
Monday 18 August 2008

Best Shot Monday

Bloom Where You're Planted

I caught this picture of a weed that had managed to make it's way up through the paving stones in our back patio and grow despite the odds. This speaks to me of the tenacity of the human spirit and the strength we have, each one of us, to rise above our circumstances and "Bloom" wherever we might find ourselves . . .

This is my entry in this weeks, Best Shot Monday. Now hop on over to Mother May I and see some of the other wonderful entries for this week!


  1. They say great minds think alike.... I'm not sure that we have "great" minds but we surely do think alike.

    I found a similar weed growing in a crack of our patio a few days ago when Claire was visiting. I showed it to her and we both expressed wonder that it could grow in such a narrow space. We talked about "blooming where you are planted" I thought I would do a blog post about it.... you beat me to it.... See... we really do think alike. Have a great day.

    p.s. when I commented below I forgot to tell you that I think your poor man's steak looks really good.... being retired now, John and I can qualify financially to try it. I send love, Lura

  2. Hi Marie,

    I've tagged you for a meme over at my blog.

    Hope you are enjoying a great week, love the photo, so true about blooming where you are.

  3. Haha...Love that photo, Marie, and your thoughts on what this represents--very true! So sorry to have missed chatting with you during the weekend--hope to catch up with you during the week! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I love when a flower pokes through the cracks. It seems so hopeful, in a lonesome sort of way.
    I'm excited for your cookbook. Those lucky elders and sisters that get to come and eat at your place. It's enough to make me serve another mission.:)

  5. Since you like country music, listen to George Strait's "I saw God Today." There's actually a lyric in the song that describes your picture--a flower growing in the crack of a sidewalk. I think you'd love the song!

    How's the LFB drawings coming? I can't wait to see what you're doing with them!

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this shot and all that it represents.
    Thank you for the reminder :)

  7. Great shot and beautiful words to accompany it.

  8. Nature is an amazing thing. Great capture.

  9. Very beautiful! I love the perspective.

  10. Dear Marie,

    I know this is an old post but I've been thinking about what you said and reflecting on your words/caption "Bloom Where You Are Planted..". The words are so so meaningful(!) to me.. we sometimes are unappreciative of what we have and think the grass is greener on the other side etc etc.. without realising that whatever situations we are in in our lives, we have been placed there by our dear Father for a purpose..

    Thanks Marie!

    Angela KL


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!