
Tuesday 19 August 2008

*C* Is For Cookie

A house should have a cookie jar
For when it's half past three,
And children hurry home from school
As hungry as can be!

There's nothing quite so splendid
On which a child can sup,
As great granola grabbers
And sweet milk in a cup!

A child should have someone
Waiting with a hug,
No matter what they bring home,
A puppy or a bug!

For children only loiter
When the bell rings to dismiss,
If no-one's home to greet them
with a cookie and a kiss!
~author unknown

Welcome to the Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 Edition of Tuesdays With Dorie! This is the one day a week that I, along with umpteen gazillion other baking aficionados get together and bake a delicious recipe from that wonderful Baking Bible written by none other than Ms Dorie Greenspan herself, Baking, from my home to yours. It's a lovely group, which numbers over two hundred something of the nicest women, a few men and some of the best bakers on the planet! One thing we all have in common is our love for this book and it's author. Each week we get together and bake the same recipe and then compare notes afterwards, which is a whole lot of fun. If you be interested in participating you can check us out here. It's a very easy group to join, all you need is a love of baking and of course to own the book, which can be purchased at for as little now as $6.23, which is a real bargain!

If you are thinking that this week's recipe had something to do with cookies, you would be right. This week we baked Granola Grabbers, from page 82, as chosen by Michelle of Bad Girl Baking . Michelle, Michelle, Michelle . . . you don't know what you did to me! I've had my head in the cookie jar ever since! These cookies are very M-O-R-E-I-S-H!!! (which is the British word for A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E!!) Need I say more!

I really would like to say here that I had made my own granola to use in this recipe, and normally I would have had my own homemade granola to use, but this week for some reason I had none left and no time to go to the store to buy the ingredients to make it, sigh . . . However I did have a delicious bag of Sharpham Park's finest organic West Country Spelt Granola in my cupboard that was just begging to be used. It is a wonderfully tasty mixture of spelt flakes, walnut pieces, seeds, apples and blueberries, baked with a delicious honey coating. I know, I know . . . Dorie said it was best to use a granola that didn't contain fruit, but I had to use what I had to use and there was no way I was going to stand there and pick out all the fruity bits. I just took my chances!

I am happy to say I had beautiful results with this recipe, despite the fact that my granola did contain some fruit. I didn't want to add peanuts as I have never liked whole peanuts in cookies, so I added some more walnuts instead. I also left out the almonds as I totally forgot them, but I did add an extra handful of raisins as Todd and I are both real raisin lovers. I didn't have any wheat germ either so that also got totally left out and replaced with nothing. I just went with the flow! I ended up with a lovely cookie batter that was a bit sticky but very easy to manage and wrestle onto the cookie sheets. It stayed together well and was very easy to scoop out onto the pans. I chose to roll mine into balls, which I slightly flattened before I put them onto the sheets.

Oh my!!! But they did smell heavenly when they were baking, and, I confess, I did eat one or two (or maybe even three) while they were still warm from the oven. (It's a cook's prerogative you know!) I think another couple got eaten that evening while Todd and I were sitting in our comfy chairs watching the telly and I have been munching on them for breakfast ever since. (Granola is definitely breakfast food, doncha know!)

This was one of the nicest cookies I have ever eaten and I want to thank Michelle from the bottom of my heart for picking this delicious recipe! If you want to give these cookies a go, you will have to check out Michele's page later on today when she posts her entry. In the meantime I suggest you check out the Tuesday's With Dorie blog roll, where you can see a lot of the other delicious creations from this week!

Next weeks recipe will be Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte, as chosen by Amy of Food, Family and Fun . Oh My Goodness . . . there goes the diet for sure!

And now . . . back to my breakfast . . . mmmmm . . . these cookies be mighty good!


  1. Wow. You made your own granola??! You go girl! Love that picture with the distressed looking gingerbread doll. So funny!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  2. Since I stayed up late to be able to say good morning to you, would it be alright if I dropped in to have a cookie breakfast with you?They look so good and smell so yummy. I can't think of anything better than your granola cookies for breakfast....but wait.... it is 11:26 p.m. here.... so can I have some for a midnight snack instead???

    I am tempted to get the book but I am afraid that it would make me hate my scale even more.

    Have a good day. Love, Lura

  3. going with the flow is the way to cook--these look great!

    aussie use the term "moreish" too. when i first heard someone say it, i was totally confused, because what she was describing didn't look "moorish" to me!

