
Wednesday 18 September 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



Although it doesn't officially arrive until the 22nd of September, my autumn loving heart is fully on board to take it on board and embrace every bit of these four "ber" months.  There is so much about them that I love, love, love.  I know I appear to love, just about every season, but the autumn is truly my favorite time of year, even if I know winter is not too far behind.

I like winter too.

In fact, all of the seasons bring me joy and I am so grateful that I have always lived in a temperate climate where there are real seasons to embrace.  I love the way that the four seasons flow into each other,  with each one being here just long enough for us to enjoy it, without getting bored,  being able to look forward to the next one waiting in the wings. 

I cannot imagine living in a place where it is always hot, or always cold.  I love the in-betweens  . . .  the months of transition between the hot and the cold and the autumn is a beautiful transition between the bright, hot and muggy days of summer and the cold, dark and frigid days of winter. 

There are plusses and things to enjoy about every season.


This week summer seems to be gracing us with her last hurrah before the autumn takes hold.  We are having lovely cooler nights for sleeping, but the day time temperatures are getting well up into the double digits, and will be peaking today at +27*C which is about 80*F.  So a really lovely day and loaded with sunshine as well. We are truly blessed.

I wish I had taken a photograph of it, but the trees across the way that I showed you yesterday, last night as I was sitting on the sofa looking out the window, they now appear to be scarlet. Having gotten that much deeper in color overnight.  

There, I just took a photograph so that you could see the change. Its amazing how quickly it is happening.  Oh, how I love this time of year.  Driving down the road on a sunny day with leaves dancing down to the ground through the air, the wind from the traffic passing  making them dance a little bit more. It is just so magical to me.

Look at the picture Cindy sent me during the night of the newest pages in her art journal. She is just so darned talented.  Look at those jars of pickled beets and beans. They  are beautifully done. You can even see the sparkle on the jars and the shapes of the beets and beans.  And the crumbs from the Girl Scout cookies  . . .  she is just so darned talented.  Oh, and that little rooster jug. Perfection.  If you blow the photo up, you can see all of the beautiful detail that she has added in each painting.  The texture of the cookies, even the writing on the lids of the canning jars.  She is just so, so, so talented.  I am in awe of her and I hope she doesn't mind  me sharing this with you.  


Dinner out with dad and Hazel tonight. I wish Cindy was coming too, but Dan is at home now, having been laid off a few weeks back, and she doesn't like to leave him or spend the money. Totally understandable. But it is just nicer and more fun when she is there. Dad doesn't hear anything anyone is saying, and I know the main reason he wants me there is so that Hazel will have someone to talk to that can hear what she is saying. I don't mind really.  Last week it was so loud in there however.  This place is very popular and always so busy. It gets really noisy and the noise was really bothering me last week. It was giving me a headache.  Dad and Hazel don't seem to mind it, but that is probably because Dad doesn't hear much of anything and they both wear hearing aids which seem to cut down on a lot of background noise.  It was really all a bit too much for me to be honest.

But I go because it makes Dad happy, and I waited a long time to be able to do that. There is not much I can do for him really, so . . . I go  . . . 


I was talking to my friend Christine yesterday on the telephone for a bit. We were talking about how much we are looking forward to General Conference in just a few weeks time and how very much we both enjoy these bi-annual hours of inspiration and guidance we are gifted with in the Spring and the Autumn. 

Somehow we got to talking about my youngest son.  As you know he blocked me on FB on Mother's Day for wishing his wife a Happy Mother's Day.  As he has nothing to do with me at all, that had been my only way of taking note of what was going on in his life.  His doing that really made it clear to me that he had no desire for me to be a part of his life. There was no mistaking the message.

After that I took down his wedding photo and put it away and had decided that I would not be contacting him again for any reason, no birthday cards, Christmas, etc.  I was saying this to Christine yesterday, but she helped me to see things more clearly.  After much thought I think that would be wrong.  I will continue to reach out and to send cards, regardless.  Even if they are never acknowledged and even if I never know if they are even looked at. 

As my father has always said, two wrongs do not make a right and so I must always do the right thing. God, He never gives up on His children and I must follow His example and never give up on mine. No matter what. It doesn't matter what they choose to do with what I send, it only matters that I send it. I cannot control the actions of others, but I can control my own.


My son Doug is going to Saint John this weekend to have a dye test done on Monday.  His stress test showed that there was something going on whenever he exerted himself. So he has been on light duties at work until this is done. It is quite a rigmarole for him to go as it means that someone has to drive there with him and stay with him as he is  not allowed to leave the area near the hospital for 24 hours afterwards.  And he is not allowed to drive after as well. His wife doesn't drive. I think his father in law is going to go with them so he can drive.   I am hoping and praying that they will find out whatever it is that has been causing him problems over these past months and that they are able to fix it on the day. This has been such a concern to me, and I can only imagine how much it concerns them.  Each night I pray that he will be alright and live to be an old man with a good life, happy sons,  and grandchildren that he can enjoy. I am grateful for his wife who is always by his side and who cares for him in such a special way. 

