
Tuesday 3 March 2009

Lambchop bakes a CAkE?????

"SHHHH!!!! Be vewy vewy quiet . . . . I'm going to bake a cake, and it's going to be a surpwise for someone vewy, vewy special! You know how Todd doesn't wike chocolate? Well this week's Tuesdays With Dowie challenge is Chocolate Armagnac Cake - The Cake That Got Me Fired on pages 279-281 of the Baking, from my home to yours book, by Ms Dowie Gweenspan! Lyb of And Then We Do The Dishes chose it! It wooks reawwy reawwy dewishious!!! Poor Mawie . . . . she never gets to bake anything chocolate, because, well that bad ol Todd, he hates chocowate, he won't eat chocowate, won't touch it with a barge pole . . . nope . . . nope . . . nope . . . he weally weally WEALLY hates chocowate and . . .

Wet's be honest here weally . . . . what kind of person hate's chocowate??? There's gotta be something wong wif his ead, if you ask me!! Or at least his taste buds . . . weally . . . it just ain't human!

There's booze in this wecipe! You can use cognac, or whiskey, or armagnathingamajiggie!! There's a bottle of that amagnathingamajiggie in the back room. I know coz I saw it . . . shhh . . . it's for medicinal pewposes only . . . but I don't fink she'll miss a smidgen . . .

Maybe two smidgens . . .

There it is . . . in the pot wif da pwunes . . . now I got's to turn on the stove and boil it . . . boil . . . boil . . . it!

OHH NO!!! Dere's fire involved and I wasn't supposed to boil the armanathingamajiggie stuff wif de pwunes!!! Fire! Fire! Fire! I'm not awowed to pway wif matches!! shhh . . . we're being tooooo noisy and someone might wake up . . . Lamb chop!!! Get control of yourself! shhh . . .

I weally, weally, WEALLY like dis part!!! It's almost like riding for two point five seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu! I can do it!! I can do it!!! Ridem Bronco!!! Yeeee hawww!!! Giddyup giddyup!!! Git awong widdle doggie!! Git awong!!

It almost looks normal weally . . . yummy . . . chocwatey . . . not boozey at all and wow . . . it smells GWEAT!!! I hope it turns out all wight!! I have twied weally weally hard here! OOps forgot to put in the pwunes!!! Forgot to put in the pwunes!!! Never mind . . . I'll just stir them in now . . . shhh . . . don't tell anyone . . .

Whew!!!! That looks almost normal!!

And it smells weally weally weally GWEAT!!! mmmm . . . all chocowatty and stuff . . . it smells good!! Vewy vewy good!!! And I don't even have the icing on yet!!! That's my favourite part . . . making icing . . . I get to wick the spoon!!!

Ladies, Gentlemen and worms!!! I present Dowie's Chocolate Armagnac Cake - The Cake That Got Me Fired . . . hmmmm . . . .

I weally, weally don't know why anyone would want to fire anyone who baked a cake wike this weally . . . it wooks and smells dewishious!!!! Look at how goowey and scrummy it wooks!!!! All dawk and chocowatty!!! I hope that Mawie wikes it!!!! I might just hafta eat dis piece now . . . coz it wooks soooo good . . .

I know . . . I'm soo, sooo, sooooo BAAAAAA . . . D!!

Note: No sheep were injured in the making of this cake. Not yet anyways . . .
If you want the recipe you can find it in Lyb's Page and don't forget to check out all the other delicious versions on the Tuesdays With Dorie page! Next week, Bridget of The Way the Cookie Crumbles has chosen Lemon Cup Custard on page 387.


  1. Way to go LambChop!!! What a good cook you are and what a good story teller too. I am glad that you made that cake for Marie because she loves chocolate... just like I do. Todd will just have to eat the left over berry pie...Marie can enjoy the cake....I wish that I were there to have some too.

    I am glad that I got to meet you Lambchop in Idaho. I think that you are very good company for my dear friend Marie. Please give her a kiss and a hug from me.... and tell her how much I miss her...every day.

    Have a good day little Lambchop... and be good to my friend. Love, Grammy Lura

  2. Oh Marie - you're killing me with that cake! It looks so delicious. I had to scrounge around here tonight for something sweet and all I could come up with was old conversation hearts!

    I love Lambchop - so cute!!!


  3. You're cooking Lambchop!!!I remember you so well. Have you seen "Do Bee" from Romper Room or Mr Green Jeans??

  4. Lambchop lol!! Great post Marie. Love the cake!

  5. I havent' seen lambchop in years!!!!! now I know just where she is. lol. cooking in your kitchen!
    looks wonderful, by the way!

