
Thursday 5 June 2008

Front Porch Days . . .

"Wisteria woke me this morning,
And there was all June in the garden;
I felt them, early, warning
Lest I miss any part of the day.
Straight I walked to the trellis vine.
Wisteria touched a lifted nostril:
Feelings of beauty diffused, to entwine
My spirit with June's own aura."
~ Ann McGough, "Summons"

Welcome to the first annual ever "Front Porch Party" which is being hosted by Rhondi of Rose Colored Glasses . When she suggested having one a few days back, I thought it was a wonderful idea, and I immediately jumped in and volunteered to participate!

No . . . the above cottage is not mine, but the cottage of my dreams, which one day, hopefully, I will have. I go to it often in my mind, and sit amongst the gingerbread trim beneath it's roof in the coolness of it's shade, while all around me, bees buzz, birds sing, crickets cheep and chairs creak beneath the weight of people basking in it's cosy solitude . . .

Over in the corner is a porch swing that we can lounge on, during long hot summer days, sipping tall glasses of ice cold lemonade, bits of ice tinkling against the glass, as we reminisce about days gone past and people long unseen, but not forgotten . . .

But that is the dream . . .

What's real is this.

A black painted doorway , festooned in blue gingham curtains and draped in red and white roses that fall down upon our heads and herald us with their flowery greetings as they bob about and dance in the breeze above us. A symphony of red and white just for you and me, while green vines crawl along the window's ledge and up the drain pipes. Can you hear the birds singing in the trees??? It's nature's melody at play . . .

If we sit under the umbrella at the picnic table on the back patio, we can hear bumble bees humming as they go about their work gathering pollen from the lavender, which grows beneath my kitchen window. On a hot June evening, it's serene scent lulls us into lazy feelings and peaceful thoughts and quiet dreams . . .

All around us the earth is alive. Roses bloom in great abundance and sing to us with their sweet scent as pansies dance in the flower beds and snap dragons snap softly at our heels . . .

Birds flit too and fro from the feeders . . . if you sit real still, they'll stay a while, and we can watch them at their work and their play. The fledglings, too, are coming now, with fluttering wings just learning to fly, and mouths gaping wide in hunger . . . they are so cute to watch.

Over amidst the blooms, a birdbath sits and quietly waits . . . Hush . . . shhh . . . a blackbird comes to bathe . . . his wings flick back and forth and up and down as he enjoys his ablutions, his small black head ducking in and out of the coolness of the water . . . once silent and still, now a froth of wonder . . .

There may not be a roof to keep us in it's shade . . . nor a swing to rock us into the past . . . but it is beautiful . . . and still . . . and ours for the moment . Pull up a chair and let it weave it's peaceful spell around you. Let the birdsong stroke your soul . . . in my back garden. Be my guest . . . if only for a moment . . .

Thanks for visiting my front porch on this summery June day. Now hop on over to Rhondi's place and visit with all the other people who are inviting you to share in the beauty and peace of their own front porches during this Front Porch Party!

Here's a perfect meal to share on a hot summer's day when the birds are singing and the bees are buzzing and you're pooped from digging in the garden all day. It goes together really quickly with a minimum of effort and is oh so delicious!

*Chicken and Potato Salad*
Serves 4

This is the perfect throw together when you are short on time and have a hungry family to feed. It makes good use of leftover chicken or, you can do as I often do, and buy some ready cooked chicken breasts to use. I love the appealing mix of flavours. Served slightly warm, it sings to me of summer with it's peppery pesto dressing.

500g new potatoes, un-peeled
12 ounces skinned, cooked chicken, cut into chunks
2 TBS fresh pesto
(get this in the chiller cabinet of the grocery store, or better yet, make your own!)
3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
4 ounces fresh baby spinach leaves
(wash and pat dry)
the juice of 1 small lemon
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper

Drop the potatoes into a pan of boiling salted water and cook for approximately 15 minutes until fork tender. Drain well and then return to the pan. Let sit over the heat of the burner for a few seconds to dry them really well and then roughly crush them with the tines of a fork.

Fold in the chunks of Chicken and scatter in the spinach leaves. Mix all together gently.

Whisk together the pesto, olive oil and lemon juice. Gently stir into the potato and chicken mixture and then season to taste with a bit of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve.

I like to offer some crusty bread on the side.


  1. Oh Marie the photos of your garden look like Heaven!!! And as always, thank you for the wonderful recipe!!!

  2. A lovely post Marie - and I do like the look of that chicken and potato salad!

  3. Beautuful post. I loved every word. Can I be your roomy in the cottage of your dreams? Your rose vine is perfect.

  4. Your sweet, descriptive words were just beautiful. I could hear the bees buzzing and birds chirping. Your place looks and "sounds" amazing.

  5. Well, that was a lovely visit. Having come all the way from France I'm so enjoying being on all these welcoming porches.

  6. How beautiful! I love swings on porches, it is a dreamy place to sit. Your garden is also quite gorgeous. I really love that photo of the little birds singing, I would be too if I could sit on that front porch. Karen

  7. Marie, how beautiful pictures, I love the birds! Is wonderful where you live, I love your roses too!!! beautiful!! and a lovely recipe of course, many thanks!! x Gloria

  8. Once again Marie your words are wonderful and I felt I was with you there int he garden.Lovely pictures too.How lucky you are to be surrounded with all that beauty..Have a wonderful day.Take Care God Bless Kath.

