
Tuesday 17 February 2009

Excuses . . . Excuses . . .

I know this is Tuesday and I should have a glorious recipe sitting here from the Tuesday's With Dorie baking group, but, I confess . . . I am still suffering from Jet Lag and what with having to work yesterday I just have not had the time! It is a gorgeous recipe though. Devil's Food White Out Cake, on pages 247 to 249, as chosen by Stephanie of Confessions of a City Eater. It looks delicious and I am sure that you will find lots of lovely versions on the Dorie Blog roll. I know I'm going to have a look and drool when I get the chance at some point today! I've already had a look at Stephanie's and it looks delish!! I promise I'll be back on track next week with next week's recipe, Caramel Crunch Bars on page 112 to 113. Oh gosh, I think I just gained ten pounds by writing that!!! They sound sooooo dangerous!

I don't think I've ever experienced jet lag like this before! Mind you I have never been so far away from home before. Seven hours time difference, which is a lot I suppose! I didn't get much jet lag at all on the way over there. I was back in the riding saddle the first day out. I have heard it is worse on the way back then the way over though and I am finding it so. I stayed up all day the day I arrived home and was really fighting sleep the whole day. In face I kept falling asleep in fits and starts all day long. Then I went to bed early and slept the whole night through until early yesterday morning. I thought I'd be ok! I was tired last night and went to bed about 9:30, but do you think I could fall asleep????? NO WAY!! As tired as I was, it was still after one in the morning before I nodded off and then I was awake at 6:15, so not a lot of sleep last night, but hopefully tonight will be different.

I haven't had the time to properly go through my pictures of the trip yet either, so you all are going to have to wait for those as well. So sorry! They'll be worth the wait though, I promise! I had ever such a lovely time. Everyone was so kind and thoughtful and so very helpful. I just had a wonderful time. Apparently my girl was on the front page of the Provincial Newspaper yesterday morning and on the Global News all day Sunday, so she's a bit of a celeb back home I think! Go Eileen! As you can imagine I am so very proud of her and I just can't wait to tell you more, but when I am more lucid. In the meantime, my friend Lura wrote a lovely piece about the games on her page, and my visit, right HERE. Please do hop on over and take a gander and don't forget to tell her I sent you!

I know these probably aren't as yummy as Dorie's Cake, but these are yummy all the same. I'll leave you today with a delicious old standby recipe of mine from my old archives, these tasty little cupcakes. These are what I usually make when I have to bring something to a party or get-together. Everyone loves cupcakes. Who wouldn't love having a tiny little cake all to themselves!!

*Vanilla Cupcakes With Buttercream Icing*
Makes 12

These little cakes are so quick and easy to do. You just measure everything into one bowl for the cakes and then beat. You can have them into the oven in no time at all. Moist and delicious and crowned with a lovely butter cream icing these always please. What could be better than your very own little cake? Don't be tempted to use anything other than the soft margarine for the actual cakes. I have tried to use butter and they just do not work out the same.

For the cakes:
4 ounces soft margarine
4 ounces caster sugar (white sugar)
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 ounces self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
For the Buttercream Icing:
6 ounces of butter, softened
12 ounces of icing sugar, sifted
Candies and sprinkles to decorate (optional)

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Line a 12 cup deep muffin tin with paper cupcake cases and set aside.

Measure all the cake ingredients into a bowl and then heat well for 2 to 3 minutes, until well blended and smooth. Spoon the batter into the cupcake cases, filling them about half full.

Bake them in the pre-heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes until well risen and golden brown.
Remove them from the oven and lift them out of the muffin tin to a wire rack to cool completely.

For the icing beat the butter and icing sugar together until well blended and smooth. Spread over the top of the cooled cakes and decorate with sprinkles or candies as desired.


