
Monday 16 February 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, February 16th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

All is quiet and calm. It seems a bit strange to be home. Yesterday at this time I was about 35,000 feet above the ocean and heading in this direction and oh so very tired and now, here I am sitting at my computer writing these words to you all again. Oh now very much I missed you, but what a wonderful time I had in Utah and Idaho!

I am thinking...
About the loving kindnesses of friends. This past week has been a miracle to me and it would never have happened without the generosity and kindnesses of friends and family. I am still pinching myself for these many miracles that came into play and I will do a proper entry on it all very soon, but for now, I stand amazed at the wonder and goodness of my Heavenly Father and the hands of his many angels here on earth.

I am thankful for...
a Heavenly Father who knows me intimately and who knows all of my thoughts and desires and prayerful wishes . . . and who is true to His promises.

"And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." ~John 16:23

We are told to pray in earnest for the things we want and that He is bound to answer our earnest prayers. Why then are we so surprised when He does answer them?? I prayed for a year that I would be able to go see my daughter in Idaho at the Winter Games and wow . . . I still stand amazed at the wonderful way Heavenly Father brought about the answer to this special prayer of mine . . .

From the kitchen...
I have to confess that there's not a heck of a lot going on here!!! I didn't even cook yesterday. I had a wonderful time cooking with Lura (Grammy's News ) in America last week though! Oh my, but we did have some laughs and there were so many times I had to pinch myself to remind myself that it was not a dream and that Lura and I were actually together! From making bologna sandwiches together in a motel room to throwing together a gourmet feast of *Caesar Porkchops* in her daughter's beautiful kitchen, we just had sucy a wonderful time together!

I am wearing...
Pink Pajamas and my old black slippers. It was nice to get home to my own bed last night and have Todd next to me. I surely missed him while I was away. There were so many times when I was seeing something special or doing something special that I thought to myself, oh . . . how much Todd would enjoy this or that! I think he is pretty happy to have my old pajamed self back home and beside him as well!

I am creating...
I did a few sketches in my notebook when I was away and I just can't wait to get out my paints and brushes and make them real. I was so excited also to find that Barbara had sent me some lovely socks to make two sock monkey's which arrived while I was away, and a beautiful scarf that she had knit for me. Thanks so much Barbara!!! I can't wait to get down to the business of making sock monkeys! I just know my grandson's will love them so very much!

I am going...
back to work today! Back to reality I'm afraid! It's a pity holidays and special times don't last forever! Then again, it's probably a good thing that they don't or else we wouldn't be able to appreciate them for how very special they are in our lives!!

I am reading...

I started a new book while I was away. "The Middle Place", by Kelly Corrigan. It's really good, a real page turner, about a woman who has found herself living deep within that place she calls the middle place, somwhere in between . . . that *sliver of time where parenthood and childhood overlap*. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is longing for a good read, one that will touch their hearts. It is at once scary and yet very compelling. What would you do if you found out you had breast cancer . . . how would you feel . . . this is a fear that every woman lives with, and a diagnosis that no woman wants to hear . . .

I am hoping...
that I can get through today without being overly tired! It's that old jet lag thing! I tried to stay up all day yesterday so that I could go to bed at a normal time last night and then be up at my regular time. I kept falling asleep for little snippets all day yesterday. I had a whole week's worth of Coronation Street to catch up on and a Larkrise to Candleford to catch up on as well, and I'm not entirely sure that I actually watched them! But I did try. I was in bed by 8 PM, and I slept like a log right through to 5:30 this morning!!

I am hearing...
the birds are starting their morning chorus outside my kitchen window. Yes, the mornings are getting lighter earlier. Can spring be really very far behind?

Around the house...
I still have to finish un-packing and getting myself squared away. I am sure with Todd's gentle nudging I will get it done . . . eventually, and hopefully before it drives him up the wall!!!

