
Monday 28 July 2008

Best Shot Monday

"The road winds onward long and white,
It curves in mazy coils and crooks
A beckoning finger down the height;
It calls me with the voice of brooks
To thirsty travellers in the night.

I leave the lonely city street,
The awful silence of the crowd;
The rhythm of the roads I beat,
My blood leaps up, I shout aloud,
My heart keeps measure with my feet.

A bird sings something in my ear,
The wind sings in my blood a song
Tis good at times for a man to hear!
The road winds onward white and long,
And the best of earth is here!"
~Arthur Symons

Cumbria, where the land is rugged and beautiful and the air rings with the sound of bleating sheep, trickling streams and humming insects. It's the perfect place to lose yourself . . .

*Note - that is a portion of sheep's wool that I found caught up in the barb wire of the fence next to a stream. It is a common sight and I thought made for a very interesting photograph.


  1. Oh, I wish I were there. That's lovely.

  2. Splendid photo...and poem, Marie! I'm curious, it that lengths of wool crossing that stream?! Welcome home, sweet friend...So looking forward to more of your holiday adventures! Talk to you soon ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I couldn easily get lost there. thank you for sharing something so beautiful.
    Also love the wool(?) on the barbed fence...def. softens it up :)

  4. Wow. What a breathtaking shot and poem.

  5. I love your blog...the music....the photos... the recipes.... and your sweet persona that shines through it all, Marie! Thanks so much for sharing!I'm with melissa, I wish I was there, too!!

  6. that is a cool picture! is that picture on your header where you actually live? if so, i am way jealous.

  7. Hi Marie
    I love your new banner. The cottage is so quaint and beautiful. What a wonderful photo of the fence with the wool caught on it. Hope you're not having too much trouble getting back into the routine of things. HUgs, Rhondi

  8. It looks magic! At first I thought the wool was a cloud of smoke! I want to go!

  9. What a Lovely Picture Marie!!

    So glad and relived to hear from you and know that you are enjoying your summer time and vacations. I am so happy you are back and looking forward to catching up with you;-))

    Thank you for your visit, it made my day!!

    Big Hugs,

  10. So pretty! It takes a special eye to see beauty in everything around you! Lovely!

  11. I found your lovely site by accident...or I was meant to be here. It has brought me so much pleasure. I read the story about the old man and bringing your attitude where ever you go. I am retiring in Sept. and going to live near grandchildren. I have a love/hate relationship with Juneau Alaska, far too much rain, 26 years, it is time to go. My b-day is the 14th wonder I love your blog, it speaks to my heart. Thank you and Happy Birthday!

  12. I found your lovely site by accident...or I was meant to be here. It has brought me so much pleasure. I read the story about the old man and bringing your attitude where ever you go. I am retiring in Sept. and going to live near grandchildren. I have a love/hate relationship with Juneau Alaska, far too much rain, 26 years, it is time to go. My b-day is the 14th wonder I love your blog, it speaks to my heart. Thank you and Happy Birthday!


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