
Saturday 12 July 2008

Summer Giveaways and Saturday Thoughts

After a week that was full of rain, rain and, well . . . more rain the sun is shining down on Oak Cottage early this Saturday morning. And, yay! I'm on holidays for two weeks! Time to put my feet up, dig out my painting brushes, get all the little things done around here that have been begging to get done for the past year, time to clear out the back room of all the magazines that need to be rooted through and thrown out . . . well . . . let's not get carried away here!

I am a bit of a pack rat and I have a really hard time getting rid of anything, and most especially magazines. I start to look through them and next thing you know I am reading them and thinking to myself . . . do I really want to get rid? I am hopeless! I know it has to be done though, or this whole house will begin to sink into the ground, and it will all be because of the weight of those old magazines! At least that's Todd's fear!

I'm going to go shopping this morning for a new pair of trainers. I'm hoping that they will be comfortable enough that I can get some relief from this foot problem of mine. No, it hasn't gotten any better and in some ways is worse. I know that I will or should be able to get a lot of rest these next few weeks off of them, but we will be going away to Cumbria for part of the time and I had really looked forward to doing some hiking and such while we are there. It will be a shame if my feet won't allow it. I am also really hoping that we get a week of nice sunny weather while we are there. It would also be a real shame it if rains the whole time, although I am prepared and will be bringing my paints, paper to write on, a few good books and some playing cards. Todd is under instructions to tape as many good films this week as he can, just in case . . .

This time I am really hoping that we can go to the home of Beatrix Potter in the Lake District. That is one of the things we missed the last time we were there. I loved her stories as a child and I just love the movie Miss Potter. I know it is a romanticized version of her life but I could watch it over and over again, and to Todd's dismay, have seen it at least 6 times and would watch it again tonight if I could! Oh, I know he'd not quibble if I said I wanted to, but I have to think to myself, can I really put him through that again???

In just a few weeks now my baby boy will be starting his Military training for the air force in St Jean, Quebec. It seems like only yesterday he was learning to walk and now . . . here he is almost 20 and getting ready to serve his country. I am so proud of him, and yet, at the same time, I am terrified that something will happen to him. He's my one child that I didn't get to finish bringing up, as his father and I got divorced when he was 11, and he wanted to live with his dad, as any boy would. He's kind of grown up without me, and I had been thinking all this time that, when he was old enough, perhaps he would want to spend some time with me and we could get closer, not that we aren't close, but . . . you know. The longings of a mother's heart . . . I know he will make a great soldier and he will do his country proud! Was it just last year that I flew back to Nova Scotia to watch him graduate from high school? It seems like eons ago now . . .

Today our Stake (church area) is having a Country Fun Fair at our Stake Centre. It promises to be lots of fun and is an excellent way to start off my holiday. There will be food and displays and competitions and an old fashioned Barn Dance with line dancing as well! It sounds like a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to it! I have a photo to enter into the Photography competition, in the weird and wonderful world of nature category. Actually I have two that I like, but I can't make up my mind. They are both pretty interesting in my opinion and it's hard to choose!!! In any case, it promises to be a really fun day!

I thought to kick off my summer holidays I would do a "Summer Giveaway." You all have been so dear to me these past months and so very generous with your comments and such, so it's about time I gave a little something back. Leave a comment on this post and I'll put your name in for the Women's Weekly Cookery Book, "A Taste of Chocolate." It's a delicious book full of lovely chocolate recipes, and not just dark or milk, there's white chocolate involved as well. It's one of my favourite books. You, too, can be dining on recipes such as Raspberry Rapture Ice Cream Cakes and Chocolate Churros! Just leave a comment here and I'll try to draw it before I leave on my holiday!

Speaking of delicious recipes, I made this wonderful salad the other day for our lunch/dinner. If you like Avocados and corn like I do, then this is for you! By the way Linda, my corn plants are at least 3 1/2 feet tall now and growing more every day! I can't wait to harvest some lovely sweet corn from off of them! Thanks so much!

*Avocado, Corn and Tomato Salad with Mozzarella*
Serves 4 - 6

I love the rich creaminess of avocado. It goes so very well in this salad, with the corn, tomatoes and mild flavour of the cheese. A tasty herb dressing brings all the flavours and textures beautifully together. This goes very well with grilled chicken or steak.

4 cups lightly cooked sweet corn, drained well
1/2 pound fresh mozzarella, cut into 1/4 inch cubes or bocconcini, halved
2 ripe avocados, halved, peeled and sliced
1/2 pint ripe grape tomatoes, halved
8 to 10 fresh basil leaves, cut into thin strips
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Baby salad greens to serve
1/2 cup Herb Vinaigrette (see below)

Put the corn kernels into a large bowl. Add the mozzarella cheese, avocados, tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper. Drizzle the vinaigrette over top and very gently toss together. Be very careful as you don't want to mash the avocado. Season with more salt and pepper or dressing to taste. Serve on a bed of baby salad greens.

