
Monday 17 March 2008

Pubs, Friends and Caramel Squares

There's a pub near where we live that we like to go to on occasion. We are not actually real pub goers, probably because we are Latter Day Saints, but occasionally we do like to pop down to the local for a cold drink, (I have fallen in love with Bitter Lemon) a change of scenery and sometimes a meal. It's so much nicer now that smoking isn't allowed in pubs . . .

Right over the doorway to the back seating area in this pub are the following words, written in an elegant script . . .

"There are no strangers here, only friends we have yet to meet."

I must have been in there over half a dozen times in the past few years, but this was the first time I noticed that phrase, and I thought to myself . . . how lovely. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to collect phrases and quotes and I immediately wrote this down on my napkin to write into my book of quotes when I got home. There was no author attributed to these words so I can't tell you who the first person is that said it . . . I can only tell you they aren't mine.

I have always felt that way about people though, for the most part. I love to meet new people and to make new friends, which is quite amazing, considering that I am quite a shy person at heart. I love watching people and making observations about them, and I often keep myself busy while waiting for an appointment by making up little stories in my head about the other people in the waiting room. It's actually quite boring when nobody is there . . .

I have an acquaintance that likes to divide people into categories that he likes to call "taps" and "drains." (Yes, he is a plumber)

Taps are those of us who are always ready and willing to help out. Nine times out of ten, they are there before we even call them or realize we need help. When we reach out to them in need, they are ever prepared with a steady and refreshing stream of comfort, cheerfulness and willing hands and hearts . . . ever full of a loving kindness that never appears to run dry.

Drains are the opposite. These are the friends that are never around when you need them. They've already sussed out your need ahead of time, and have long dissappeared. They're quite willing to take, but not so eager to give. Anything offered is gone in a flash, but then . . . so are they, and more often than not, without even so much as a thank you in return . . . your help and advice and love having been taken for granted and dismissed.

Thankfully I've had very few drains in my life, and far more taps, and my life has been full to overflowing with friends that I have yet to meet. I would hate to think that anyone would ever see me as a drain and I hope that I can, more often than not, be a tap to those around me. Life is ever so much fuller that way and has much more meaning.

"When someone is lonely
Perhaps in your street,
Why not brighten tomorrow
By arranging to meet:
And you'll bring contentment
To that person's day,
By starting friendship
In the friendliest way!"
~Elizabeth Gozney

I made the Caramel Squares from my poll yesterday afternoon after church. I hadn't made them in a long time. This was a recipe from my ex mother in law. She was a beautiful baker and very early on after I had married her son she gifted me with a small handwritten notebook full of his favourite recipes. This was one of them and they are delicious! Really quick and easy to do as well. The notebook is tattered and splattered with years of my loving ministrations. I really must re-copy all the recipes into another notebook before too long, as writing in it is also starting to fade.

Have you ever wondered who was the first person who thought to put together flour, sugar, butter and eggs? I think about things like that sometimes . . . and then in the next breath, I think to myself, I don't really care . . . I'm just glad that somebody did!

*Caramel Squares*
Makes one 8 inch square pan (However big you cut them into squares is up to the glutton in you)

These are butter, rich and very sweet, with a delicious caramel-like flavour. You don't have to add the nuts if you don't want to but we are real nut lovers in this house so I always do. It's crowning glory is the delicious brown sugar fudge icing on top. These are winners on all counts!

1/2 cup butter
1 cup soft light brown sugar, packed
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts (Optional)
Fudge icing (see below)
lightly toasted walnut halves for garnishing (Optional)

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly butter an 8 inch square baking pan and line it with some baking paper. Lightly butter the paper and then set it aside.

Put the butter and the brown sugar into a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat on top of the stove. Cook, stirring, until well melted and smooth. Remove from the stove and let cool for a few minutes.

Beat the egg and vanilla together and add a bit of the warm caramel mixture to temper it, then carefully stir it back into the full mixture. Beat well.

Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together and stir this into the egg/caramel mixture, mixing it in well. Stir in the walnuts if using.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing it out evenly and then bake it for 25 to 30 minutes. When done it should have a shiny surface quite similar to brownies and be cooked through, but still moist and somewhat fudgy.

Remove from the oven and let cool while you make the frosting. Frost with the fudge icing while still warm and garnish the top evenly with walnuts so that each square that you cut will have a toasted walnut on top.

*Fudge Icing*

This sets up quite quickly so you will want to work fast once it's done. It's very good poured over top of cakes and squares.

10 TBS soft light brown sugar
3 TBS butter
2 TBS cream
1 cup sifted icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Heat the brown sugar, butter and milk very slowly in a heavy bottomed pan, over medium low heat until the sugar is dissolved. (It should not feel gritty when you rub it against the side of the saucepan with the back of your spoon.) Cook over medium low heat until the mixture comes to a full boil. Allow to boil for one minute only. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla and the icing sugar until it is smooth. Immediately pour over your cake or squares.

PS - A very Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all those who will be wearing green today!


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Marie! How nice that you could get out and what a lovely place it appears to be as well. I wish they would make all public establishments here smoke-free. They've long talked about it! I love the quote ... :) And ah what a neat story about the "taps" and "drains" ... yes, a few drains here. Mostly taps, for which I'm truly grateful.

    Hoping you have a lovely day!


  2. Loved the taps and drains analogy. But then, I love each and every story you've ever told. The photos are lovely.

    About those caramel squares...oh my. The picture and recipe will stick in my brain (and appetite) until I make them. mmmmmmmm

    I've missed visiting your blogs. Hope all is well with you and Todd.

  3. Just wondering how long it would take me on the eliptical to burn off the calories for these beauties!! Probably 6 hours, because I wouldn't be able to stop at just one LOL!!

  4. I've got to find someone to eat these with me. You've put me on such a baking bender that poor Ben put on 12 lbs. and is having to watch what he eats now...there goes all my fun!!

    Maybe I can transfer my food obsessions to Libby.... :)

  5. Happy St. Patricks Day Marie! I love those photos with the daffodil lining the water and roads. Reminds me of when I was in London and the Portsmouth area ages ago. I have lovely photos of daffodils everywhere.

    And aren't you a devil posting those caramel squares?! I'm a bit jealous of your Todd if he's eating them with you! Yum yum!

  6. WHAT??!! You are acquainted with a PLUMBER? Make him your best friend immediately, then set about getting acquainted with an electrician.....gas GO - GO GO GO! Caramel squares recipe is completely different to the one I use so I must give it a go. Looks lovely.
    Angie, xx

  7. Those caramel squares look luscious!!


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