
Sunday 6 December 2009

Marie's Sunday Six

Welcome to my weekly Sunday Six Smile Makers post! The very first one for the month of December, 2009! As I say that I think to myself, how can it be December already??? Hasn't the year just started??? And then I think of all the lovely, wonderful things that I have experienced all through this year, and the three weeks of lovely, wonderful things I still yet have to experience before the end of the year and it makes me smile all over again!!!

This is the latest picture of my G I Joe, Bruce. Yes, that's my baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore is he? It is clear he is a man and he looks settled and ready to take on the World. The mom in me is still very afraid he will be sent to Afghanistan. The realist in me, knows he will be sent to Afghanistan eventually. The daughter of a Heavenly Father in me, knows that my Heavenly Father has a plan and is trusting in that. I can't wait to talk to Bruce when he goes to his dad's for Christmas! That will be great. A tiny part of me is wishing that he would have chosen to come here. I have not had a visit with him at Christmas in 10 years and that would have been lovely. A bigger part of me is happy that he is happy and that he is secure and settled. That is a mother's love I suppose. You are happy when your children are happy, even if their choices make you a bit sad. Does that make sense? It does to me. He turns 21 tomorrow and that is hard to believe . . . my baby 21. Where did the time go!!!

This is a picture of my grandson making a Gingerbread House that my son sent me this week. Isn't he adorable!! Well, I am a grandmother and so I think so!! It really made me smile. What also made me smile is that the tradition of the Christmas Gingerbread house continues in my family! Every year when my children were growing up I created something lovely for them out of Gingerbread. One year it was a church, complete with steeple and candy stained glass windows. Another year it was a 2 foot high Gingerbread Christmas Tree, with silver dragee garlands and gummy bear ornaments. Oh, what fun I had doing these things for my children and I hope that they have happy memories of them. It's nice to see that my son is making happy memories for my grandson as well, Happy Gingerbread memories!!

I hope that she will forgive me for showing this to you, for she hasn't even seen it yet herself, but this is a little dolly that I have been making for someone who asked me to make one for her for Christmas! Finger's crossed she will like it!! It is for a little girl, and so I created it to be absolutely playable! I really hope that she will like it. I have fallen in love with it myself.

How could you not love that face I ask??? I can tell you it won't be long before I am making one for myself, maybe not exactly like this one, but close . . . right from her cheery eyes, to her painted legs and toes. What do you think? Would this make you smile???

The weight scales that continue to drop. They really make me smile. Yesterday I put on my old winter jacket to go to the shops early in the morning. It hung on me. I was amazed. It doesn't seem possible and yet it is!! I have lost very close to 3 stone now. For those of you who don't measure weight in stones, that is getting really close to 42 pounds. That is colossal to me! I have not weighed this much less in years. It makes me smile, but what makes me smile more is the fact that I have stuck with this and that it is working. May it continue to do so!!

Yes, that is an aching tooth and why would that be making me smile you might ask!! Well, it could be so much worse. I have had a toothache for two days now and thankfully Ibuprofen and Paracetamol taken together are managed to keep the pain under control. I shall be telephoning the Dentist first thing in the morning!!! Hopefully he will be able to see me soonest! This is that same tooth that has been bothering me for several years now, off and on. It is a wisdom tooth and the roots of it are touching my sinuses and every once in a while it flares up and causes me to ache all across my face . . . I never know if it is an ear ache, a nose ache or a tooth ache, all that I know for sure is it hurts. Thankfully thus far the pain relievers are working. Fingers crossed that they continue to do so until he can see me!!

Christmas Gingerbread make me smile!! Anyone who knows me, knows I am nuts about Gingerbreadmen!!! My house is chockerblock full of them at Christmas time! If I could afford it and manage to get it done my whole house would look like a gingerbread house at Christmas time!!! As it is my tree is totally decorated in Gingerbreadmen I have been collecting for years. Is here ever such a thing as too many Gingerbreadmen??? I think NOT!!!

And there you have it, my Sunday Six for today, December 6th, 2009. I hope that some of it made you smile as well!!

This little treat surely made my Todd smile last night. Creamy hot cocoa with just a hint of mint and vanilla. Oh, yes . . . I did have a few tastes before my tooth told me not to continue, but it was very good and Todd . . . well he slurped his up in quick time!! It is very difficult to get a good picture of Hot Chocolate. I just couldn't get it to look, well chocolatey!!! Rest assured that it is very chocolatey and was much darker in real life than these pictures show!