My friend Angie posted this on Facebook.  It resonated with me.  My days are filled with glimmers.  Little glimpses of positive light.  Even on my worst days, light finds it's way in through the cracks.  I am so grateful for these glimmers that help to keep  me going and moving forward no matter what.  

Plus I love those light up dinosaur lamps. How pretty are they!


I should be getting a call this afternoon from the Nurse at the local practice to tell me who my new Doctor is. I am looking forward to finally having a Doctor.  My friend Glenna got one a couple of months back.  This is a very positive thing.  I do have some issues that I have been putting off because, well, I didn't have a Doctor and it has been really hard to get appointments with the weekly clinic.  You call on Thursdays, and call and call and call before you could get through, hoping that there would still be appointments left for the following week. If they were all full, you have to wait until the following Thursday and try again.  Having a dedicated Doctor means that I will be able to get appointments when I call. Or at least I hope that is what it means!  I imagine my life will be a flurry of blood test appointments, etc. over the next weeks while they get up to speed on all of my conditions.  I cannot fault the health care system for the care I have gotten over the past four years however. They are doing the best that they can in a system which is overburdened.   I think it is the same all across Canada, with people being without family Doctors.


I also hope to get a video done today. I have been trying hard to find a recipe that I could do without making people wait ages for it to be done.  I will still have to make two of the recipe as I have not yet figured out how to stop the video and then start it again seamlessly.  I wish someone would give a course on this.  That would be quite helpful.  Every time I thought of a video recipe to do and then went to the store, they didn't have the ingredients I needed, at least not locally, and we haven't been able to go up country either.  We will on Friday, but that is  not soon enough.  I have picked one however and I hope that all goes well and I will get it done today.   I will not tell you what it is so that it will be a surprise. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today as I need to get on with things!

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 *.˛.A loving heart
is the truest wisdom.
~Charles Dickens
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° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Broccoli, Ham & Cheese Quiche

In The English Kitchen today, Broccoli, Ham & Cheddar Quiche.  A delicious combination.  This was really tasty!  And contrary to one commentators comment, it does not smell bad. It smells delicious. 

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday filled with loads of positive glimmers! Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Hoping the call comes through for a doctor for you, so important to have. Continue to send those cards, it shows you care and didn't cave in to son's way of thinking. We were in a similar situation with hubby's sister, stopped talking to us, but I continued to acknowledge her with cards. I always said I was the thorn in her side, as even if the cards went in the garbage she had to see them being delivered. Trees are changing quickly, geese starting to gather in flocks, plants finishing out their life cycle. I love the change of seasons too. Enjoy the dinner outing with your dad.

    1. I now have a family Doctor Linda, so that is great! I think as far as my son is concerned, I just need to keep doing the right thing from my end with no expectations. Then I can never be accused of doing the wrong thing. xoxo

  2. Im sorry about Dan.. and your son. and other son.... Perhaps you can keep up your thoughts towards him but cooler..generic birthday wishes..? I think Cindy painted my jug.I had seen them in Italy and they were $$..I found it at Nova here ..for almost nothing yrs ago..Watched Call Jane last night..we liked it.

    1. Yes, generic wishes are best. Cindy had that jug in a few sizes and it is Italian! I liked Call Jane also! xoxo

  3. Staying in touch with your son is the right decision. I had a falling out with my brother, he wouldn't speak to or correspond with me for three years. I sent holiday greetings/emails to him anyway for that time, suddenly after the covid pandemic was over he responded and things went back to normal. You never know what's going on with folks behind the scenes, who knows maybe he will surprise you later.

    1. Yes I will just keep doing the right thing. God has a plan for each of us and I am leaving it all up to Him! xoxo

  4. Oh Marie, so sorry to hear Doug is having more issues...will be praying it is something easy for the docs to help with!! I wonder if he has some food allergies...just thinking how my pulse runs fast, even my heart pounds, if I eat foods I should not have...and also your other son...I so agree with taking down photos. I began that years I would cry does help!! Now most photos have been shared among the kids. We only have very small ones up, other than a large set my youngest daughter had done of herself. The Golden Rule we were raised by is basically thought obsolete by many today...obviously, or they would live life differently. But all this mess earth has is temporary...that is the good news and our grief will one day be wiped away!! HAPPY DAY!! I read someone once who said to "never let the NOT-given spoil the GIVEN"...GOD often gives us other even non-kin to love us as kin should be and I have been so very grateful for these folks in our lives who have done just that!! Your children who have chosen to ignore you obviously did not get your genes in those do not ignore others. And if they live long enough, one day they will understand I think...somehow if we live long enough we get to experience a great many things, eh? Take care of your heart, Marie!! You are a lovely person and a lot of us non-kin appreciate you!! Sure hope Dan finds a job soon...that is beyond hard on a man especially, not so speak of the loss of income!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. They are their father's children for sure! Those two have always been very close to him and the step mom. Doug's problem has been ongoing for several months now. I do hope that this dye test will bring the Doctors closer to finding a solution! Thank you for your prayers Elizabth!! Hugs. xoxo


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