
Tuesday 16 September 2008

No chocolate here . . .

Welcome to the Tuesday, September 16th Edition of that wonderful group of *Baking Babes*, Tuesdays With Dorie. That splendiferous group of bakinistas who, on each Tuesday, choose to reveal in unison one delicious recipe, that they have all baked during the past week from the Fabulous baking book, Baking, from my home to yours, written by none other than the Grande Dame of Bakinistas herself, Ms Dorie Greenspan!

This weeks recipe was the lovely Chocolate Chunkers, on page 70, as chosen by bakingista Claudia, of Fool for Food .

I know what you're thinking. That doesn't look like a delicious chocolate cookie, filled to over-flowing with lovely chunks of white and dark chocolate, not to mention lovely sticky, sweet and gooey raisins . . .

Sad to say, but . . . you would be right! It is not a scrumptious chocolate filled cookie, I'm afraid to say that I have a husband who likes hot chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream and chocolate candy bars . . . but sadly, who cannot stand chocolate cakes or cookies of any kind. (He has been known to scarf down the occasional brownie or two, but that is where he draws the line.)

I would dearly have loved to bake these delicious looking cookies, and I promise to do so at some point, but suffice it to say, had I done so this past week, after having baked 2 other versions of chocolate cookie delights over the past two weeks, he would have been ready to pack my bags! (not really, but he definitely would not have been a happy camper! In fact when I told him the challenge for the week, he groaned . . . which is so not like my Todd!)

So, alas . . . I have decided to throw down the gauntlet on this week's Dorie challenge. Please do have a gander at the Blog Roll to see what the other Bakingista's have come up with. There are sure to be some lovely concoctions guaranteed to bring a drool to your lips and a stone to your hips! Also be sure to check out Claudia's page to get the delicious recipe!!!

Next week's recipe will be Dimply Plum Cake on page 41, as chosen by Michelle of Bake-en . Now, that is surely something Todd will be looking forward to . . . he loves plums and he loves cake . . . as long as it isn't chocolate . . .

In the meantime, I'm no shirker . . . and I did not take the day off . . . I give you what I did bake. It's not a Dorie recipe, for that wouldn't be fair, but it is a delicious adaption of a wonderful cupcake I found in one of my newer cookbooks, entitled, Cupcakes, by Susannah Blake. Delicious Gingerbread Cupcakes with Lemon Icing. Now this, my friends, Todd really went for and, I confess, I am eyeing one up for my brekkie as we speak. Hmmm . . . Ginger and Lemon . . . I've always heard that they are two ingredients that are good for whatever ails you . . . I think I feel the sniffles coming on . . .

*Gingerbread Cupcakes with Lemon Icing*
Makes 12

Ohhh . . . soft, sticky and moist and chock full of lovely ginger flavour, these cupcakes are real husband *pleasers* . . . and, come to think of it, wife *pleasers* too!

60g butter
50g soft light brown sugar
2 TBS golden syrup
2 TBS dark treacle
(If you can't get the golden and dark treacles,
do use 4 TBS mild molasses instead)
1 tsp ground ginger
80 ml whole milk
1 large egg, beaten
2 pieces of preserved stem ginger in syrup,
drained well and chopped finely
115g self raising flour

For the Topping:
the juice of one lemon
(bring the lemon to room temperature and roll it on the counter
a few times under the palm of your hand before squeezing)
200g icing sugar, sifted
1 piece of stem ginger in syrup, drained and chopped
1 TBS chopped candied ginger

Pre-heat the oven to 170*C/325*F. Line a muffin tin with paper cakes and then set aside.

Place the treacles (or molasses) butter, sugar and ground ginger into a largish saucepan. Place over medium low heat and heat gently until the butter has melted and all have blended well together. Remove from the heat and allow to cool a bit.

Beat together the milk and the egg. Stir this into the warm mixture along with the stem ginger. Sift the flour over top and fold it in until well combined. Spoon into the muffin cases, dividing it equally amongst them all.

Bake for 20 minutes, or until they spring back when lightly touched, or when a skewer inserted into the centre of one comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl, removing all the pips. Gradually stir in the sifted icing sugar, stirring until smooth and thick, yet still spoonable. Spoon this icing over the cakes. Combine the chopped stem ginger and candied ginger and then sprinkle a bit over the top of each one. Let set before serving.

As you can plainly see . . . these went down a real treat!


  1. Marie, I enjoyed your post, even without a speck of chocolate in it! Gingerbread is one of my very very favorite things, so I will make a note of that recipe! And I predict you both will LOVE the dimply cake. I made it yesterday, and even though I am a chocolate fan(atic), I think the plum cake is the best thing I've made from Dorie's book!!

  2. Good morning, good morning dear Marie,

    I was waiting up just to greet you today. I have had a busy day with Austin, cooking and house work. I love the time we get to spend with him. We get him Sun after dinner and return him Tues afternoon. Mindy has to be at school by 7:10 on tues and they live 25 minutes away from us.... it would be too hard to take him home Monday and get him back that early we just keep him. I don't get much done but he is a joy to be with. I wish you could have the same joy with your little grandsons. I wish that I could be around my out of state grandchildren more...oh well, I am blessed to have Mindy live near.

    The gingerbread and lemon cupcakes look great. I need to get me a conversion table so I can convert your recipes into ounces. Why can't we be on the same measurement scale as the rest of the world? Who made us different anyway...and... why??? It beats me.

    I'm sure that you are reading this in your favorite p.j.s as you wait for the sun to come up. Take a minute to feel the hug I am sending your way.

