
Sunday 16 March 2008

Nesting Birds and a Rarebit Risotto

"Such pleasure to be sleeping
In a cosy bed,
Tucked beneath the covers,
A pillow at my head.

Forgetting all the worries
And duties of the day,
Relaxed in blissful slumber
To sleep the night away.

Sleep, the blessed healer
Of tiredness and pain,
Wraps us in oblivion
To refresh us once again."
~Dorothy M. Loughran

What a riot of birdsong greets me early in the morning on these first spring days. I want to lay in bed and sleep for a bit longer, but I cannot, for all around the cottage . . . in the hedgerows and in the bushes . . . the birds are waking up, and I lay there listening to them, stretching one last time beneath the covers . . .
First there is the beautiful melody of the song thrush. He sits on the garden wall and goes through one delightful trill after another. It strokes my soul and bids me good morning in the most beautiful way. It always amazes me. There is so much of his heart behind the melody.
The blackbirds, of which there are many, add their beautiful voices to the mix as do the robins and garden sparrows. Altogether they sing a most wonderful song, which bids me to wake up and begin my day, all too soon . . . it sometimes seems. I want to lay there for just a few more minutes, but cannot tarry, my day is beginning.

This time of year I think the birdsong is even more spectacular and melodic than at any other. It's as if they cannot contain their excitement for one moment longer . . .
spring is here, the earth is coming alive . . . it's time for nest building and laying eggs . . . then the sitting on the nest and taking care of them until they hatch, protecting them and keeping them warm, and then . . . the busy work of feeding growing chicks will soon begin. . .
I often put the fluff from our washer and drier out, snagging it on branches in the garden for them to discover. They love to use this for their nests. It's a small gift from me and I love to think that somewhere a little piece of me is helping to make their cosy little home that much cosier . . . it's a beautiful thought . . . a simple gesture, which costs me nothing but gives me secret pockets of joy.

I found a picture of this delightful bed on the internet when I was browsing the other day, and thought to myself, how perfect that would be here in our cottage. I can just imagine it upstairs tucked in the corner of our cosy bedroom . . . except that I would cover it with a fluffy eiderdown, as that speaks nest to me, all cosy and soft. Then Todd and I could nest as well . . . but alas . . . there's no more eggs being laid by this chickie poo, although I do love to warble from time to time, and often do . . .

I love the springtime. Nature seems to be bursting out all around us and I just cannot help but be inspired with all the colours and sounds and smells. As I look out our upstairs windows across the hedge that separates us from the Orchard to the back of us, I can see that the view is distinctly greening up as each naked tree begins to take on that greenish hue . . . their trunks, their branches . . . it is their springtime dress . . .
This is but a mere dress rehearsal for the blossom that will soon be tickling us with it's riot of colour and beauty . . . for good things always come to those who wait.

Maryann of "Finding la dolce vita" and Marie of "Proud Italian Cook" are hosting a delicious new food event called "Festa Italiana". Imagine a huge Italian Banquet table set out under the trees in the orchard, with apple blossoms drifting down like huge fluffy flakes upon our heads . . . the table filled to groaning with dish and dish of delectable Italian delights . . . Now . . . my Todd says he is not fond of Italian food, but I can tell you he really tucked into this delightful dish. This is my British twist on an old Italian favourite and my tasty addition to this virtual Italian Feast.

*Rarebit Rissoto*
Serves 4

Now I know that things like cheddar cheese and beer are not usual ingredients when one thinks of making an Italian Risotto, but try it . . . this is one tasty risotto! The greedy glutton that lives inside me likes to sprinkle even more cheese on top before I eat it. I know, I know . . . but can you ever really have too much cheese???

32 ounces of vegetable broth
1 TBS olive oil
1 1/2 cups of Italian Arborio rice
12 ounces of beer
3 cups chopped broccoli, steamed until crispy tender, drained well and set aside
1 TBS Dijon mustard
10 ounces of grated sharp cheddar cheese
2 cups of chopped tomatoes, or halved cherry tomatoes
freshly ground black pepper to taste

Put the vegetable broth into a large saucepan and bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat and leave it to simmer.

Warm the olive oil in a large, heavy saucepan over medium high heat. Add the rice and stir, cooking until it is well coated with the oil. Add the beer and cook, stirring until the rice has absorbed all of the liquid which will take a couple of minutes. Continue to cook, ladling in the simmering broth one cup at a time, stirring frequently. Let the rice absorb most of the broth before adding the next cup. This generally will take about five minutes at a time. When the last of the broth is absorbed the rice should be al dente and the risotto moist.

Stir in the Dijon mustard and the cheese, stirring until the cheese is completely melted. Fold in the broccoli and the chopped tomatoes. Season to taste with the black pepper and serve.

Enjoy!!! Bellissimo!


  1. I'm so happy you are joining us at our festa, Marie :)
    Your creamy risotto is sure to please :)

  2. Hi Marie, So nice to meet you!! And thank you for this wonderful addition to our Festa Italiana! Who dosen't love a good risotto? I'm sure it will be a big hit on our table, I know I'll be digging in!

  3. I love that you leave little scraps from the drier for the birds! I do the same things when I eat apples on the road. I tuck them into tree branches or throw them into wooded areas so little woodland creatures can have a feast!

  4. Good grief, Marie!! I clicked on the links and saw entry after entry of delicious Italian food...and......I'm on a diet. ::cries:: LOL

    ( really does help me to check this blog when you leave a little reminder on your AOL blog! thanks!)

  5. The risotto looks downright delicious! Thaks for sharing.

  6. Yummmm...festa Italiana. Sounds like heaven. (Everything is better with cheese...)

  7. Thin People please note: this Risotto is NOT for you. OK?
    love, Angie, xx

  8. This is one beautiful risotto. I love the colors... I bet it tastes fabulous!

  9. Love your twist on risotto, fun idea! Beer, mustard and English cheddar make a wonderful combination. I served a rarebit "fondue" a couple months back and my husband loved it. I'm certain this would be a hit as well, much better then mac and cheese :)

  10. What an interesting looking bed!


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