One of my favorite things...
is truly sitting here and writing my words down for each of you. I missed my blogging when I was away. I did keep a daily journal for the whole time and can't wait to tell you all about what an exciting week I have had!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I have pictures to paint, sock monkey's to start sewing, and a Seminary Lesson to do for Thursday night. I probably have a bazillion other things to do as well, I just haven't had the time to sit down and organize myself yet or even think about them!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Yes, this is my daughter Eileen and myself standing outside the lodge in Sun Valley Idaho, celebrating her last Gold medal! She won two Gold's and a bronze and she was so happy with herself. I was one very proud mama!! I can't wait to sit down and do a proper entry about all my experiences and the wonderful week that I had, but for now I am leaving you with this lovely picture of us as a teaser! Can you see the happiness?? My cheeks will be aching for months to come!!!

Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries for today!

I didn't do any cooking yesterday at all, but here is a delicious recipe for pork chops that I cooked for Todd the day before I left to go away. It's an old recipe that I copied out of my mother's meat cookbook when I was a girl and that has lived in my Big Blue Binder ever since. I believe she bought the cookbook when she was first married, in 1954, so it's a very old recipe, and oh so very tasty!

*Baked Top Hat Pork Chops*
Serves 4

Moist and delicious porkchops baked beneath a delicious corn stuffing, these are very easy to put together, quick and quite, quite tasty!!!

4 thick centre loin pork chops
1 cup of creamed corn
(from the tin)
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs or seasoned stuffing mix
1 TBS of chopped celery
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. LIghtly grease a baking dish and set aside.

Trim the fat from off the pork chops and dust them lightly with salt and pepper. Place them into the baking dish, leaving a bit of space around each.

Combine the bread crumbs, creamed corn, chopped celery and parsley together in a small bowl. Divide this up and mound it on top of each of the four pork chops. Dot with butter.

Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 minutes longer, until lightly browned. I like to serve this with baked potatoes and a green vegetable. Delicious!!!


  1. I totally missed your post from Sun Valley until just now & now I see you're home already. We were up at Whistler, BC so Bob could ski. Our trip too, was a of his daughter's reserved a beautiful time-share condo for 3 nights with some extra points they had available and couldn't use. Our beautiful accomadtions didn't cost us a dime. So happy to hear that your dear daughter did so well...I bet she was excited to see you and win the medals. I've posted some pictures in my Blog of our days at Whistler. Hope that jet lag is gone and you're feeling rested & refreshed from your little get away. Linda in Washington

  2. " Welcome Home Marie".I am so happy all went well and you are safely back on English soil.Too true I bet you and Todd were happy to be together again.Shame he couldn't go.What a brilliant time you had it sounds .Eileen did fantastic.WOW!! Two Golds and a bronze.Many Congratulations to her.The picture says it all.You look so cuddly and warm I love your scarf.Looking forward to reading more of your adventure.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  3. Welcome home! I'm glad it was such a wonderful trip. Congratulations to your daughter & good luck with the jet lag.

  4. Welcome Home ! It was good to see your entry this morning. You mentioned getting up at 5:30 and as I make my comment here it is also 5:30 a.m. It is back to work for me too. We'll be hoping for a great day. I'm looking forward to hearing of your trip. It was grand to see the picture of you and your daughter. I could see how happy you were! 'On Ya'-ma

  5. Welcome Home!! I'm glad you had a great trip! I have a couple of awards for you if you can stop by my blog and pick them up!

  6. Marie you have been greatly missed! I hope (it definitely sounds like) you have had a marvellous time in America. Cant wait to hear all about it :) xx



  8. I stumbled across your blog earlier this Fall and have been following it ever since. Today, the front page of our daily newspaper, the Chronicle Herald, has your daughter and her story featured!!! You can access it on-line. Your trip to the States sounds lovely.

  9. Hi Maria, Thanks for coming by my blog. I really enjoyed reading your simple daybook today. BTW, welcome home.

  10. so wonderful to have you back!!! i'm so glad you had so much fun on your trip and so happy for your daughter and her accomplishments!

    about the book, i feel like i'm in that in between place myself. even though i'm an adult, i feel like i'm still a child(maybe because i act so immature and goofy still!) :) maybe thats not what you meant, but oh well. i confessed! i'm a big kid:)

  11. Welcome back home, dear Marie! I am so glad to see you returned safely and soundly. I was wondering all day yesterday how you were doing...The jet lag will take a few days--LOL! So terrific to read a bit about your trip here and at Lura's. LOVE the photo of you & Eileen here--the grand medal winner!! (Your blue coat is sooo pretty, btw!) You both look so happy...I am just thrilled you had this great chance and time with your daughter, my friend. So glad you are back--you were very much missed! Look forward to catching up with you and chatting when you have a chance. Rest when you can, feel refreshed, bask in the glow of a happy memories and enjoy settling in at home again! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((HUGS))

  12. Hello My Dear Marie,
    I need help. I am having Marie withdrawls. I miss you so much. What a wonderful week we had. I will cherish the memories forever.

