
Tuesday 15 July 2008

Best Shot Monday

I took this shot when we were at Sissinghurst with my friend Tracy and her husband a couple of Saturday's ago. I love the message it speaks to me . . . it reminds me of the crown of thorns worn by my Saviour, and His great sacrifice . . . and the little seed feathers that you see escaping remind me of the new life I have been able to find in Him and only Him . . .

Hop on over to Best Shot Monday to see some of the other lovely entrants this week!

PS - I know I am a day late with this, but I got distracted yesterday by a bunch of lovely friends and a barbeque. *grin*


  1. Glad you're having a good time Marie. A day with friends and a BBQ sounds good to me!

  2. I'm so glad you're having a good vacation! You deserve it!

  3. So glad you're enjoying your time off, Marie! I love your symbolism is this flower which has gone to seed...great comparison. Off to see more about the Best Shot Monday and other participants. :o) Talk to you soon...Have a wonderful day, sweet friend ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Sounds like fun for you Marie, you deserve it after all your hard work. Enjoy the rest of your break.

  5. I always enjoy your fabulous photography. You help me to see things in a whole new way. You really capture the true beauty.

    Great analogy!

  6. You always make me smile and put joy in my heart to read your post Marie! This is so powerful but yet so simple,you are very "deep" my friend!

    Bless you today and this week!!


  7. Marie, I LOVE this shot...everything about it...the angles, textures...great! Your analogy adds to its beauty.

    So glad you've joined BSM. Hey, I'm still working on Monday, too. :)

  8. Thank you for such a POWERFUL image. Lovley...

  9. Lovely picture, Lovely thought

    so glad that you are having fun with friends. Wish we could have come to your BBQ...I know it would be the best!

    Have a great day.Luv Ya

  10. Good BBQ food and good friends just go together.
    Glad your having restful time Marie.

  11. The Creator even makes beautiful thorns & thistles. Linda in Washington state

  12. prickly & soft at the same time. Awseome textures.


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