
Friday 28 June 2024

Today . . .


 I don't really have time to do my usual Friday Finds post today. I have been up and battling ants since before six o'clock this morning. All of the rain we had yesterday has driven them indoors and my place is literally crawling with them. I don't know how I am going to get any work done today as they are all over my counter/floors/etc.  I had put out a Terro ant bait station yesterday and I have put out three  more this morning. They are even crawling on me as soon as I sit.  It is just awful.  I saw a guy last week going around spraying the outsides of every house but I don't think it does a whole lot of good. Our homes are built on very sandy soil and we have no basements, so the ant just come inside and I believe there are even tons of them in nests beneath the houses.  Its just awful.  This too shall pass.  Today and tomorrow will be bad as they all swarm in finding the ant bait stations, but hopefully within a couple of days things will settle down.  I HATE ANT SEASON! It doesn't seem to matter how scrupulous you are, you still get inundated with them.

I will be back tomorrow with a fresh post. Here's hoping!

In the meantime have a great day and don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Yes, hang in there, Marie. The Terro traps work well, and I am grateful that you wrote about them last year when the ant season was bringing them inside your place. When they swarmed here, I bought the Terro and after two or three days the ants were gone. But I did find dead ants laying around the traps the first two days. The ant beds beneath the foundation are safely away from the foundation spraying outside, and the only place they have to go then is inside the homes. A professional treatment would be to dig trenches around the foundations, scatter ant bait granules in the trenches, and cover them lightly with soil. The trenches are only a few inches deep. This ant bait is taken back to the nests beneath the foundations of the homes. They spray here too, so no hope that the dots will connect and the effective method will be used. Terro does work though, and thank you again for discussing the ants last year. It really helped me. xoxo

    1. The Terro Traps are the best! I swear by them. A lady at the grocery store this morning was saying equal parts of cornmeal, borax and icing sugar, sprinkled around the foundations of the house also work well. I am happy that the Terro traps helped you. I can already see a difference here this afternoon! xoxo

  2. Mercy...well, as I emailed you...don't forget to use STRAIGHT 100% Vinegar in a spray bottle...and if you spray it around doors etc, in time, they ought to stop coming inside at least....sounds like a good idea the trench and burying stuff for them too... We had fire ants, in one place years ago, so I mixed borax and sugar for them. did not kill them all, but it kept it from spreading. Also, got some artificial sweetener (the bad stuff that is chemical) and mixed with sugar...that will also kill some.
    Hugs, Elizabeth xo

  3. Oh, my, Marie. Ants are awful and especially on the scale you are enduring. Hope those traps continue to work their magic. Good luck. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)


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