
Tuesday 29 July 2008

Fit for a king!

Welcome to the Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 edition of Tuesdays With Dorie, the Doriest day of the week when umpteen bazillion baking nuts get together and bake one recipe . . . the same recipe . . . from the lovely baking book, Baking, from my home to yours, by Dorie Greenspan! (Whew that was a real mouthful!)

Speaking of mouthful's, this week's recipe was a wonderfully delicious one . . . Summer Fruit Galette on pages 366 - 367, as chosen by Michelle from Michelle in Colorado Springs . . . and yes, I have fallen in love!

Having just gotten home from my summer holiday late on Saturday, I was a bit worried that I would not manage to get this challenge in, but after a good think on Sunday and a grocery shop on Monday, I managed just fine and I put my hand up . . . for one and all to see . . . that I confess, I am having a love affair with this recipe.

I decided that I was going to use a quintessentially English combination for this lovely dessert and do an Apple and Blackberry Galette. The Blackberries are ripening in the hedgerows all around me (a tad early I'd say!) and the cottage is surrounded by orchards, although there are none for the picking just yet, so apple and blackberry just seemed to be the perfect Oak Cottagy dessert for a mid summer's evening. (I can't believe that summer is already half over! It's going fast!)

I decided also that I was going to follow Dorie's suggestion and use Ginger preserves in my galette because ginger and apple go so very well together and what the heck, as apples and blackberries go together like peas and carrots, I thought hey, ginger will go with blackberries as well!

OH MY GOODNESS! Monday was so not a day for me to choose to start a diet!

I have a real thing for pastry. I just love it!! You could put anything into pastry and call it a pie, or whatever . . . and I am so there! My mother once went away for a weekend and left us a lovely meat pie for our dinner the first night, which I only had to heat up. I cut it into pieces and was accused of taking the largest piece for myself, which at the time I hotly denied . . . but today will admit that I probably did . . . and worse still . . . would do it again . . . I am such a pie fiend!!!

Now is a galette a pie? Or is a pie a galette? Hmmm . . . I decided to find out. I looked it up on Wilkipedia (you got to love Wilkipedia) and found this: Galette is a general term used in French to designate different types of round and flat crusty cakes.

I would not call this a cake . . . it's definitely a pie, albeit a very rough and rugged pie . . . casual even, and soooo very easy to put together!

Mine didn't come out exactly round . . . but then again, I am an artist that cannot draw a straight line, so it comes as no surprise that I am a baker that cannot do specifically round . . . but nevertheless, it turned out scrumptious to say the least!

Just who could resist a flakey, crumbly delight . . . delicious slices of granny smith apple . . . plump, juicy blackberries . . . laying on a lovely blanket of scrumdiddlyumptious ginger preserves and half wrapped in pastry . . . ohhh, and just to add another demon to my dieting list of shouldn't have but couldn't resist's . . . a yummy custard poured into it halfway through baking . . . I tell you I could not!

Served up warm and juicy, with a delicious spoonful of cold . . . full fat . . . creme fraiche (in for a penny, in for a pound, I always say!) . . . this was truly a dessert to die for . . . and I'm betting will also make a lovely breakfast . . .

Just . . . one . . . more . . . mouthful . . . and the diet can start then . . . I promise!

Next week's recipe will be the Black and White Banana Loaf on page 232, as chosen by Ashlee of A Year In The Kitchen. In the meantime please hop on over to the Dorie BlogRoll, and check out all the other lovely galettes, and if you want the full recipe check out Michele's page. You won't be sorry . . . now . . . where did I leave my fork?


  1. Your galette is beautiful. And, oh those blackberries. How lucky you are to have them growing around you.

  2. Wow, your galette looks gorgeous. Looks like Dorie approves as well! :) Apple & blackberries are such a lovely combination.

  3. That looks delish Marie! Just start the diet tomorrow!

  4. It looks like pie to me. Sweet, tasty, lovely pie.

    And I love you too Marie! I missed you so much when you were gone.

    Did you get my e-mail?

  5. Ooh-what a delightful flavor combination. I love your new header and I loved the intro to today's post about umpteen gazillion baking nuts!:) It's fun to be baking nuts together!:)

  6. I just saw your comment from Dorie! Lucky woman!

  7. Looks absolutely yummy :) I keep telling myself that I'm going to attempt to make/bake a galette one day... it willhave to wait till fall or winter though, it's too darned hot here (103* yesterday) to do anything with the oven. Miss you* Hugz, Teresa

  8. Too funny. And I don't believe that any day is the right day to start a diet when you're in TWD. The galette looks wonderful - I love the addition of the ginger preserves.

