
Wednesday 16 July 2008

Wednesday Morning This and That

"Summer Holidays
Relaxing in the sun
flowers and bees and leafy trees
Doing nothing and yet . . . everything is done
Ice cream, candy rock and fish and chips by the sea
a quiet walk, just you and me
time to just be and do and see
Summer Holidays"
~by Me

Okay, now that I have managed to get you through that corny poem, I hope you'll stay for a chat and a natter. I found this page "Write an Instant Holiday Poem." This was my attempt, for after all I am on holidays now and am enjoying every minute of them. The Cliff Richard Song, "Summer Holiday" keeps playing in my head and for once it's not annoying me!

On Monday we had a Barbecue here in the evening. About 8 months ago a bunch of us at church decided we were going to start a small group scripture study group, and once a month since then we have been getting together at one or anothers home to study the scriptures together. We decided we would use the Gospel Principles book. This is the book that all new members study from when they first join the church and as the members of our group are essentially all converts of varying length of time we thought it wouldn't hurt to go through it again with eyes and hearts that now know and understand a lot more than we each did at the beginning, sort of a fresh perspective and meeting of minds on the underpinnings of our individual faith. It's been great. Since it was summer, and our turn to host this month, I wanted to have a barbecue and combine it with a Monday Family Home Evening, especially since a lot of us in the group are either couples without children living at home, or single members on our own. We had a wonderful time. It was a good old fashioned barbecue, with hot dogs, burgers, potato salad, coleslaw and even a visitor, in the shape of the little boy from next door, who just loves to come over and participate when we have company, especially when there are hot dogs involved! It was gone past ten by the time we got into bed and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we all had a lovely evening together! You just can't beat spending a couple of hours with friends that feel like family!

Yesterday morning I had to go to the Chiropodist. Before I came over here I had never heard of such a thing! When I worked at the old people's home though (my first job after arriving on these verdant green shores), there was one that came into the home once a month or so to tend to the resident's feet. I had a problem about a year ago with some ingrown toenails and hadn't realized that Doctors over here don't deal with that issue . . . you have to go to a chiropodist, and so . . . I've been going about every 8 weeks ever since. My feet feel like a million bucks when I leave after he's done and it's been worth every penny. I thought it only proper to start off my holiday with feet that feel like a million bucks, don't you? (For those of you who don't know, a chiropodist is a foot specialist trained in the treatment of foot disorders, which can vary from corns to athletes foot. He trims my toe nails and gets rid of any calluses and in general just makes these tired old dogs feel like young pups!)*Note - That is not a picture of my feet. I wish that was a picture of my feet.

After that we went to the Cash and Carry to pick up a couple of cases of water to take on our trip and we decided to treat ourselves to a bit of lunch. McDonalds is right by there and, while it's not generally a place we like to go to very often, it's ok in a pinch and it was right there. We didn't have the time to come home because . . .

We were going to the movies in the afternoon! Yesterday we went to see the best musical film we have seen since Grease came out! Yes, we went to see MaMa Mia! I know that in the beginning when I told Todd I really wanted to see this he was thinking . . . Chick Flick . . . and he'd go to humour me . . . but he LOVED it, as did I! If you only go to see one film this summer, make it THIS one! It's fabulous! All the characters are well casted, the story line is great and the music is just wonderful!! We were entranced from the very first and I didn't even have to struggle to stay awake like I usually do. I never fell asleep even once. The actors sing all their own songs and do it quite well, and in some cases beautifully. We laughed. We cried. (well, I did anyways) Our toes tapped throughout the whole movie. Julie Walters is priceless in it. No bad language. No gratuitous sex or violence. Entertaining. Let's face it any film with Pierce Brosnan, COLIN FIRTH, and the music of ABBA in it can't be bad! I highly recommend!

We came home afterwards and then went for a nice walk through the Estate enjoying all the sights and sounds and smells. It was a wonderfully fitting end to a wonderfully relaxing day. Jess enjoyed walking with us as well. (I think she was feeling a bit lonely after having been in the house alone all day!) Today Todd is going to go to the War and Peace Show at the Hop Farm, and I'm going to dig out my paints and canvasses. I would go with him, but it involves a lot of walking and I am trying to save up my tootsies for next week when we are in Cumbria . . . . besides I think I will find my brushes and paints just a tad more interesting than some tanks and guns!

