
Wednesday 4 June 2008

A Simple Woman's Daybook, for the first week of June


Outside my Window . . . Rain is softly falling, and the skies are grey, but the song thrush is still singing his little heart out and blackbirds are still fluttering their wings in the birdbath.

I am thinking . . . about how good it is to be alive, and how there is one brownie left in the plastic tub and wondering if brownies are good for breakfast . . . isn't chocolate one of the five food groups? Doesn't it come under vegetable? The Cacao bean is a vegetable isn't it???

I am thankful for . . . The rain, although it does get trying when it seems to rain every day. The gardens need it and my flowers are thriving on it. It probably won't be too long before we are sitting here saying . . . ain't it hot, and wishing it would rain. So for today, I am thankful for the rain . . .

From the kitchen . . . a lovely pot of rolled oats is bubbling away on the back of the hob, and I am trying to decide whether I want to throw in a handful of raisins or not . . . maybe some dried blueberries or cherries? With a touch of cinnamon it will be a breakfast that satisfies and sticks to your ribs . . . much better for you I guess, than a brownie . . . maybe I could throw in the brownie? Nahhh . . .

I am creating . . . a special painting for my dad for Father's Day. When I was really young my dad used to take me everywhere with him, even to the barbers. I was everybody's darling and I got spoilt rotten. To this day my dad calls me the "apple of his eye." For all I know, he probably calls the other's that too, but when he says it to me, I feel like it is just for me . . .

I am going . . . to Mutual Activity at the chapel on Thursday evening. That is an activity group that they have for the young women and the young men. (teens ages 12 to 18) Sometimes they have combined activities, but most often they are separated. This week I am doing healthy snacks with the girls and I am trying to think of some that they would like and that would interest them. Apples with caramel dip come to mind . . . and then there are Rice Crispie squares, which while not totally healthy, are not the worst things to eat either . . . or maybe popcorn balls?

I am wearing . . . mauve pajamas with little sheep printed all over the bottoms, and several on the top jumping over a fence . . . sweet dreams it says . . . oh, and my Scute crocs. I practically live in them. I have new slippers coming, but they haven't arrived yet. Soon . . . I hope.

I am reading . . . I'm a month behind on the articles in the Ensign and so I am trying to catch up on all the April Conference talks. I'm also reading a wonderful book by Sheri Dew, called "God Wants A Powerful People." It's very enlightening and I am trying to soak it up like a sponge. For fun I am almost finished the first novel in the Joseph and Emma series and have the second one waiting in the sidelines . . . oh and I also just started the new book by Stephanie Meyers called "Host." It's a bit wierd to begin with and I am hoping that I like it once I really get going in it . . .

I am hoping . . . that the new grandchild will be a girl. Oh, I know I will be happy no matter what it is, just so long as it's healthy . . . but a girl would be nice. Someone to dress up in ruffles and curls and have tea parties with . . . to buy dollies for . . .

I am hearing . . . Jess snoring by my feet, and the birds twittering away in the garden. Even though it rains . . . they still sing. Down the hill the peacocks are heralding the morning light. I cannot decide which song is the most beautiful . . . is it the robins gay little melody, or is it the song thrush's scales, perhaps it's the blackbird's aria . . . together they make a symphony, most beautiful to listen to.

Around the house . . . as I look at the stairs to go up to the landing above I can see my little gingerbread people sitting there and watching me as I type. Oh, I know they should be put away, it's been a long time since Christmas, but they are so cheery and they remind me of my good friend Eliza in America who sent them to me. She knows I love Gingerbread people . . . I wonder when they will be coming over again to spend some time with us . . . she and Ed. We love them so and it's been far too long . . . it's like that with good friends. You never tire of having them around, and so the gingerbread people stay on the stairs . . .

One of my favorite things . . . is music. I could live without the television if I had to, or even the computer (perish the thought) but I could not live without music in my life. I am always listening to it. Even at work I have an ipod that I listen to (in one ear only) but it's there. I have it filled with uplifting tunes and happy melodies. Gospel music and country music are my favourites. I wish they had a country music channel on the telly over here. If they did we would have it on all the time. That is one thing we miss over here. I am excited. My mother taped the CMA's for us and has sent the video over to us. I hope it arrives soon . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week . . . to finish the painting for my dad and get it into the post in time for Father's Day. I am hoping Saturday will be sunny so that we can go perhaps to one of the National Trust places nearby for a garden walk. I love nature and flowers and I missed our bluebell walk this year . . .

Here is a picture thought I am sharing for you . . . it is foxglove season now. They always make me smile as I picture little foxes running around wearing pretty pink and purple gloves. "Oh look . . . they've dropped one!" would be my thought, as I find one laying in the grass at the edge of the hedgerow . . . onto the line it goes . . . pinned up and ready for the fox to come through the garden again, and find it waiting for him . . . it's always nice to find something you think you've lost . . .

