
Monday 15 September 2008

Best Shot Monday

I wish I had some children living here with me, so that I could show you all some light-hearted shots of them having fun and frolicking about. Alas, I have only my Todd and my Jess . . . and Todd's a tad past the frolicking stage of life, but I do love this picture of him and Jess in my favourite spot. That lovely tree branch just begs to be reclined upon. It's such a peaceful spot, all mossy and green with that lovely canopy of leaves overhead . . .

"Life's sweetest things are the quiet things.
A Happy life consists of the tranqullity of mind."

This is my entry in this weeks, Best Shot Monday. Now hop on over to Mother May I and see some of the other wonderful entries for this week!


  1. It is late so I am just dropping in for a minute to say hello. I will read the rest of your post tomorrow when Austin gets me up early. For now I'll just say that I love the picture of Todd and Jess and the beautiful tree. No wonder you love it there.

    Have a great Monday....I will catch up with you in a few hours.

    Love, Lura

  2. The Treeman and Jess - there has to be a children's story in there somewhere, Great photo.
    love, Angie, xx

  3. What a lovely shot of Todd and Jess! Oh what a joy to be able to "meet" your sweetie today. :) That looks like a truly lovely spot, too. We have an apple tree in the back yard ... it's a large tree with a cradle in the middle. I often see my children perched there. Sometimes reading a book, sometimes with an electronic game. Sometimes just enjoying nature for all that it holds.

    Many days I get frustrated with my busy, bustling life and daydream about quiet afternoons when the children are grown and have busy families of their own to care for. But I know deep inside that it was be very empty ... so I'm learning to slow down a little and trying to take notice of little things so this time isn't one big blur-of-a-memory.

    I would happily lend you a couple of my littles for the day! They would LOVE to come bake in your kitchen. :)

    Hoping you had a lovely weekend and enjoy the week ahead.


  4. Of course I love this picture!!! Todd and Jess, waht´s beautiful Marie! xxGloria

  5. What a lovely spot. I can imagine that would be my favorite spot to relax, too.

  6. That looks like a perfect spot. Great photo!

  7. That looks like a perfect climbing tree! How cute!

  8. That looks like such a beautiful place, I can certainly see why it's one of your favorites!

  9. What a cool tree! Looks so relaxing for a stressful Monday.

  10. Oh Marie, I love the picture. I think the best shots are ones of the people we love! Have a fabulous day!

  11. That just looks like a place I so want to be...

  12. oh I LOVE that picture of Todd and Jess!!! That's great!

    Have I told you lately that I miss you? And if I was there...I would frolic for you. Maybe sing a little too??? I don't know. haha.

    Tell Todd hi for me!

    All my love,

  13. that is a really cute picture of your hubby and doggie:) i can see why thats one of your favorite places-its such a pretty tree in such a beautiful place!

  14. Please don't forget to pick up your award at my blog.

  15. Please don't forget to pick up your award at my blog.


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