  1. I hope you get back on track soo & get over your jet lag. Congrats to your daughter you have every right to be proud! Marie x

  2. Jet lag is terrible! But don't feel bad: I didn't make this cake either... I did a rewind.

  3. I understand how you must be feeling. Just a weekend trip leaves me feeling very tired and it takes a bit to get back on track. Coming down off the clouds isn't easy for sure. Your cupcakes look so yummy as does everything you ever share with us.
    Hope today finds you a little less tired and we'll all look forward to pictures. 'On Ya'-ma

  4. I know the feeling of Jet Lag too well Marie.It does seem to hit you more on the return journey.Well I found so anyways.We will always be here no matter how long we have to wait for your wonderful pics and story of your adventures etc.Try rest as much as possible in between working.Prayers you soon feel much better and full of the joys of spring.Well WHEN spring decides to arrive that is He-He.I'll pass this recipeonto my daughter today the granchildren are off school and I am sure my Grandaughter Carrera (8) would love to have a go at baking these Yummy.Take Care God Bless Kath Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  5. Jet lag is horrible - I hope you recover from it soon! Yummy cupcakes :)

  6. Hope you will be feeling on top of things soon my friend! I know only too well how jet lag takes hold and doesn't seem to want to let go--LOL! Rest when you can and be refreshed soon...I feel better just looking at these scrummy cupcakes--LOL! It's been snowing here again, and my spirits are very winter-dented, so it's the little things that mean a lot! :o) Happy Day...LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((HUGS))

  7. Can't wait to hear more once you are all rested.
    Glad you made it home safely. :)

  8. Hello Dear,
    I am sorry that you are so tired. I was afraid that you would be... not only from the jet lag, but also from all the running around we did.... I am still worn out and jet lag is not involved... but didn't we have a great time!!!!

    It is snowing again today. It is a winter wonderland outside. I think it is a good day to stay warm and cozy inside. I will have a hot chocolate and think of our time in Idaho.

    I am sending love. Lura

  9. I am so glad you enjoyed you trip. Jet lag can really get to us though. It affects me as I age.:-) It seems to more than a kick of just being tired.

    I perused your blog while you were gone and LOVE it! You went to the Boise area where our son lives.
    I will have to ask him about the paper and your daughter!
    So looking forward to many delicious recipes like these cupcakes, pictures and posts from you,
    A sister in Utah!

  10. It does take time to get over jet lag. We all can wait to see and read all about your exciting trip. Have a wonderful day and take it easy, you don't want to get sick too:)

  11. Hi Marie
    Welcome home. I missed you! I'm so glad you had a great time and can't wait to see pictures. What a thrill for you to be there.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  12. Marie, I hope you get over the jet lag soon. It's horrible, isn't it?!

  13. Hi again
    I just visited Lurie's blog. It was great to see the photos of you. You looked so happy. Everyone looked happy but especially you. You have a wonderful smile!

  14. I like these better than Dorie's cake!

  15. sorry for the major jet lag-i've never had it like that but it sure doesn't sound fun. hopefully you get to feeling like yourself again soon!

  16. OMG!!! welcome again dear Marie!!!! and sorry you feel a little bad!! We have a Prov. that said " But that we eaten and we dancing...""" I hope you will be OK soon.
    I missed you a lot!!!
    Im in th south of Chile by some days, we come to see my Dad in Law (has 91) and we return I hope Friday but Im coming to a Library near that we have internet so I see my blogs and mails. huggss!!! Gloria

  17. Hi Marie! I hope you get over your jet lag soon! How wonderful about your daughter being in the paper!!!

    Your cupcakes look yummy!


  18. Awe I hope you get straightened out sleep wise soon Marie, it's horrible not to get enough sleep!

  19. Where are you this morning dear Marie?
    It is almost 1:00 am my time and you have not posted yet. I am a bit worried about you but I hope you are just getting a bit of extra sleep which I know you need.

    I have been waiting up because I wanted to be the first to comment on your new post today. I wanted to invite your readers to pop over to my blog and see sweet pictures of you that I am afraid you will not post. I hope that you will tell them to come and visit again. I truely want to share you with all of your fans.

    I can not wait up any longer so I will say good morning. I hope that you are feeling better today.

    With love, Lura


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