  4. These were definitely great cookies! I was eating them warm from the oven too....and for breakfast!

  5. Yum! You made granola????? Good for you!

  6. Wow I have never seen cookies which can look so god but also be so healthy!

    Also, I have been catching up on all your posts I missed and I would love to say: Happy (Late) Birthday!!!!!


  7. mmm...those do look VERY addictive!! And just the right mix of healthy and "bad" --LOL! ;o) I love cookies...and with fall in the air, I have big cravings for soup, cookies and other comfort foods...hhhmmm...I might have to make some cookies this weekend! Miss you, my friend...Wish I could visit you and we have cookies and good gab together :o) Happy Day ((BIG HUGS))

  8. I love the cookie jar! Those cookies look fantastic. Also, I love the word moreish. I should use it in every day life now! :) Along with wicked. I love it when British people are like "Wicked cool!"


  9. I am making cookies today. It was in the plans in the back of my mind, but now it is in the front! LOL I want this book. I might have to get it the next time I order from Amazon.

  10. I love your cookies and your pictures are wonderful. Im so glad they turned out for you!

  11. We loved the crunch of the granola as well! Mmmm. So good!

  12. As always, your pictures are spectacular. The cookies look so at home in your kitchen with its adorable cookie jar. Thank you for the word "moreish" -- how did I live without it all these years?

  13. Your cookes look gorgeous! And they look so moist... yum!

  14. they really are great, warm from the oven, aren't they? and i'm going to start saying moreish.....

    as always, your photos are so gorgeous!

  15. You can't go wrong with more fruit in granola, and cookies for breakfast? Yes please!

  16. Wow, great cookies! I love granola, and I think I would have used some with the fruity bits also! Much love - Raquel XO

  17. These absolutely ARE moreish!! (Did I spell that wrong?) Those look gorgeous!

  18. I love it all, the poem, the cookies, the funny little dolly that's hoarding the cookies. That spelt granola sounds so delicious, too.

  19. Your cookies look great and I love your creative photography and the way you displayed these wonderful cookies!

  20. Your cookies are beautiful! I bought the Baking Bible last year at the local book store from the bargain table, one for me and one for my sister in law, but have never opened it...silly me. I know that will change! I just pulled it down from the shelf, and will have to check out your challenge. The poem....delightful!

  21. Marie your cookies look wonderful!! and I love the Cookie Jar!!! I can smell your cookies!!
    Have a lovely and blessing day! xxxGloria

  22. Your photos are beautiful. I love the cookies with the string around them and the dolly in the background. You are truly talented.

  23. Yummy, I love granola and your cookies look so good, Marie.

  24. Oh! Your pictures are so beautiful and so are the cookies. I know what you mean about normally having homemade granola on hand and just when we could have used some too. These granola cookies are addictive. Very Yummy =D

  25. Now, this Granola stuff sounds interesting...........
    You've just reinforced my determination to get back in the kitchen. Keith makes a pretty mean apple pie but I don't see him with cookies somehow.
    love, Angie, xx

  26. I would love to have one of these for breakfast as well!

  27. I think the doll you posed with the cookies is so cute! The granola you used sounds fabulous, with the blueberries and everything else. Nice choice and lovely cookies! They were a delicious choice.

  28. I like it with all the fruits :). It looks so moist! By the way, I like how you tied the "bloom where you're planted" quote into the previous entry's photo :).


  29. Those cookies look delicious! I love the way you have them stacked up and tied with a ribbon! That would be such a nice gift to give to a friend or neighbor! Wonderful!!

  30. Such cute photos with the gingerbread woman!

  31. I wasn't impressed with these cookies at first ... but I keep going back for more!

  32. I love your cookie stacks! So pretty tied up in ribbon. Lovely, Marie!

  33. Isn't it nice that baking isn't always a "precise art"? Your cookies look terrific.

  34. Your cookies look faboulous! I found these so addictive too.

  35. These cookies were a fav at our house too! The granola you used looks absolutely scrumptious! One of my favorite cereals is a spelt granola, but it's not nearly as chock-full of goodies as the brand you used. Yum!

  36. I ate my cookies while they're still hot from the oven too!

  37. Lovely post. Your cookies look scrumptious. What interesting granola!


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