    I forgot to give you a little gift I bought for you at BYU. It is a pretty little package of heart tissues. I knew we would both be crying when you left so I bought heart tissues for both of us....then what happened???... I was blubbering so hard that I forgot to give them to you. You don't have my love tissues to wipe away your tears but you do have my love.

    Welcome back home. I know that you are so tired. I am praying that you will find strength to work today and soon get over the jet lag.
    I am sending love to you and Todd. Now I will look at our pictures and think of the wonderful week we spent together. Love, Lura

  13. I enjoyed my visit with you so very much, as I always do. I am so very thankful that you were able to go and be with your daughter for a week. And how very proud you must be of her!Thanks for the recipe. I will make it very soon.
    Mama Bear

  14. oh dear sweet marie
    What a beautiful picture of mother and daughter. I am ,so so happy for you that you were able to go to the olympics, see your daughter and visit with 'friends'.
    what an amazing adventure!! You will have to hop on over later today and see my blog post on my sock monkeys

  15. Welcome back Marie. I know you'll have lots to post and lots of memories from your week away. I'm sure Todd is happy you are back all safe and sound in his care now. Have a wonderful Monday!

  16. I've enjoyed your blog for a while but haven't commented much. But, I just had to say how happy I am for you that you were able to share your daughter's joy in winning and participating. Love the smiley picture! Can't wait to hear about more of the experience.

    Your pork chops look great. Homey comfort food!

  17. Glad to know you made it back home safe and sound and even better that you had such a wonderful time in Idaho :)

  18. All of this must be so exciting for your daughter, and for you as well. Loved seeing the picture. Sorry Todd couldn't join you there, but sometimes a little mother daughter bonding is good in privacy(whatever amount you could get there). And sorry about the back to work..I am sure the holiday seemed too short. ~Mary

  19. Way to go Eileen! What a great shot of the two of you! I hope that your trip was everything you wanted and more-you both deserved it! I had all of my friends and family sending Eileen gold medal wishes this week.

  20. You can sure see the joy in your faces! I'm so glad you got to make the trip! The chops recipe looks yummy too!

  21. Awesome post! I enjoyed your pictures and thanks for including a recipe at the end. Your post has it all!

    God bless, and congratulations to your daughter for doing so well.

  22. I'm so happy you're back! I can't wait to hear what happened on your trip!

  23. The pork chops look sooo good! I will definitely have to try this recipe. The book sounds good too. I'm always looking for a new book to read.
    Thanks for stopping by my daybook and for your encouraging words.

  24. Welcome home Marie!!! Your pork chops look amazing and I'm going to bookmark them! I just bought a whole boneless pork loin and cut it up for the freezer!

  25. Oh Marie! I am glad you made it back safe and sound. And so happy that you had a safe trip to Idaho to see your daughter!!!

    It was so fun meeting you and talking with you in real life. You are such an amazing person and such an inspiration to me!

    Thank you so much for the beautiful painting - I love it and have it in my office so I can look at it every day!


  26. Marie, welcome home! Your picture with Eileen speaks volumes....What a proud mum you must be. I will look forward to reading about your adventures in the days to come.

  27. I hope you were able to make it through work today!

    It's a bitter sweet to have you back... we LOVE getting your daily posts, but that means you are now far away from us! Let's all plan our next trip soon!!

  28. Love the picture of you and Eileen Marie!
    That pork chop and topping looks double yummy!

  29. HI there...first time here...came over from jens. I enjoyed reading your writing...Lovely blog...hope you come back...looks like you have not posted in awhile. cherry


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