  6. Your cake looks wonderful, I loved it too!!!

  7. Made me smile,and I remember Lambchop!
    Cake looks Delish, not a fan of Prunes, but very tempting.

  8. Just can't stop laughing...this is hilarious, Marie! But Lamb Chop makes a great baking assistant...So cute! But that cake looks incredibly good...Send me a slice, please! hehehe...Not like chocolate? What is Todd thinking? Surely a taste of that cake would convert him?! Fantastic fun post Marie...Perhaps you'll let Lamb Chop play in the kitchen again?! Hope we get to talk this afternoon/evening...have missed you, my friend! LOVE YOU HEAPS ((HUGS))

  9. I haven't thought of Lambchop in years!!!! oh the memories!!! Thanks for that! YUMMY cake!



  11. I love this! I think Lambchop and Marie should have their own cooking show!

  12. Hilarious! Did you know that Shelley (I can't remember her last name) -- the Lambchop lady -- had a wicked sense of humor? Apparently she'd always order the same thing whenever out to dinner: lambchops -- rare.

  13. Thank you and your little lamb chop for some wonderful SMILES this morning. Your whole entry was just to cute for words. I do hope you found someone to share that delicious chocolate cake with. I know I'd be forced to eat the whole thing by myself here at my house. It might take me the whole week to do it, but I'm sure I could. Have a great Tuesday!
    'On Ya'-ma

  14. OMG you are hilarious Marie! Lamb Chop is a blast form the past no doubt. Your (or Lamb Chop's) cake looks marvelous!

  15. That has got to be THE cutest post EVER! The pic where Lambchop has the cork from the bottle of Armagnac in his mouth is priceless! lol! Be sure to tell Lambchop he (she?) did a great job. :) Thanks for baking along with me this week!

  16. Hi Mawie
    What a delightful post! You have such a good sense of humor. I'm sorry that Todd hates chocolate, both for you and for him. You gave me a good laugh when you said no sheep were injured and I'm glad that lambchop made you a cake. Enjoy every mouthful.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  17. Great post Lambey....Good looking cake too!

    Marie...I'm worried about your mental health!! :o)

  18. Marie you really make me laugh!!! thanks dear!! im a little melancolic today!!! But I love this post and I love Lambchop is sooooo cute!!!!! and the cake look awesome, Thanks Marie, by you, by the alugh, by the prayers and you love!! Today I return to Santiago I missed my home!!! buaaaahh!! xxGloria

  19. Oh that is cuter than cute!

    Shame on that old Todd for not wiking chocowate.

  20. How adorable! That brought back memories of watching Lamb Chop's Play-Along video I used to watch with my oldest when she was little. :)

  21. Hilarious! People who don't like chocolate just ain't right! :) Your cake looks beautiful!

  22. Good job Lambchop! Your cake wooks so nummy! :)

  23. Yay go LambChop! That story was adorable - really made me smile :) Looks like a fab cake he made!

  24. Thank you Lambchop. You're right -- that cake does look good and Todd must be out of his head not to like chocolate. Poor Marie has to eat his portion as well. And you, Lambchop? Does she have to eat your portion as well. Poor, poor Marie!

  25. The cake looks delicious! Nice going, LambChop!

  26. OMG! I'm rolling on the floor. Too funny! What a great post. Thanks for making my day.

  27. Hahah such a cute post! Who knew Lambchop was an expert baker!

  28. I think you've been hanging around with Duck too long, Marie! haha! ;)

    Very cute little Lamb Chop :)

  29. That looks so good!!!!! And Lamb Chop is a rare favorite of mine! So cute! And how honored yoou must have been to cook for her. What a trewt!

  30. I've never heard of anyone not liking chocolate! Are you sure he's not sick? :) blessings, marlene

  31. Absolutely adorable post, Marie. LOL for sure!

  32. aww, how cute! i love the picture of the uncorking of the medicinal pewposes only armagnac. heehee.

  33. that was so cute marie! the picture of lambchop holding the mixer cracked me up!

  34. Oh, Marie, how precious! I love Lambchop! You are so creative!

  35. Lambchop revival! We haven't got any choccy cake in this house. I'll have you know I was forced - FORCED - to go eat half an Aero. I had the other half yesterday!

    love, Angie, xx

  36. Lamb chop...I love you..I think you are a wonderful and think that perhaps you should have your very own TV spot...Perhaps your Marie could be persuaded to help you a little after she has eaten all the chocolate cake !
    Much Love Sybil xx

  37. Marie - you are tooo funny. Lampchop. Boy that brings back memories. And makes me feel weally, weally owd. Great cake.


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