
Monday 2 March 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, March 2nd, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

The sun is just beginning to peer above the horizon. All is still and quiet, except for a faint rustle in the undergrowth as the night creatures hurry back home to their dens . . . and the odd little twitter in the bush as the birds begin to stir and wake up. "Hurry, Hurry!!" . . . they seem to cry out . . . "The day is beginning, there is no time to waste!!"

I am thinking...
About all the lovely testimonies that were born in our Fast and Testimony meeting in church yesterday morning. The first Sunday of the month, we always give our main Sacrament meeting over to the bearing of Testimonies. People fast as well, most often for a particular reason. Prayer and fasting are a strong combination, when done together. Normally our fast means that we do without two meals during the day, and the money that we normally would have spent on those two meals goes into a fast offering, which is then used to help those who are needy. When you combine this with the bearing of your testimony, it is a truly wonderful experience. I was fasting for Gracie and her family yesterday. It just seemed the right thing to do. They need our prayers and support more than ever now . . .

I am thankful for...
Yesterday afternoon I discovered that I could watch THIS online. It's a film called, On The Lord's Errand, the life of President Thomas S Monson. President Monson is the president of our church now. He is a truly inspiring man, and I thoroughly enjoyed this film about him. While I was watching it, I thought to myself . . . . what a wonderful servant of the Lord he is. He makes me want to be a better me.

“I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him.” ~Thomas S Monson

I want the Lord to know that I will run errands for Him too. You know that still small voice that whispers to your soul, and beckons you to act??? Well . . . we must learn to listen to it and then do what it tells us to do. It could be something as simple as a prayer for another, or picking up the telephone to call someone and asking if they need help . . . We must be the Lord's hands and His angels here on earth. We must learn to listen to the promptings of our hearts.

From the kitchen...
I smell chocolate . . . 'nuff said. All will be revealed tomorrow.

I am wearing...
A blue nightie! I know, it makes a change doesn't it? I am normally wearing pajamas, but today I am being a bit more feminine . . .

I am creating...
My grandson's sock monkey is packed up in it's little box, and the box is all taped and waiting to be mailed out today. I do hope he gets it in time for his Birthday on the 7th. It is hard to imagine he will be 3 already. The time sure has gone by quickly!

I did a few sketches yesterday afternoon. I thought they were quite cute. We shall see how they transfer from my penciled imaginations into coloured pictures. That's the fun part!! I never know how they will end up . . . it's amazing to me, this process. First I have a thought and then a picture forms inside my mind and then it leaks out from the end of my pencil . . . and then I take it from there and make it real.

I am going...
I don't really have too many plans for this week, other than the usual work and grocery shopping. Quiet week, I guess, but sometimes that is a good thing . . .

I am reading...

I am still reading "The 19th Wife. " It is a real page turner. I think I read over 50 pages last night in bed! That is a lot for me. I am usually falling asleep before I get to 5! I end up reading the same page over and over again . . . and still not knowing what I have read as I am so tired. This book is gripping, to say the least!

I am hoping...
For a miracle for Gracie's family. It is so sad when a child is sick like that, and has gone through as much as Gracie has. It will be her first Birthday soon . . . When I think of all that her little body has gone through in this year it makes my heart ache. The tears come, and I want to ask . . . why? . . . and then, in the next breath, I think about all the lives and hearts she has touched in this past year and the wonderful example of hope, faith and courage her family has been for us all . . .

I am hearing...
the music on my play list, and the whisper of the electric fire. I added a few new songs yesterday. I love the music on my list. It cheers my heart and soul and inspires me. That is what good music should do . . . it should truly be food for the soul.

Around the house...
We had a big clear out on Saturday. I had been saving food magazines for about 6 years . . . I subscribe to about 3 different ones. I had been telling myself that I was going to go through each one and take out the recipes that I wanted to try and then put them into a binder . . . but alas, I procrastinated (one of my weaknesses I'm afraid) and then they became so overwhelming that even I had to finally admit I'd never get it done . . . they're gone now and I am starting from scratch. I really must make myself do it every month or I'll find myself in the same spot six years from now!! We really must try to learn from our mistakes.

One of my favorite things...
is laying in bed and thinking. I think about all sorts and have wonderful conversations with myself. My mind wanders here and there and all over . . . and then back again to where I began. Our brains and thoughts are truly amazing. How ever could we have happened by chance? I think not! I did not evolve from primordial slime . . . I was created in awe and wonder . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Well, there's work of course and all the challenges and satisfaction that I get from that, and then Seminary and Young Women's Mutual on Thursday evening. I have a few fingers in a few pies that I must bake. Each week is amazing to me and a wonderful gift. I never know where the week will end up!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Todd and Lamb Chop enjoying "Larkrise to Candleford" on the telly last night. Yes, my husband IS a saint! (but life for him is never dull, I promise!)

And that's my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! )

I made a delicious Blueberry Pie for the missionaries on Saturday night. They really enjoyed it. I miss the wild blueberries from back home, but I guess any blueberry is better than no blueberry at all . . . and I do love blueberries! (They've been on special at the grocery store this past couple of weeks)

*Blueberry Pie*
Serves 8

You just can't beat a fresh blueberry pie to tickle your taste buds! This version is one of the best!