  9. Sooo delicious...I almost taste those summer fruits too! Been so enjoying catching up with you here and your holiday photos--just lovely! Hope to chat with you tomorrow--HOORAY! LOVE you heaps, my friend ((HUGS))

  10. What a really great post. The galette looks lovely. I love the pictures,too. Especially the close up on the blackberry!

  11. What a beautiful post. I love all the delicious pictures.
    No need to diet, just do a few laps around the orchard.

  12. You can't be a baker and a dieter, it just doesn't work. Ask me how I know.
    Such a great combination of flavours of flavours you have there.
    I think these days any time I've seen a recipe referred to as a galette, it was a free form pie with a one piece crust folded over the sides, as you have there. I find I'm doing that more and more instead of making two crusts. Maybe I'm just getting lazy...

  13. Fresh blackberries are so yummy! We used to have some in our back yard, we miss them dearly:( I like the fruit combo!

  14. Apples and ginger, they belong together! And blackberries, ours have still some way to go, but I bet it was delicious!

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  15. OMG - that is Gorgeous! I hope you submitte to Tastespotting! YUM!

  16. Your galette looks fabulous ~ what a great fruit combination! I love your photos, too.

  17. Yours looks gorgeous! I looked for the ginger preserves at my grocery store but didn't find them. Glad yours turned out so nicely!

  18. Wow Marie, that looks fantastic! Now I am going to look for a place to get some ginger conserve! I bought some nice blackberries the other day (when we lived at the farm, we had several large patches and picked all we wanted). Sadly, the new owners have destroyed them. Anyway, this is a must try! Much love - Raquel XO

  19. what a great combination of fruits, it looks absolutely wonderful!

  20. I was tide up with family yesterday and could not get to the computer when it was not in use by someone else so I read your last 3 posts today.

    Today's dessert looks sooo yummy. I was planning to start a diet when we get home like you.....however, maybe it will have to wait.

    The pictures you put in of your trip are beautiful. I am amazed how much the scenery looks like that we enjoyed as we traveled through Wyoming and Idaho. God surely blessed us with a beautiful world to enjoy.

    I'm sad. We are packing up to leave Lynell's in little bit. We will stop on our drive through Utah to visit John's brother and my niece. We will spend tonight with Erin and then go as far as Nevada tomorrow and then on to CA on Thurs.

    Our wonderful two weeks will be over. I am sorry to leave but thankful for the wonderful time we have had.

    Have a great day. Think of us as we start our long drive home. Love, Lura

  21. "Wow not only is it colorful and lovely to look at you can EAT IT TOOO!! You lucky one you. You are making me want to fly to you every time you post FOOD...STOP..just kidding this is your blog you can do whatever you want!!

    Thank you Marie, for you lovely comment on "In Her Shoes", you are the sweetest!!

    Hugs and love,

  22. Your galette looks delicious and your combo of apple and blueberries is making my mouth water! Jealous that you had ginger preserves, I couldn't find any.

  23. Yum! I wish I had come across some ginger preserves, because your flavor combo sounds divine!

  24. Apples and black berries sound like heaven. I love the blush of color the berries stain the apples with. Beautiful!

  25. Oh, my goodness, that looks absolutely divine! My mouth is drooling here!

  26. I totally agree - pastry and I'm there! I really prefer it to cake. And my husband and I both rate this as our favorite Dorie recipe so far!

  27. Marie
    It looks so delicious. My mouth is watering!!
    Rhondi xo

  28. Mmmmm. Gorgeous! I used a ginger/rhubarb jam with my strawberries. Mmmm.

  29. Your galette is beautiful! I love the blackberries. This sounds like a delicious flavor combination!

  30. Gorgeous! You get amazing photos. I fell in love with this recipe, too. Creme fraiche sounds perfect with it!

  31. Those blackberries look awesome! I loved cream with my galette as well

  32. This is the first I've been able to read your posts for a few days. Your vacation pictures are beautiful. Large, peaceful, sleeping green hills, there for all to rest and enjoy. Am I the only one that instantly saw a cross formed by the creek and the sheeps' wool across the barbed wire? Wish I could have a bite right now of your galette, but like you, it would ruin my diet. The only thing that makes me glad I cannot cook and bake like you.

  33. LOL, you sound like me... ready to start the diet when my belly's full up with some sweet confection. Mmm, your galette looks truly delicious and so pretty. Good choice of fruit!

  34. Gorgeous galette! I wish I had some creme friache for mine. Yummy!

  35. Smashing with the blackberries.

  36. holy cow what a gorgeous galette! you spoke the dreaded four letter word! The "D" word doesnt exist when it comes to Dorie;)

  37. mmmm i love blackberries! your galette looks so nice and rustic :)


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