cold here too. go away nasty weather!!

    we had a great testimony meeting yesterday too-the spirit was so strong and i was truly edified by the testimonies shared.

    and i read my first jodi picoult novel this year and enjoyed it(though it was quite sad!)- my sister's keeper.

  7. You're right, Marie, he is one handsome young man. And you - oh my, you are so talented in so many ways. What a lovely, lovely doll and I am so inspired by all you do and your delicious recipes as well as your way with words. Take care.

  8. How proud you must be of your son Marie! And I love your idea of making the star cookies and hanging them from the windows and on the tree. How pretty that will be!

    I love your little doll. She is so sweet. I hope you had a good Monday!


  9. I can't wait to see what you come up with in your new art!

  10. Your son is so cute. His locker is very neat. Good for him. I love that Chrismas chutney. I will have to make some. Thanks, Doylene

  11. Just by chance I have 2 bags of cranberriesin the fridge and Irfeally fancy making your chutney, What's the hot water bath though? I've never heard of that.

    And yes, you must make a dolly for yourself.

    love, Angie, xx

  12. Such a lovely doll. I think she is going to make one little girl very happy.


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