Last night we dined on a simple supper of Corned Beef Hash and fried eggs. Simple and yet . . . tasty. Sometimes the best things in life are the simple things, and this was no exception!

*Corned Beef Hash*
Serves 2

7 ounces tinned corned beef
2 large, free range, very fresh organic eggs
1 rounded teaspoon of grainy mustard
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped
10 ounces of floury potatoes, peeled and chopped into half inch cubes
(use a King Edward, Maris Piper or if in America a Russet)
1 1/2 TBS sunflower oil
3 TBS butter, divided
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Tomato ketchup to serve

Remove the corned beef from the tin and cut it up into bits using a sharp knife. Scoop them all into a bowl. Combine the Worcestershire sauce and the mustard and pour it over the meat. Give it a good stir to combine. Set aside.

Place the potato cubes into a saucepan with enough boiling water to just cover them. Season with a bit of salt and then cover and simmer for just five minutes. Drain well in a colander and set aside to cool a bit.

Heat a medium skillet with a heavy bottom over medium high heat and add the oil and 1 TBS of the butter. When it is quite hot throw in the onions and toss them around, stirring and cooking them until they begin to soften and brown. Add the potato cubes and continue to cook and brown the onions and potatoes, adding a bit more oil if necessary to help keep the mixture from sticking too much. Season with some salt and pepper to taste. After about 10 minutes or so add the corned beef, continuing to move everything around and cooking it until the beef is completely heated through. Turn the heat down to it's lowest setting and fry the eggs.

Place a medium sized, heavy based frying pan over medium high heat. Add 1 TBS of butter and heat until it starts to foam. Carefully break the two eggs into the foaming butter. Leave them for about 30 seconds or so to get them started, then turn the heat down to medium. Continue to cook the eggs for one to two minutes, basting the tops with some of the fat in the pan from time to time, or until they are as done as you like them. If you are not fond of *sunny side up* eggs, then carefully flip them over once to seal the tops.

Serve the hash divided between the two warm plates with an egg on top of each and plenty of Tomato Ketchup!


  1. Hope your feet stay feeling a million bucks!!!

    Just to let you've been tagged!

  2. I love the beauty of your blog, always wonderful pics. of your flowers and food and that sweet Todd !!! Thank you for all the recent comments. Sorry for not responding sooner. Hope all is well. see ya later. Hugs, MIca

  3. Oooh I haven't had corned beef hash for years!!
    Hope your feet stay feeling good!

  4. Your poem is such fun, Marie...and what a sweet sound so happy! Must be your happy feet! ;o) LOL! And so lovely to see Todd! Give him a hug from us. So great to chat with you yesterday, my friend! Hope you both have a lovely day today doing his & her's things. Love you heaps! OXOX ((HUGS))

  5. Marie:
    Dinner looks delicious. Your vacation sounds wonderful-what a fun and relaxing trip. I loved your little poem. Save your feet for the good stuff. I'm also anxious to see mama mia. We're on vacation right now too so I'm hoping we can squeeze it on. We're on a tour of the Canadian Rockies and we'll be in Edmonton tomorrow. I wish I was in your ward so I could have come to the BBQ-sounds so fun!
    As for the pasta on my blog, can you get tomatillos? If you an get fresh tomatillos, you can roast them in the oven until blackened in a few places and puree them in the blender. Let me know, because if you can't, I'll come up with another substitution-or else I'm bringing you some tomatillo salsa when I come to the UK in the fall. :)

  6. Hello dear friend
    I enjoy my visits with you so much. It sounds like you are off to a wonderful start to your holidays.
    We are going to see Mamma Mia this weekend. Can't wait. We love the music of Abba and saw them perform live in Toronto years ago. we sat tinthe 2nd or 3rd row as I recall. We saw the stage play too, so I know the movie will be terrific. It's definitely a feel good movie, which is so rare these days.
    I'm glad you have friends that feel like family especially since your own family is so far away. What a blessing for you.
    Hope you and your pints have a wonderfully creative day.
    Rhondi xo

  7. Hope that your feet stay feeling well! Your BBQ sounds like a lovely time, looks like Todd had fun! I am so enjoying Ms. Rosebud, she is so beautiful! That corned beef hash looks great!

