
Friday 11 July 2008

Unexpected Pleasures

"When you least expect it,
Something good will come your way,
Might only be a small thing,
But enough to make your day.
Enough to make you want to smile,
And shout out loud, "Hooray!"
Thank you, God, for all the "*Ups",
and for keeping "Downs" at bay."
~Phyllis Ellison

I love life. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it's sad. But then again we weren't promised an easy ride. It's also pretty darn wonderful and more often than not, the good far outweighs the bad. When I look back on some of my hard times I can clearly see that they happened for a reason, that I have been able to take something good out of every experience, some lesson learned, some strength gained. It is often said that when a potter wants a strong pot, he puts it through the fire and the heat makes the clay harder and stronger, and so it is with life. The more we struggle and have to overcome, the stronger we become in the process. It's nice to know that when things get really bad there is always someone we can turn to for comfort, for added strength, for hope . . . even when it seems like all is lost.

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help." ~Psalm 121:1

Most days are pretty good I would say. I find pockets of joy, both large and small, in each one of them. Yesterday morning, when I was on my way to work, all of a sudden a robin trilled from inside the hedgerow next to me. I stopped for a few seconds to listen, and it filled my soul with a great feeling of joy and gratitude for all that I am and all that I have. I could have stood there and listened for hours. It was a small gift, a free gift for the taking, and yet priceless . . .

I have had a few small and priceless gifts lately. Each one has made my day in a very special way. The wonderful thing about being given gifts is that sometimes you get to pass them on, and thereby bless someone else's life and day in much the same way.

I was thrilled and pleased one day this past week to have received the Brilliante Weblog award from Rhondi of Rose Colored Glasses. Rhondi has a beautiful page. Each visit with her is like a visit to a close friend, the colours, the music and the words all sooth the soul and uplift the heart. I was so honored that she chose to give me this award. It really made my day.

The rules for this award are:
1. Put the Logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

I'd like to pass this award on, in no specific order, to:

1. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage who has a page that uplifts and inspires me each and every time I visit it.

2. Tracy of Pink Purl . Not only is she a great friend, but she is one of the gentlest and kindest souls you could ever meet. Her gentle spirit is very evident in her page and her words.

3. Nichole of Poppins . A young American girl who has been working over here as a nanny for the past year or so. Her stay here is soon coming to an end. *sniff *sniff I got to know her through church and I will say that our whole ward will greatly miss her. We have each come to love her very much. Her page is a wonderful narrative, filled with pictures and words, of her experiences over here.

4. Jeannene of Love Conquers All . A journal filled with beautiful pictures and thoughts. Jeannene is a lovely young woman with lots of heart and lots to share.

5. Allison of The Rabbit Hole . You just never know what you are going to find on Allison's page. The only thing you can be sure of is that it will be well written and interesting to say the least!

6. Melody of Slurping Life . I've been a fan of Melody's page for several years now. Well written and beautifully pictured, Melody shares her interesting life as the mother of sons, each one challenged in a particular way. I just love going there and reading about their adventures and challenges they have been able to overcome and continue to overcome on a daily basis.

7. Suzan of The Hallams, Suzan and Christoper . Originally started as a weblog of her husband Keith's battle with melanoma Suzan has taken us on the journey every step of the way. Sadly Keith lost his battle a few months back. Her page is a wonderful tribute and example to us all of the tenacity of the human spirit, and the strength to rise above the ashes.

I also got another lovely gift this past week. Schotzy of Wings of Eagles and Carrie of Carrie's Kitchen Creations both chose to give me the Arte y Pico award! To say I was thrilled and honored was to say the least! They both really made my day in a very special way as well, and so I'd also love to award the above ladies with the same! You all have just become double award winners!

Now, here's a really winning dessert. The winner of last week's Make Me Bake poll! A delicious Strawberry Toffee Tart! I was so happy when you picked this one and Todd thanks you from the very bottom of his heart!

*Strawberry Toffee Tart*
Serves 6

A crispy, buttery and oaty crust coverd with a tangy cream and a plethora of sliced strawberries, this is truly moreish. A final drizzle of toffee sauce is it's crowning glory. Easy, quick and pleasing on all levels this is a true winner!