    Good luck on the seminary lesson you are preparing. Did you get enough done that you can go with Todd to the temple tonight? I hope so.
    I send love. I must get to bed. Have a great day. Hugs, Lura

  3. Hi Maria, wow those gingerbread cupcakes look absolutely delicious! And I really like your cute cupcake cases!

    If your husband isn't into chocolate cookies, he certainly would not have enjoyed the chocolate chunkers! They are for die hard chocolate fans only! Very rich (delicious though!)

  4. Perhaps in this case, too much chocolate was a bad thing!

    I'm glad you liked Miss Pickles. :)

  5. I don't blame you for sitting out on this one. I'm almost sick of cookies. Those cupcakes look really delicious though!

  6. I don't mind the lack of chocolate one bit-we'll all see plenty all week long. I love gingerbread and I'm sure it's wonderful with that lemon icing.

  7. Ooh, those look and sound delicious. I love the smiley cupcake papers too. =)

  8. They're in my oven as I type, I read this and couldn't resist!

  9. While I totally disagree with Todd's stance on chocolate, I would agree that these would be anypeople-pleasers! I really need to get me one of Dorie's cookbooks! Much love, Raquel XO

  10. You have certainly greeted me back Marie with a delicious recepe.I love ginger and lemon.Two of my favourite flavours.Wow I will have to put other thinsg aside this week and see if I can find the time to try bake some of these they look delicious.Mmmmmmmmmmm.I think you should write to channel four and get yourself on that program "Come Dine With Me" I am sure you would win the thousand pound prize He-He !!!Have a lovely Tuesday.Thankyou for your lovely comments as always in my blog.I think of you every day even if I am a distance away.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand.

  11. Marie these look fantastic I love all with lemon, and lemon Icing love a lot.
    Your cupcakes are really cute!!! and yummy of course.
    Sorry Todd dont like chocolate into cakes or ccokies, I made a recipe of a chocolate cake with white chocolate in the blog.
    Here family love chocolate in all forms!!!Huggs!!! Gloria

  12. I love your versatility!! These look gorgeous and so yummy!

  13. Those are probably my two all-time favorite flavors put together -- gingerbread and lemon! What could be better? And they look so wonderfully moist and tasty. YUM. I will have to try that recipe. I liked your shot of the cupcakes all lined up in a row. Have a great day!

  14. these cupcakes look like the perfect fall treat!

  15. Chocolate or not these look fab Marie.


  16. I love your cupcakes, Marie! They sound divine! There HAS been a bit of chocolate overload lately, that's for sure. And this was not the cookie for someone who doesn't like chocolate cookies. The Chocolate Chunkers are sort of like chocolate cookies on steroids.

  17. I enjoyed reading about your cupcakes. So sad that your DH does not like choco cookies. They were great.

  18. Well the cupcakes look yummy anyway!

    The cookies were soooo good!

  19. "All gone!" Yummy looking...I'm snaging this recipe. Linda in WA

  20. Yum!! Gingerbread cupcakes with Lemon Icing?? I really enjoyed looking at these! Glad they were a hit.

  21. And I thought my cookies looked strange. I have to try your cookie recipe. It looks like more fun than Dories. HeeHee. These cuppie cakes are a definate tryer.

  22. I just got that book and love it!

  23. You're forgiven for not posting a chocolate recipe cause these ginger cupcakes look devine!!!

  24. Hahah, that husband of yours made you miss one of the best chocolate cookies in the world! But I guess that those cupcakes where delicious as well... They look amazing!
    And I have that book too! It's pretty neat =)

  25. Oh man, I love chocolate. Looks tasty but eh! I made a version of those Malteaser cookies today. BUT, I wasn't paying attention and used a 1/3 cup measure instead of a 1/4 cup measure to measure both white and brown sugar (called for 3/4 cup of each). First batch burned and were flat. I added a 1/2 c of flour to the rest of the batter but it never was the same! They aren't terrible but not what I expected!!

  26. Hi Marie

    The cupcakes look great. What is dark treacle? How do I convert this recipe into american measurements, I don't have a scale.

  27. Ooooh! I'll take one of those cupcakes right now with my morning coffee please! They look delicious!

  28. Marie, I feel the sniffles coming on myself! Any excuse to have some of these! I'm so making this! I have a daughter and Granddaughter who love gingerbread!

  29. oooh these look soooo good. Paul loves sticky toffee...gingerbready stuff...he would love these! I will make them for his birthday on Saturday.

  30. Marie I would have to agree with your husband about too much chocolate! That is funny, I'm almost the same with my chocolate tolerance, I like chocolate milk, hot chocolate, a brownie here or there, that's about it. I'll pass on the chocolate ice cream, cake, and cookies. I could go for a smidgen of chocolate cheesecake though :) Anyway, your gingerbread cupcakes with lemon icing and candied ginger look amazing! I'd pick those over chocolate anything! I hope you both enjoy the dimply plum cake, I made it yesterday and thought it was wonderful (maybe a touch dry though), a new TWD favorite for me!

  31. Jackie, I'd e-mail you but I have no way of knowing what your e-mail address is. If you look at my right hand column, you will find a section entitled "What's On The Menu." In that list you will find a section entitled Measurement conversions. You should find all the information you need in there! Hope this helps!

  32. These look wonderful- I think I might choose them over the Chocolate Chunkers if given a choice!

  33. I tried to scroll up quick past this recipe but - too late - Keith saw it so now we have to have some too. I'll force myself!

    My late dad didn't like choc cakes etc but he could certainly scoff down at one go the biggest bar of choc. Specially plain. Or a box of Black Magic.

    BTW - Keith has promised me Dorie's book for Christmas! Yippee!!!!

    love, Angie, xx


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