  8. Marie,

    what a lovely summer you two have been having!! Lots to talk about, see and do. Love all your topics...and hope your feet always feel fresh and well, without our feet...we'd be in trouble!

    Also, Love your "TREE" picture I see..."hmmm great idea and love seeing it." You saw our also, it is fun to take by a tree. Love your poem it was lovely.

    Happy day to you;-))

  9. mmmm! Marie I hope you continue enjoy your time with Todd and friends, yes I know about feet, I walk a lot and Mom sai that we have to go again to CHiropodist we go to the time in time but I dont go since the summer (6 months) you have reason when I go feel so good .
    I hope you have lovely and nice days and enjoy dear, only enjoy, Gloria

  10. I've never had corned beef hash, but it looks tasty! Todd looks so sweet--he looked like a cute little elf hanging off that tree branch!

    I'm sooo jealous you got to see Mama Mia! It doesn't come out here until Friday. I've see the play several times and love it. My whole family is obsessed. I think my dad has seen the play more than 10 times. I can't wait to see the movie. I'm so glad they didn't screw it up!!

    And your poem was cute.

  11. I always love breakfast for dinner! (the eggs don't always agree with me, but eh....)

  12. Good morning friend.... I guess for you I should say...good afternoon.

    I'm glad that you are having a nice holiday. I wish we could have come to your family home evening... and yes, I love your idea of going to the temple together... when are you coming to the states??? Lets be sure to get together.

    I spent over an hour giving out your lovely award to seven blog friends last night and then I lost it and can't get it to upload again. Can you help me figure out what is wrong? I am not good at blog stuff.

    I send love. You are right.... I will be so excited when I can post the message "Tomorrow I will meet my dear Marie and her Todd" I can't wait.

  13. You really sound in a 'Holiday' mood, and your trip is almost here!
    Being a Diabetic, attention to feet is a must,so I have a lady come do mine every 6 weeks, and like you say, it feels good!

  14. i also love your pictures marie,your blog is such a wonderful place to come to, it's like visiting a good friend. i love your art work it is wonderful!! i love it! the corned beef hash looks great, this is a great idea for a summer meal.

  15. Hi Mrie,loved your posting as usual.Lovely pics of Dear Todd.I hope your feet stay feeling good for your break.Have a wonderful holiday.I shall be thinking of you.Take Care God Bless Kath

  16. The hash looks amazing! I haven't had it in years. My parent's actually had corned beef hash on their first date so I think I might make your recipe for their anniversary next month.

  17. Oh Marie! I wish you were closer-I need someone to see Mamma Mia with! I got tickets for the stage show for my husbands birthday years ago when it first came out, but he didn't want to go so I went with a girlfriend of mine and had a BLAST! Now I'm sad because my dear friends who'd see it with me are not near.

    And then you have to end your post with my favorite breakfast-corned beef hash! You cheeky monkey!

  18. "Mama Mia" hits the theaters here in the U.S. this coming Friday. My movie going friend, Barbara & I will go next Tuesday, our normal movie going day. I can't wait! Linda in WA

  19. That corned beef hash looks tasty!

  20. The corned beef hash looks so good! I'm going to see mama mia next week, can't wait :)

  21. Great pictures of Todd and Jess - love seeing them! I can't wait to see Mama Mia! I love ABBA and the movie sounds great. xo

  22. So, enjoying your holidays. I'm too enjoying them on a family travel trip.

  23. I LOVE LOVE LOVE corned beef hash but never make it at home...we have a diner in town that makes a good version of it!

  24. I love your post..It is managed very beautifully..Thank you for post !! It sounds like you have lovely time there..It is really good to read your post..Keep it up !!
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