~ Do stop by Peggy's for all the links entered in this week's Simple Woman's Daybook ~

They had a special on Scottish salmon fillets in the grocery shop this week. Salmon is not something we have really often, at least not unless it's in the tin. It's supposed to be very good for you and while we, neither one of us, are overly fond of it, we do try to eat it once in a while. This is a delicious way of dressing it up, which is really easy to do and quite good for entertaining as well.

*Almond and Cheese Crusted Salmon*
Serves 4

Luxurious, delicious and easy to prepare. This dish goes together quickly. Pop some new potatoes on to boil and then put this dish together . . . by the time it comes out of the oven your potatoes are done and all you need is a tasty salad or some steamed broccoli and you have a meal fit for a king, or a queen!

4 X 6 ounce salmon fillets
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 ounces softened butter
4 TBS flaked or slivered almonds
4 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
2 ounces gruyere or emmental cheese, coarsely grated
To serve:
some boiled new potatoes, seasoned and tossed with a little bit of butter and some chopped mint and parsley
Steamed broccoli

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F. Season the salmon fillets all over. Butter a shallow ovenproof dish being enough to take the fish in one layer. Place the fillets in and then smear them all over with the remaining butter.

Mix together the almonds, parsley and cheese. Press this mixture onto the top of the fish fillets.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the topping is crispy golden and the salmon is cooked through and flakes nicely when you test it with the tines of a fork. Try not to over cook it though. Dry fish is nasty.

Serve immediately with some boiled potatoes and a green salad or steamed broccoli. (or maybe even both!)


  1. Love the idea of almonds and cheese Marie! That salmon looks lovely.

  2. We enjoy having salmon quite often. Usually I just b-b-q it with a marinade seasoning. This recipe will blow my family away. I can hardly wait until it is my week to have my daughter's family over for Sunday dinner again. (My daughter, Mindy and I take turns making Sunday dinner each week.)

    A couple of healthy snacks that my kids enjoy are peanut butter in celery stalks topped with a few raisins (they call them ants on a log) and strawberries dunked in a flavorful yogurt or a whipped cream cheese and sugar mixture.

    Have a good day.

  3. Salmon is one of my favourite things to eat. I love he idea of your crust, will have to try it!

  4. No-no-no-no-no - you have to keep your last brownie for elevenses, but then you really MUST eat it up as they grow hairs on after 12 hours (my wishful thinking there!). I'm really surprised the gingerbread people survived this long. In our house they would have been long gone. AND YET - I would give it all up for a piece of succulent, juicy salmon with huge flakes. Can you believe it? rather have a chunky bit of skinless and boneless salmon than chocolate, even if it didn't have any calories in it! Now there.s an admission!

  5. It's probably too late but a really good healthy snack my kids love is vanilla yogurt mixed with peanut butter. Dip bananas, apples, carrots, pretzels in it. Yum.

  6. Lovely post, Marie! I can see you sitting and writing in your jammies! It has been rainy here, too. That salmon looks great, we have one piece left that our friend from Alaska sent us - thanks for a great idea on how to fix it!

  7. You know Marie sometimes I prefer to speak about the words you place an after about the food. Lovely words, late I will read again, is a sad day here rains a lot, I lke the rain too but maybe how Im a little blue I think is a sad day. But is nice come here today.
    Your salmon look wonderfulÂȘ!!! I like it xxGloria Thanks for all.

  8. Fearless Kitchen4 June 2008 at 15:36

    This is interesting. I've never even thought about putting cheese on salmon. The almonds look great.

  9. It seems like forever since we have seen Eliza on M&G doesn't it Marie?
    Your salmon looks mighty tasty, we eat alot of it here as it's pretty reasonable especially in the summer months.

  10. Your pajamas sound so cute! I can't believe you don't have country music over there. I'd die. I would absolutely die. My sister is nuts about Stephanie Meyer's books. I read the Twilight series. They're interesting, but not my cup of tea. Salmon looks great, as always. I'll be sending you an e-mail soon!

  11. Almond and Cheese Crusted Salmon??? Who would've thought? How yummy it sounds!!!

  12. That looks fabulous. My family LOVES salmon. Infact we love all fish. This past Sunday my son arrived with 15 trout he had caught the day before. It wasn't anything like your yummy recipe but we sure gobbled them up.

  13. By the way, my mom happens to be a gingerbread grammy too. Each year she gives us all a new gingerbread man decoration. They make me smile too!

  14. Ooooo...I soooo have to do this with the lovely filet of salmon I bought yesterday!

  15. You know, MArie, I do't even LIKE salmon and that looks wonderful!

  16. What a great way to serve salmon!

  17. Hi Marie!!!
    I have missed you so!! i have just spent a lovely few minutes reading all your entries..thank you for cheering me up and inspiring me as ever...
    I love you!!

  18. I really enjoyed this entry...what a good meme!

    The salmon looks yummy...I am adding it to my recipe file.


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