
Friday 23 August 2024

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . maybe they will do the same for you!

Poppy And Dolls, Etsy.  Christmas tiny fairies with Emma Bridgewater inspired fabrics. Ready made, but great inspiration to make your own. 

Melanie McDonough on IG. So talented. A new follow for me.

Pinterest. No source but how beautiful are these. I think they might be needle keeps.

Etsy. Love love, but crazy expensive.  Its nuts.

Bustle and Sew.  Little Red Hen Pin Cushion.

English Cottage Tea Cozy.  Etsy.  Not too expensive a pattern.

Little Travellers from Carolee.  Also Etsy.

Pinterest. No source, but really sweet. Monique found the source (Thanks Monique!) but sadly it is not available at the moment.  I actually found it on 123 Stitch and its available.

And look what else I found!  It's Nutmeg!

Etsy. Finished product, not cheap, but so pretty.

Myrtil Bear. Cinthia Vallet on Ravelry.

Papier Mache. Sheep in an Egg Cup. Orchard Cottage Finds.

Wool Thread Paint  Challenging. Winter Walk afghan pattern. 

I could not find the source. 

This  . . . . 

Saving and Simplicity

Harold Fatmus. Wool Patterns.  Cute. Door Stop.

Crochet Blanket Edging Workshop. Sharon Holland Designs

Beautiful. Little pillow sampler of bits and pieces.

Sweet Cinnamon Roses.  Little Zippered Pouch. 

So many things I would like to do. So little time.  Those are my Friday Finds for this week!  Hopefully there was something of interest for you!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *There shall be eternal summer
in the grateful heart.
~Celia Thaxter ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Alphabet Soup

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Alphabet Soup.  Simply delicious!  There is nothing complicated about this. It went down a real treat with a grilled cheese toastie!

I did okay at the eye doctor yesterday. They did three tests and I passed them all.  I have to go back in six months time so they can keep an eye on it.  He thought the episode I had with double vision in the one eye that  morning could have been dry eye.  I have to put drops in morning and night.

I hope that you have a beautiful day today.  Don't worry be happy! Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. The sheep in a teacup is adorable. Good that things went well yesterday with eye doctor. I use Hydrasense ultra for dry eyes, mine is probably caused by CPAP machine. Happy Friday.

    1. I will look for that brand of eye drops Linda! Happy weekend! xoxo

  2. Good on the eyes:). The Rabbit xstitch..

    Simply right click on image.. choose find image source..a pop up with sources will appear:) Truly easy.

    1. Thanks Monique! For some reason that doesn't work for me. Maybe its because I am using microsoft edge? I don't know! xoxo

  3. Love the bunny in the wagon, anything to do with bunnies is the best. The often come out in the yard exploring early in the morning, before people are out...very cute. The little travelers from Etsy look like racism to me, surprising that Etsy would allow this. Notice the Black one has no face yet the white one does...Typical dehumanizing African Americans through racist dolls again.

    1. I do not see it as racist. I guess people see what they want to see. If you blow the photo up you can tell that the face was embroidered on the doll, but simply does not show up against the color of the fabric. I was quite pleased to see a black doll myself. I simply saw two cute dolls.

  4. Glad the doctor visit was good ! Lots of really cute finds, as usual and it’s always fun to see such creative talents. I hope you have a delightful weekend. xo, V.

  5. Hi Marie, your "finds" are interesting to read about, and maybe to try some of the ideas. Thank you! Have you thought about doing videos of daytrips to the beach; the places you enjoy (such as the farmer's market); doing quick "hello" videos with the people you find there; and then asking what are their favorite recipes? Lighthouses, restaurants, the sand, the sea, the weather coming in, vintage homes, vintage gardens, apple orchards, field corn, chickens and egg farms, and anything else that you find would be enjoyable to read about, and always asking permission to film a video wherever you go. Do you think that Cindy would be interested in doing this with you? I remember how you described the trips to the beach (the ice cream cones); the hedgerows; the trips around the UK and other places; the visits and meals you shared with the Missionairies; and your garden, and your friend's gardens. You have a wonderful appreciation of people and places and foods, and the gift of description in your writing. This would be enjoyable to read about. xoxo

    1. Thanks very much for your input! I will bear it all in mind! I am not so sure my sister would like being on camera, but maybe by my side. We will see! xoxo

    2. Anonymous has a lovely idea here...I have always wondered how it was in your neck of the woods...and moreso since I learned a few years ago that some of my ancestors came from NS...they were both sea captains. I love watching videos of where folks live, shop, the surroundings they love to see, etc!! It may help grow your channel too...Hubby and I watch so many from so many parts of the world, as well as our own country. Whatever you do, I will be watching anyway!!
      Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    3. Sounds just a tad bit stalkerish.

    4. I am not sure what you mean?

  6. Here's a thought that may take the stress out of your kitchen videos: prepare everything ahead of time -- the batter; the finished food you are discussing and making; and have those ready to show at the end of your demonstration. Then do your demonstration and discussion, pop it into the oven, or into the pot. Then bring out the finished product. Viola! There you are! No stress. Just the best! :)

    1. Thanks very much for your input! It is much appreciated! xoxo

  7. Glad your eye appointment went well, Marie. Some lovely Friday Finds today. There are a lot of talented people in this world of ours and you are definitely one of them. I’ve been meaning to ask if you got your walking poles? How do you like them? Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine. I did get my walking poles but have not been able to figure out how to put them together so that I can use them. I need to find a video on YouTube to watch I think! I hope you are having a beautiful weekend. Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. Thank you for another lovely day of creative finds and beauty!!
    May your day be blessed,

  9. So glad to hear you passed the eye tests at the doc!! Hope the eye drops will help too...another joy of getting old...argh!!
    So many wonderful and beautiful ideas here!! I don't know where you find them, but there is not enough life to do them all...but we can dream eh?? Let's see...maybe in our next life...hope we are neighbors...would love to get together and do some stitchery, crochet etc!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Now isn't that a lovely thought Elizabeth! I like it! Hugs, xoxo


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