
Friday 2 August 2024

Friday news . . .


God is good, even when your day is bad.
God is faithful, even when your faith is weak.
God is able, even when you feel like you failed.
~Reminders from The Well Watered Woman
for August

I have certainly run through the gamut of emotions over the past week, and been put through the mill, tested beyond belief.  Through it all I have tried to remain faithful and hopeful, even when all I was feeling was despair and desperate.  

The good news is through the amazing efforts and work of my friend Alison and my brother David, my blog is now showing as a .com.  I can see the pages and even work on the pages.  Its not back to my domain yet, and I don't have the revenue earning ads back on it yet, but I am much  more hopeful than I was. All is not lost. I am so very grateful for their tireless efforts. My brother was working on it right up til about 9 PM yesterday.  It is simply amazing how two people thousands of miles apart are able to get together and work on something like that. Astonishing really.  There is more work yet to be done, but I am feeling much more positive about things now.

My take from all of this is don't ever have a domain registered with Squarespace.  They have done NOTHING for me.  Absolutely nothing.  For all of their claims of having a 24/7 support team they have totally dropped the ball on this and have cost me my livelihood.  I have heard zip from them since Monday.  As soon as I can transfer my domain from them I am going to do so. If you are thinking of getting your own Domain I say do NOT get Squarespace to take it on and, if you are with Squarespace, leave. Run, run, as fast as you can in the opposite direction.


Somehow I managed to delete the first introductory part of the videos I filmed the other day, so I think I am just going to have to do the whole thing again from scratch and this time try to do it better.  We will see. This is a very steep learning curve, but I can do it.  I keep telling myself that if Anna from Anna's Mobile Home Life can do it, then I can do it.  Anthony is going to ask his brother (from my first husband) to try to help me if he has time.  I have my fingers crossed! I spent money on the light and camera holder so I have to make it work or I will have just thrown good money after bad.

I need to make it work.  I have been playing with different names I could use for my YouTube Channel. But I am not really coming up with anything inventive.  I don't want it to be the same as someone else's. I want it to be unique. I already have a channel on there that I don't want to attach to this one so I also have to figure out how or if I can start a separate channel.  Loads to figure out here!



I had a great facetime with my oldest son last night. He was cooking burgers on the outdoor grill. I got to see my two angel grandsons also. He has this special mosquito thingie that you stick outdoors and turn on half an hour before you want to go out and presto!  Like  magic when you go out there are no mosquitos.  I forget what it was called though.

Anyways, I just wanted to give you a quick update on what is going on. Hopefully tomorrow I will have even better news!  Fingers crossed!  

For now, I will leave you with a thought for the day, I will meet you back here tomorrow. Same Bat Channel, same Bat Time. (Now my age is showing, lol)

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.°I believe that  without memories
there is no life,
and that our memories should
be of happy times.
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Lee Radziwill 
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° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

I hope you have a really beautiful day.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Small steps in the right direction. I could see the site yesterday, but not today so far. Glad you are considering moving to a new server/host company. As long as you can see it and are able to work on it, that is great. I never attempted videos, but if you are determined that is half the battle. I'll keep checking during the day. Fingers crossed.

    1. Site is now visible again. Let us know how we can help to boost the revenue from ads? Do we click on ads? view entire post? We will help get the revenue back.

    2. Thanks Linda! I am unable to see it yet myself. It is a work in progress. The way to help boost the revenue from ads is simply to read the page, and maybe even click through to others so show that you are truly interested in what is there. Thanks so much! xoxo

  2. Just saw the site! Kudos..Oh my you must so appreciate your brother and Alison!Happy for you..let the rest follow soon.I dont have a domain..I'm just blogger:)

    1. I am so grateful for their help Monique. My brother is still on the case. I think, I hope that he enjoys the challenge. He worked in IT for many many years before he retired. Its a chance hopefully for him to keep his IT teeth sharpened. xoxo

  3. Glad to hear that these 2 people may be able to get you up and running again!! Hang in there...also hope you will figure out all you need to do with the youtube channel!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Very much still a work in process, but showing great promise! I will keep plugging away on the YT channel. Rome was not built in a day! xoxo

  4. All I can say is bravo for your helpers (!!!) to get you back …and bravo to you for your determination to start to video your work!
    I’m sure you’ll do a fabulous job of it! Enjoy this day! xo V.

    1. Thanks so much V! I will try hard as I do with all things. xoxo

  5. Just remember….this to shall pass…Wishing you the best.

  6. Yay! That is such good news for you! And also for me, as I decide which recipes to try next! Hope your weekend is much more relaxing than the last several days have been. I can totally understand the panic and anger you must have been feeling. Kudos to your helpers, and to you for not being afraid to ask for the help.

    1. I hope that you are able to see them Becky! I am so grateful for all the prayers, help and support I have been given! xoxo

  7. I am in awe and so inspired with anyone who can persever through the challenges of IT, domains, servers and all that goes with is mindblogging to me and so easily makes me want to throw in the towel. Good for you!! Praying it all comes together soon!

  8. So glad things are working out for you. Knew your brother would help. There was no reason to express your worst case fears that you would be homeless. Love that you give your sister credit for being the rational logical one but you can be also if you don’t jump to the worst case scenario always. Trust in God always not just when things go well.otherwise you come across as hopeless.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!