  9. The cottage of your dreams in heavenly. *sigh*

  10. The pictures of the home and porch are gorgeous, but your garden and the words describing it were absolutely beautiful.

    I copied that recipe and I'll be making it this week :)

    Thank you for sharing it and have a beautiful day,

  11. What a dreamy cottage! I would love to live there too! All of your photos are so beautiful! And thank you so much for the recipe! The salad looks delicious!


  12. Great pictures Marie and the hot chicken and potato salad sounds great. You'll have your dream porch one day and in the meantime you get to live in the wonderful garden of England county.

  13. Sigh...

    I would love nothing more than to live in my dream cottage in the English countryside. And I want a pretty garden, too!

  14. What a lovely post! We make "do" with what we have and you have "done" beautifully. Wonderful outdoor space you have created.
    Lisa & Alfie

  15. Hi Marie. Who needs a roof when you are surrounded by such beautiful flowers? I love the poem too. Thanks for the recipe. Looks like a perfect one for this heatwave we ae ahving here!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  16. LOVE your photos today, thanks for sharing! This is such a fun "party"!!! :) xo!

  17. Hi! How are you!You have a just lovely blog! and amazing pictures! I love birds!SEE YOUxoxoxo

  18. Your porch and garden are beautiful! Love the swing!


  19. Beautiful photos and wording...... your dream cottage is wonderful!
    Have a lovely day!
    -Heather :)

  20. Lovely to see your mind's eye front porch. Thanks for letting us in. Meanwhile your garden sounds a pretty fair 'make-do'
    love, Angie, xx

  21. Hi!
    I love the porch and house you picked. We all have the house of our dreams now don't we in our minds?

    Your garden area is just lovely and very peaceful looking. Thank you for sharing - oh and that potato salad sounds delicious ;)

  22. Not only have you shared your charming home, you have enticed us with a delicious dish.

    I will definitely be trying this.

  23. You have a lovely garden. I don't have a porch to share in this rental home. I too imagine a nice cool big front porch that I can use for an extra room during the nice weather.

    Thanks for sharing.


  24. The garden is soooo lovely! And your dream cottage is easy to see why your dream of such a place...I hope your dream cottage comes true one day :o) Oh, those rose...And this recipe is one DH would be crazy for! So sorry we've not had a chance to chat this week...I think we're back online after virus scare--yikes! Hope we can catch up during the weekend :o) Love you to bits, sweet friend ((BIG HUGS))

  25. Hi Marie, what a lovely post. The world is your front porch. Your flowers are lovely and those sweet birds singing are incredible. I would love to spend time in such a peaceful place.
    Thank you for sharing!
    la rea rose

  26. So very pretty and I love those baby birds with their little mouths open!
    I am going to try that fabulous recipe too!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  27. What a great post with lovely words! And a beautiful garden too!
    Please visit me in Sweden!


  28. what a lovely stroll through your porch garden. ....just beautiful!
    xxxooo Ruth

  29. Marie, you don't have to have a porch with your beautiful garden. Thank you for the great recipe, Have a Blessed Day, Bonnie

  30. Thank you for sharing your dream! These were all lovely! I am going to have to come back and visit your blog some more so I can get some inspiration to cook and bake!

  31. That is what I miss about England is the garden.
    Perhaps I will realise my dream one day Marie and return home.

  32. Hi Marie!
    Thank you for the peaceful beautiful moments I've spent with you. How refreshed you've made me feel!
    I'm going to try your recipe this summer for sure!!
    Hugs, Sherry

  33. You have a wonderful blog!! And your recipes look amazing! The salmon looks so good!...I will be abck!...Heidi :)

  34. An umbrella is perfect to offer shade in such a beautiful garden. Why is it that we long so much to possess? ;-P Perhaps we were put on this Earth to ... enjoy? Lunch was beautiful, as always.

  35. Hello Marie, I love the pictures of the flowers, birds your posted. Your dream house is outstanding...may all your dreams come true!
    Love, Ann

  36. After all these Rosamunde Pilcher books I agree to have a cottage in the English country side. A beautiful choice.


    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  37. Hi Marie,
    I'm visiting from the Porch Party. Can't wait to browse through your recipes!

  38. Oh my that is a beautiful home!

  39. Lovely photos, your idea of a porch is quite similar to mine! Wonderful recipe!

  40. What a lovely blog you have! I love your photos.

  41. I really enjoyed strolling around the yard and garden with you. Your words, even without the photos, would have been as delightful. Alas, my front porch party entry didn't take shape. Maybe next year. I was just realizing this morning that we've lost much these past two years: our son is moving out of state, the pond we loved for 15 years had to be filled in, a lovely cherry tree died and was cut down earlier this spring (losing both pond and tree drastically changed the physical appearance of our yard), and then Max, followed by Misty. But it's all about change. It's happening fast in our home. Things are changing very fast. We're okay, though. Thanks for your kind, supportive words, Marie. bea

  42. Your words made me feel as if I was there!!


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