5 cups fresh blueberries
1 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 TBS butter
enough pastry for a two crust pie
(your own or store bought)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 tsp sugar

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and set it aside.

Place the blueberries in a bowl and sprinkle with the lemon juice. Set aside.

Prepare the pastry according to the package directions. Fit half of it into a 9 inch pie plate.

Stir the first amount of sugar and the flour , along with the salt, cinnamon and nutmeg, into the blueberries. Mix well. Pour into the pastry shell. Dot with the butter. Roll out the top crust and fit it over top of the blueberry mixture. Trim, seal and crimp the edges. Cut a few slashes in the top to vent for steam.

Brush the top of the pastry with the beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Place on the baking sheet and bake for 35 to 40 minutes until golden brown and the berries are bubbling up and cooked. (Cover the edges with tinfoil if you think it is browning too quickly.)

Serve warm with vanilla ice cream, if desired.


  1. I almost found you on line.... almost.

    As always I love your Day book. It makes me feel close to you.

    Austin took a really long nap after church today so it is 10:25 and he is still up. He will be tired tomorrow if I can't get him to sleep soon.
    His birthday is the 9th... he and your grandson are only 2 days apart.

    My heart is heavy for Gledhills too. I find myself thinking of little Gracie every few minutes. How I hope our fast and prayers helped to bring them some peace and comfort today.

    Well goodbye dear. I will be back to visit you tomorrow. sorry that I missed you on line tonight.
    ((hugs))) Lura

  2. I love your day book as I know many others do ,today though it was somewhat clouded after I returned from reading Michelle and Toms blog ,after clicking from your entry ,about little Gracie ,I almost wish I hadnt ,but that is a selfish thought ,How brave those wonderful parents are ,and what a battle for that dear little girl ,My heart is breaking for them ,and of course I am praying for them ,it is wonderful that they have a faith to sustain them at this time and always Jan xx

  3. The sun is trying to peep out between the clouds here today. March winds are blowing and it's very cold. I hope your Monday is a wonderful one.

  4. Good morning Marie
    I love reading your simple woman's daybook. I write in a journal every day, just random thoughts. I might try the simple woman's format.
    Seeing Lambchop brought back lots of memories from my childhood watching her on TV. Speaking of TV I sure which we could get some of those series you have here in the US.
    My husband LOVES blueberry pie. Yours looks yummy (of course!)
    Hugs, Rhondi

  5. I'm praying for Gracie. No family should go through this.

  6. I love this recipe Marie, and I love the Todd picture with Lamb Chop!! xxGloria

  7. I could see that little sock puppet going everywhere with you guys! I'll keep Gracie in my thoughts as well, no little one should ever have to go through what she's going through.
    That pie, by the way, looks divine.........

  8. Hi, Marie! I love to see how your week is starting...And a very nice start to Monday too. Your current reading sounds very good. And such fun to see Lamb Chop together with Todd again...hehehe...Blueberry pie! Oh, may I have a slice? It's been years since I've had blueberry pie...mmm...I'm sorry to have missed you online last night. Still a little glitch with the home computer. Hope to get to catch up with you during the week--look forward to it, sweet friend! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((HUGS))

  9. I know he will love the sock monkey. I hope you get to spend some extended time with him in the future. Not being able to must be very hard.
    No chocolate smelling for me...but I smell snow :-) Lovely snow here.....
    Quiet weeks make you appreciate the not so quiet weeks.

    I'm reading and old American Heritage collection.

    I don't hold on to magazines but I KNOW it is painful to part with for those who do. Good for you.

  10. Your blueberry pie recipe looks delicious. I enjoyed your picture of Todd and Lamb Chop.

  11. You could have put that in pie week!

    You're a lot stronger than me. Make me wait for food and I'll beat someone.

  12. I love that pie, I bought blueberries this week but I made a cake with them, I'll have to get more to make this pie, you are such a wonderful cook Marie!

  13. Hi again,
    While you are dreaming away I am making family night dinner. We are having your crunchy chicken from Feb 24th post. We can't wait for it to be done. I used thighs instead of breasts because they were on sale for $.99 a pound and John likes them better than breasts. It is almost like having you here with us. We are all thinking of you with love. Lura

  14. My prayers go out to Gracie Marie.How sad it is when family have to go through this pain of seeing there child ill.Love the picture of Todd just the kind of picture I myself like to take.He-He.Memories are made of this.I am sure Grandson will love your sock monkey.Who wouldn't love anything you make.Me I love the blueberry pie you have made Yummy and the pastry looks excellent.Have a lovely week Marie sorry my comment is a little late.Your postings don't show on my dashboard like others do, so I have to try and remember to go back and look on my followers list,and my remembering everything doesn't come so easy nowadays. LOL!!Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  15. I love your Daybook ,and your blueberries cake
    wish you a good week

  16. Dear Marie, I just love the new music you have added to you playlist, it is a perfect background to the beautiful words you write each day. MC Canada

  17. Dear Marie, I just love the new music you have added to you playlist, it is a perfect background to the beautiful words you write each day. MC Canada

  18. Thanks for sharing about baby Grace. Watching a child suffer is the hardest thing there is. What a sweet little baby she was and eternity will be closer with her there, but it will be hard for them too in months ahead. Looks like they have a lot of support. Some things on this earth are just not understandable with our small human minds. Prayers for them all from me to the Creator!!


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