*Minted Chocolate Cocoa*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

What could be better than a tasty homemade cup of cocoa??? One that is lightly flavoured with mint and vanilla of course!

2 cups half and half
2 cups milk
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp peppermint extract
1/4 tsp vanilla
Mini marshmallows, peppermint candies, candy canes

Cook the first six ingredients in a heavy non reactive saucepan over medium heat, stirring to melt the sugar and amalgamate the ingredients. Once thoroughly heated, ladle into heated mugs. Garnish as desired and enjoy!!

There's Toffee Ginger Fairycakes over on The English Kitchen this morning! What a sweet Sunday we are having today!


  1. Hugs Marie. I go to my dentist in the morning for two crowns. I will be pleased when that is finished. I pray your dentist has room for you as soon as possible.

    Have you ever lit a candle inside a gingerbread house? I did and it was not a great idea but it was so pretty till the black smoke billowed out the litte windows.

  2. Just about to drop off to sleep, but first I had to see what Marie had to say today! Love this post--your son is so handsome, your grandson, simply adorable! Love that they continue the tradition you began--such a lovely one!

    Your doll is amazing, Marie! When do you find the time for such creating?! What an artist you are! She will absolutely fall in love with this little sweetie!

    So fabulous to lose all that weight! I've just successfully lost 50 pounds--first time I've really been successful, so I understand how you feel! Good for us...and we both love to bake!!! Keep going--it's so much fun, isn't it?!

    I'm so sorry about your tooth--tooth pain is just the worst! Here's hoping your dentist gets you in early and quickly, and helps the pain be gone for good! I've had recurring tooth problems, also, and I'm so sorry you're experencing it now!

    My comment is almost as long as your post today--sorry! Just nice to have a little visit with you! I've had a busy weekend and haven't been able to post since Thursday--horrible!

    Off to check out your Kitchen, and then off to bed for me! Hope your Sunday is glorious!

  3. Lopve to start my Sunday mornings with you. Lovely post and pictures.
    Congratulations on your weight loss; terrific.How dod you do that with all the great food we see on your blogs. Your son looks good and your grandson is adorable.
    Have a nice week.

  4. I always enjoy your Sunday Smiles. Thankfully there is always something to smile about if we take the time to think about it. Hope that tooth is better soon.

  5. Hi, Marie! Oh, I would love to sit down and have a cup of hot cocoa with you and have a good chat and catch up... But good to sneak by here and visit. So happy to see your family photos and hear what's happening. And HOORAY on the current states of the scale--you are a wonderful keeping at your goal and going for better health! So sorry about your tooth though... ouch! Hope you feel better with that soon. Your doll is BEAUTIFUL! What a happy creation, you did so well making her. She will make someone very happy this Christmas--well done! Breezing by between family get-togethers this weekend and trying to fill orders and work on gifts... I can't believe how the days are flying! Hope we get to chat during the weekend,dear friend... Happy Sunday to you, Todd and Jess. LOVE YOU HEAPS :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  6. I LOVE gingerbread men too! The doll is really cute too! Darling grandson, love that dimple too. The Lord does have a plan for Bruce, he will take care of him! Have a great Sabbath day. :D

  7. How I love reading your Sunday six.....but then I love reading all of your posts. How nice to get another picture of Bruce. He is so handsome and so is your darling little grandson. We always make a gingerbread house at Christmas time too. You and I are so much alike. I am so excited about all of your weight loss. That is so good. I am not doing as well. I have only lost 12 pounds or so. However, I am continuing to try. I am very proud of you.
    Your little doll is precious...but then everything you create is fabulous.
    I am sorry about your tooth ache. I surely hope it can get fixed tomorrow.
    I must run. Claire is singing a couple of solos in a Christmas program tonight at another church. We are going to support her as usual. It is my week to make dinner so I am taking all of the stuff out to Mindy's house and will finish making it there since they don't have time to come in here tonight.
    I am hoping that I can get the time to post my Sunday Six later tonight. Like you, I have lots to smile about. I send love, Lura

  8. 42 pounds-thats amazing marie! i'm so so proud of you!

    and your son and your grandson are both so good looking!! you must be so proud!

    hope you are having a wonderful sunday!


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