*Summer Herb Vinaigrette*
Makes about 1 1/4 cups

1/3 cup red wine vinegar
2 tsp Dijon mustard
the grated zest and juice of one lemon (I use un-waxed)
3 fresh basil leaves, julienned
2 TBS chopped fresh oregano leaves
2 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Whisk together the vinegar, mustard and lemon juice. Whisk in the lemon zest and herbs. Slowly whisk in the olive oil until the mixture is emulsified and begins to thicken somewhat. Stir in salt and pepper to taste. Use immediately. You may store it in a covered jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, but no longer, because of the fresh herbs.


  1. Marie - have a lovely holiday! And have a nice rest, you really deserve one!
    That's one of the nicest salads I've seen.

  2. Have a gorgeous holiday in Cumbria! My family went at Easter and had a splendid time - hope the weather stay decent for you!
    I am also going away - to Paris for a week - and will miss your blog! Hopefully a nice surprise win will be waiting for me...fingers and toes crossed !


  3. Dear Marie
    I have only this week come across your blog - and it has been such a lovely find. It is delicious in every way ... I love the combination of heart-felt words, inspiring photography and food. It certainly works for me - I will be dropping by regularly. Thank you for sharing you days with us all. donna

  4. Have a wonderful holiday! After the wedding you need a rest. Thank you for your comment yesterday. I lost the post and had to repost so I loss the comment. Mom froze over 2 bushels of corn yesterday so we will making the salad. It looks wonderful.


  5. Have a great holiday and thanks for the contest!

  6. Hi Marie: I hope you have a lovely holiday. I am a daily reader, although I don't often comment. I have made ay of your wonderful recipes, and my family have enjoyed them all.

    Donna D

  7. Hope the weather and your dear feet are agreeable during your vacation. Have a nice rest and fun with hubby. Jancd

  8. Marie,

    love reading your blog. Can you tell me what the names of the flowers are in this post?

    I love chocolate so please put my name in your drawing!

    Robin in Virginia

  9. Love your Blog!! So nice and relaxing to read it. Have a good Holiday!!

  10. Marie:
    Maybe we should have a magazine bonfire together. I can't seem to get rid of mine either. Have a lovely holiday. It sounds idyllic. I'll be in Canada next week-can't wait! What a sweet picture and thoughts about your son. Take care of those feet so you can enjoy your trip.

  11. Have a wonderful time in Cumbria! I spent a holiday there when I was a little girl, it's such a lovely place.

    What a gorgeous looking salad! I really enjoy reading your blog, I find your posts very inspiring. X

  12. Having just now seen first-hand your cookbook and huge magazine collection, I can understand Todd's fear--LOL! ;o) But a holiday is a good time to catch up on things that get put on the back burner the rest of the time. Hope you have a lovely holiday--put your feet up and enjoy! So exciting about your trip to Cumbria soon. I hope so much we can be with you there next summer. Your baby boy in the military...oh, what a heavy moment. I hope he will be safe and it is a great experience for him. Have fun at the fair! Hope your photos wins--let us know! Oh, and this salad is superb! I make something very similar, but hadn't thought of adding mozzarella before--excellent notion! Miss you my friend...only a week since we saw you, yet feels like an age already! LOVE HEAPS, my friend ((BIG HUGS))

  13. Never mind the exertion of hiking. Makes your face shiny. Just throw away the electric whisk and shake your salad dressings in a jam jar - aerobic exercise!!!! Have a RESTFUL holiday.
    love, Angie, xx

  14. I hope you sent that rain my way. A rainy day is a happy day for me!! (Really, why do I live in Texas?! I tell you, once my family is gone, I'm moving to the UK....LOL)

    Your avocado and bacon salad is tops on my list. I should just print out the picture you posted and frame makes my mouth water just thinking about it....can you imagine if I had to look at it every day?! hee hee....

    (I loved Miss Potter, too! Her feistiness made me laugh...)

  15. Marie, Really I hope you have a nice holidays and you may rest! with Todd of course, I would love to know Beatrix Potter's house really. I love all ofe her, her draws, her histories really I like.
    I hope you will have alove weather too, here rain really a alot today but we are in winter.
    But I love to stay close of a chimeney or wooden stove that we have and I dry the childs clothes hanhing there, is really funny!!
    We have alot of wind today and the proof that I have outside in the terraza fall just in some plants Im waiting the rain stop a little to look my plants. Kisses and God bless you and Todd. Gloria

  16. Wow the recipes look good would love to win! Okay I am getting hungry!

  17. Hi Marie,
    That salad looks great.
    I'm a chocolate fanatic so I'd love the cookbook!

  18. Like Donna D, I, too, am a daily reader but rarely comment. Can't resist this time, though, since something involving chocolate is involved! A true chocoholic I am. I would love to have that cookbook to enable me to develop more ways to imbibe, so add my name to the list. I do hope you have a lovely holiday. As hard as it sounds like you work, you do deserve it!

