
Monday 3 June 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

A beautiful sunrise this morning. We were all looking out the front window at it. It has rained during the night, something we really need here, but, everything is looking lovely and green! I love this time of year when the days are lovely without being "too" warm and there is not a lot of humidity in the air.  When we get beautiful sunny days, and nights that are comfortable for sleeping. 

We must always be kind. You never know what is going on in another person's life. Often people will try to present a positive image to the world while their life and their hearts are falling apart. Sometimes they may come across as being brash or arrogant or even rude as a coping mechanism to keep the hurt inside.  I try always to give people the benefit of the doubt, as hard as it can be at times.  Life is just better that way. How much better it is to believe that somebody is just having a bad day rather than that they are being deliberately rude or hurtful.

Fledglings.  What a beautiful reminder each spring of the love of mother's for their children. Be it human, animal, bird, etc. I love to see them.  This natural instinct to care for the young, its a beautiful thing.

This weekend was our church's Stake Conference for the Spring.  They are more localized than the General Conferences of the church and pertain only to our area.  This time we had Elder Ahmad S Corbett in attendance. I did not get to hear his talk on Saturday night, but I got to hear and watch him speak yesterday morning and it was a wonderful talk. Very inspiring. I am grateful that we have such a wise caring and loving leadership in our church. 


Folding laundry. It is one of those tasks in the home that you can do without a lot of effort. I just take my laundry basket into my bedroom and sit on my bed while I take things from the basket, one at a time, and fold them, organizing them into piles. It is a time when I can just be quiet with my thoughts.  Funny, when my children were growing up it was not something that I enjoyed, but getting old (er) had given me the blessing of being able to enjoy certain things in life that were once drudgery.  Sometimes the cats try to help me. Those are fun times.

There is naught that comes into the house or that I do that those two lovely creatures are not trying to be a  part of. Yesterday when I got home from Church, Nutmeg was sitting in the window awaiting my return and as soon as he saw me he jumped down to greet me at the other side of the front door. Cinnamon too.  They are such welcoming little souls.  When I make the bed, it is always with Cinnamon's help. They had never seen my top dresser drawer open before and yesterday while I was folding laundry I had it open and they were very curious about it. I do not mind. Not at all. They are lovely companions and beautiful company.  I have been watching videos about cats on YouTube, learning how these fabulous creatures work, what makes them tick, how to keep them happy, how they express love, etc.  I find them fascinating.  What a wonderful resource YouTube is.  Whenever you need to know how to do something, there is always a video on YouTube to cover it!

I just looked over and could not help but take his picture. He is such a funny little character. He brings smiles into my life on a daily basis.

So does Cinnamon. In the evenings, you will find Nutmeg laying next to me on the sofa and Cinnamon laying behind me on the back of the sofa.  Always close, these gentle, loving furry family members of mine.


My father is coming for supper tonight.  Cindy and Dan are going into Halifax today to visit the museum there, so dad is coming here. I am looking forward to it. It won't be anything too special, as my father likes things simple.  I am just going to make him a cheese omelet and fried potatoes, maybe some toast. He thought that sounded good. I am looking forward to spending time with him.


A life which affords me the luxury of being able to putter, doing all of my chores in my own time and at my own speed. I am a great lover of puttering . . . 


The caption to this photo said "Happiness is Homemade."  I would have to agree. Happiness is indeed homemade.  

The homemade life is the best life of all.   Life is good. I cannot complain. Not at all.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *.˛.You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world can live as one.
~John Lennon° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today, Chicken Parmesan Pasta Salad.  This delicious recipe came from an old Pillsbury check out recipe booklet that I picked up second hand. Its simple to make and fabulously tasty! I cut it in half to make only three servings.

I hope that you have a lovely day, filled with lovely things and people.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. A puttering life doing things we enjoy:) ..Can ease so much.Lucky we are to have family and homes things to putter:) PS I am sure I have expired things in my pantry:)

    1. We are indeed very blessed Monique! Oh, I am sure we all have expired things in our pantries, lol. I dread looking! haha xoxo

  2. Your supper sounds very know as we age, we need simpler and less sized meals anyway!! My grandparents often ate a bit of cereal, toast, fruit for supper and that was all. Hubby and I often talk of how we now understand why they did so. Your saying today is very true...we do not know how difficult life may be for others.
    Elizabeth xo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth! I sometimes think we have to become old ourselves before we can truly understand these things! Youth is wasted on the young! I totally get that now! xoxo

  3. Supper sounds like what we are having, our usually Monday dinner usually involves eggs of some sort and fries. Love eggs and chips! A cloudy day here, but only a misty shower for a few minutes this morning. Enjoy the company with you Dad tonight.

    1. Thanks Linda. It was really nice to have some one on one time! I think Dad enjoyed himself also! xoxo


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