6 ounces of hobnob biscuits (a buttery oatmeal cookie)
3 ounces of butter, melted
14 ounces of double cream
5 soft toffees (such as Werther's original soft toffees)
200g tub of Greek Yoghurt
icing sugar for dusting

Line an 8 inch tart tin with baking parchment. Crush the biscuits to fine crumbs either in your food processor, blender or by bashing them in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. Tip them into a bowl and mix together with the melted butter. Press this mixture evenly in the base of the tart tin. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so until it feels firm. Once firm, remove the biscuit base from the tin and carefully slide it onto a flat serving plate.

Slice the strawberries and set aside.

Take 2 TBS of the cream and put it into a small bowl. Whip the rest of the cream until it holds soft peaks. Fold in the yoghurt and then spoon this mixture over the top of the biscuit base and cover with the sliced strawberries.

Add the toffees to the cream and place in the microwave. Cook on medium heat for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Stir until they form a sauce. Drizzle this sauce over the berries. Dust with icing sugar just before serving.

PS - A courgette is a Zucchini!!!


  1. I too try to take something positive from a bad experience, but as you wrote, sometimes time has to pass before you are able to see it. I try hard to use positive words and re-focus if things are tough, life is too short to waste time and energy on negative things. Great looking tart Marie, I am hoping to go berry picking soon.

  2. Marie:
    Big congrats on both awards! Thanks for the positive encouragement. I need my daily boost of optimism from Marie. Your tart looks so yummy-I'm a huge hob nob fan, but I like the milk chocolate ones. I'm going to stock up when I visit England in the fall.

  3. I can't take it....that strawberry tart with HOBNOBS (!!!) and toffee?! Oh, my. Do you know that it's $5 here to buy one package of Hobnobs? I don't care though. I love them so much I could eat them all day long.

    Yes--congrats on your awards!

  4. That tart looks FABULOUS!! I have never tried Hobnobs, but I am sure I would love them! Great post! Congrats on the awards!

  5. Hi Marie
    Congratulations on another award. You deserve it. Your blog encourages and inspires us. I enjoyed visiting the other bloggers who you awarded and it wa sfun to see a picture of you with Tracy at Sissinghurst. Your blog is a daily dose of enjoyment and inspiration for me.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs,your friend Rhondi

  6. Another beautiful thought and great looking dessert. I can not get hobnob biscuits so I will use regular oatmeal cookies.

    I can not get Greek yoghurt either. Should I use plain unflavored yoghurt?..vanilla yoghurt?... or strawberry yoghurt?

    Thanks for letting me know what a courgette is.... Now I feel smart.

    Congrats to the award winners. Have a great day. I hope a robin sings for you again today.

  7. Congrats by all your awards Marie! well deserved!
    Well this Tarte look absolutely wonderful and tasty!!

    Dear Grammy I dont know how thik Marie but I used normally plain yogourt, we dont have here greek yogourt. Is that I made.
    I dont have idea Granny what is "courgette" when I read your question to Marie so I wait, surprise, zuchinni! I dont have idea! My Mom say we always Im learning! and is true!
    Have all of you a lovely weekend, kisses, Gloria

  8. Hello, sweet friend! It feels an age since I was able stop we're back from holiday, it's wonderful to be able to catch up on all you've been doing here. Congrats on your award--you have the most brilliant and inspiring place in blogland, I think! And thank you so much for sharing an award with me. Meeting you and Todd last week was one of the happiest days of our lives for both hubby and me. It was truly one of those most perfect days to always remember. I knew the day would be great, but it turned out to be almost magical, didn't it? *SIGH* Still basking in the glow...Hope very much we can come and see you both next summer! And maybe have this strawberry delight you've made here...mmmm. Talk to you soon! Happy weekend to you both ((BIGGEST HUGS))

  9. Now that looks good. How's the corn?

  10. Congratulations on both well beyond deserved awards. And you really have to stop will all the delish food. Oh my this looks heavenly.

    Thank you sweetly, Marie for awarding me. I do try, and to be honored by my first bloggy friend is indeed special. I've grabbed the graphics and links...hope to get mine up within a reasonable time.

  11. Thank you very much Marie!! You are a creative inspiration to me too. xo

    That strawberry concoction looks delish! I have been remiss at my blogging...bad blogger...will catch up on my reading this week.

    Thinking of you.

  12. Oh, Dear Marie,
    you are just too sweet. You have no idea how uplifting your comments are for me. If everyone knew what a difference kind comments make, I think most readers would comment more.

    You are a beautiful lady. It shows through on your posts, in your words, your photos, and your recipes.



Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!