  19. I'm making this salad for supper tonight with little mini-hamburgers! It's going to be so tasty! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. By the way, I saw the Beatrix Potter movie and it made me cry! I can see why you like it!

  20. is so hot here and that salad looks so perfect for summer... I might add some chicken to it all call it dinner... do you think that would work?

    I hope that you have a great holiday. You work so hard I'm sure that you can use the rest. However, I am concerned about your feet. I, too, have had serious foot problems. I was in a walking cast on both feet off and on for a year and a half and in a wheelchair for several months. My orthopedic surgeon suggested surgery but when I went to a podiotrist for a second opinion he said all I needed was orthotics. He made a mold of my feet and made me orthotics and I have done really well. I can't believe the difference... I went from a wheelchair to almost being normal. I wonder if orthotics would help you? You might check it out. They worked wonders for me.

    Have a good vacation. I am wishing you sunshine.

  21. Reading your thoughts and hopes helps me know how to remember you at this time when your son is truly leaving the comforts of home and helping other people. Your dream may come true one day as your son finds adulthood.
    The salad looks so yummy!! It jumps out of the photo with such freshness and flavor!!
    Good luck with the magazines. I just finally carted mine all off to charity. Would you believe ever single copy of Country Living from the 70's until now!! Yikes...there were a lot. I didn't think..just did it. I'm free!! :)) Now, Victoria mag. is another story! :))

  22. First, oh please do enter me in the book giveaway. I am such a chocoholic.

    Now about all your news...I am praying for healed strong feet, comfortable hiking shoes and lovely weather for your holiday. Please know that I will hold your son in prayer and in my heart. A proud, but nervous moment for you as a mother.

    About those magazines...I am so the same way. Now off to find those awards you mentioned a couple of days ago. :)

  23. Hi Marie....How I have missed reading your blog every day!!!! I've been gone one month and had limited computer access. I flew to South Dakota to visit my sister and her husband for awhile and then she and I drove 13 hours to spend time with my mom in Minnesota (2 wonderful weeks there). My sister flew back to Arizona with me to help her find a "second home" here. Her new home should be built by Christmas!!! It will be wonderful to have them near for part of each year!! The avacado recipe sounds of my favorite foods! Thanks again for your wonderful are very "special" in my mind!

    JUDY - Scottsdale, AZ.

  24. Marie, I hope that your hols this year is the best one EVER!! I know that you and Todd will have a splendid time together. Take plenty of pictures to share with us!!! We will miss you whilst you are out and about, but you definitely deserve your time off!

    That salad looks fabulous!!!

    Much Love - Raquel XO

  25. THANK YOU, Marie, for that lovely salad recipe! I just happen to have all those ingredients at the ready... neighbor just brought over some avocados off her tree! I'm trying this recipe for supper!

    (PS I'm so jealous of you getting to go to the Lake District... that's a long time fantasy of mine!)

    Becky in southern California

  26. I'm leaving you an award on my blog tomorrow. Can you stand it-so many awards:)

  27. Hi Marie
    I do not have a blog but I love to read yours, it is both entertaining, informative and friendly. What I would like to know is..what is the name of the blue flowes in the photos above and do you gown them yourself? We live in Sydney Australia and none of my family have seen them before, the photos truely caught my eyes. I look forward to more of your writing and photos, many thanks for sharing them.
    Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe
    God speed

  28. I remember when my boy went off to his Air Force basic training. I cried for days. Even had to miss work. His dad & I divorced when he was 9 and he went back & forth between the two houses but I was so afraid they'd be "mean to him." And he'd never slept over night anywhere except my house, his dad's and my parents place. He never wanted to stay overnight with any of his friends, they always came home with him. I discovered a whole new way of praying for him. Hopefully your son will end up in the U.K. somehow, paid for the Canadian armed forces. How lovely that would be. Have a lovely, restful vacation. I'd love to see the Potter house. I too love that movie and have watch my DVD many times. Linda

  29. Probs too late to be entered into the 'giveaway' but wishing you a happy holiday. If you're passing, call'll be more than have my number!

  30. Have a really lovely holiday in Cumbria, my nan used to live in a tiny village in cumbria and my favourite times as a child were spent as a child. You will just love Beatrix Potters musuem it is amazing and make sure you visit the Beatrix Potter shop in Windermere, it's such a lovely shop :) have a great time!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!