
Saturday 4 May 2024

All Things Nice . . .


The things that pine trees whisper
In the still and dead of night,
The ageless tune that wild geese chant,
Through the long hours of flight.

I'd like to know what waters say,
Flowing toward the sea,
I'm sure they speak of quiet springs,
Back where they used to be.

Of sloping banks where cowslips bloom
And trees whose feet are pressed
Against the heart of Mother Earth,
Where all things come to rest.

I'd like to hear the ageless song
That lonely mountains know,
When winter crowns their ancient peaks
With diadems of snow.

The language of the quiet beasts,
Must be a friendly thing,
When something deep within their breasts,
Is telling them of spring.

For earth and all that dwells therein
Are part and parcel to
The spark of that eternal life,
That beats inside of you.
~Edna Jaques, I'd Like To Know
Fireside Poems, 1950

This is the book that inspired my love of the poetry of Edna Jaques. I read every word of it when I was a girl and loved it then, and love it still. To me it was like she was singing the song of my heart.  She knew my ponderings.  The thoughts I had. She seemed to know the wonderings of my mind, heart, and soul.  And the wanderings too  . . . 

That is the power of words . . . to reach your very being.  Their strength has the ability to paint pictures, to make . . .  and to break. We must always choose them wisely. 

I admire the ability of poets and writers.  They are so talented  to keep us occupied and entertained with just their words. 


I have come to the conclusion that Instagram doesn't really like me. lol  I post my recipes on there every day and I don't think my pictures are all that bad, but very few people pay them any attention. Especially lately.  Some people get thousands and thousands of people looking at their pictures.  I am not sure what their secret is.  I have never been a fan of popularity contests. I just  post my photos and then I hope that people will be interested in what I have cooked. I am sure there is some great secret that I do not know about.  I have noticed lately that a lot of the photos I look at (mostly food, no surprise there) will say in their write up to comment below to be given the recipe or recipe link. I am seeing this more and more.  What is up with that?  Is there something there that I am not understanding? Some magical key?

I am an old dog with no new tricks. I don't do reels, or videos. I haven't the know how to do so.  It is all Greek to me. It takes me hours and hours each day to just do what I do.  To respond to all the comments, etc. that get left on my EK Facebook page and blogs, and I respond to every comment on IG as well. I cannot imagine adding the time it would take and the work of making videos and reels on top of it all as well. Then, I think, my life would be nothing but work, work, work.  I am too old to want my life to only be about work, but I do need to make a living.

I did finish my work early yesterday and thought to sit down and paint for a bit. The cats were nowhere to be found so I thought it would be a great opportunity. As soon as I got my water and paints ready, they were all over me, lol.  I don't know what the appeal was.  Nutmeg was trying to lay on my notebook, Cinnamon was trying to drink the paint water.  Trying to grab my brush, etc.  I did manage to get my sketches painted, sort of  . . . but I soon gave up and put everything away.   This is not a great photo I know.  But I was quite pleased with how they turned out.

Maybe I will have some time to do some creating today. Hope springs eternal!

 I gave my window boxes to my sister yesterday.  I have not had much success with them really. Nothing seems to do very well out there. It is in shade for most of the day on this side of the street. In the Winter months, the snow across the road will be all melted and ours will be hanging on and on and on.   It doesn't get much sun there until much later in the day and then the warmth of the sun is waning.  I know she will find a better use for them.  I might get a hanging basket, or I might not get anything. It all depends on how I feel. I may just be content with what grows in that front bit.  Oh, I am not a gardener, not by a long chalk  . . . but I do love looking at flowers, and nature in general.  We are so blessed to live in a world which contains so much beauty.

My bleeding heart bush is well up. I cannot wait to see it in bloom!


Love, love this pillow case.  I so love florals. I am so feminine in my likes.  I love ruffles and flowers, petticoats, lace, etc.  I don't dress myself in them because I don't have the look or body to be able to wear them, but I would fill my house with them if I could. 

When my girls were really young, before they hit pre-teen years, I used to make most of their clothes. I would sew them matching outfits in different colors. I so loved to dress them up in pretty dresses and things like that. Every Easter they would get a new dress, sometimes with a hat if I could find one.  It was so much fun.   

I remember one year I made them matching cowboy shirts and pants with fringe down the side seams of the pants and snap closures on the shirts. One was in a pink and the other in a mint green. So much fun.

Mom used to sew matching things for us also.  I remember she made us all matching Santa Claus pajamas with a Santa Claus printed flannelette. The only difference was in the color of the ricrac she used to trim them. Those were my favorite pajamas when I was a child. My sister and I still talk about them.


One of my favorite things to do as a child was to play on a swing.  I used to love to pump and pump and pump to get it to go as high in the air as I could. I always felt as if I was flying like a bird.  Soaring  . . .  and yet still tethered to the earth by the ropes holding the swing in place.  I have not been on a swing in years.  I wonder if I could still do it. Probably not, with my arthritis!

There used to be a large set of public swings on the way back from school to our house.  My mother always used to caution me to not play on them but to come home straight away.  I remember one day, throwing caution to the wind and playing on them for a few minutes on my way home, thinking that my mother would never find out. Of course when I went to jump off them my dress caught in the chain and ripped. 

How could I have ever thought that my mother would never find out?? Karma came up and bit me in the arse.  Always. I could never get away with anything. lol


The gold cups of the daffodils are on the wane now as are the tulips, although the grape hyacinth are still blooming.  Spring flowers are such a re-affirmation of God's grace.  The lilacs are my favorites, I think, no matter the color, but the deep purple French ones are the prettiest in my opinion.  Their heart shaped leaves, so glossy and beautiful, with the clusters of flowers weighing down the branches in a most beautiful way of sweetness.  

Lilacs belong with old houses . . .  where they should lean and look into the windows, their extravagance brushing against old hewn clapboards with clusters of blossoms.

Their scent is intoxicating, especially in the early morning and the dusk.  It wafts in the windows bringing with it a special joy.  I would that I could bring in armloads of them and scent the whole house with their perfume.  Such a joy that would bring, but alas  . . .  I have none of my own.

When I think of lilacs I think of the apartment that my first husband and I began our married life in.  The drive to the apartment (which was an old house, broken into apartments) was lined with lilac bushes, and that first spring we lived there, they brought me so much joy.  I was pregnant for my oldest son and I loved to sit out on the veranda which happened to lay across the front of our downstairs apartment and just take in  their beautiful smell.  I will forever equate his arrival into the world with the scent of lilac and apple blossom.

May is the poetry of the seasons . . . such wonderful lyrics after the cold of Winter begins to abate  . . . 

One of these beautiful birds landed on my front railing yesterday. A redpoll . . .  I had not seen one in years and was so blessed to be able to catch a glimpse of it for only a few seconds.  Had I not been looking out my window at that exact time, I would have missed it.   What a great blessing that was that I just happened to be there to see it!  

Sometimes I think I need to put out more feeders  . . .  but then I remember the rat I saw running along my front deck that one morning and I change my mind.  A hummingbird feeder will have to do.  I have not seen any just yet, but hopefully soon. I changed the nectar again yesterday. I always like to put it up fresh every week. 

And with that I best close this off and let me and you get on with our days. Time is scurrying on even if we are not . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Learn now to see,
realize that everything
connects to everything else.
~Leonardo da Vinci° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛  

In The English Kitchen today . . .  the  most exquisite Lemon Filled Breakfast Buns.  A bit of a cheat but oh so delicious. A small batch and on the table in less than 20 minutes.  These taste just like a lemon filled donut.

I hope you have a beautiful Saturday. Not sure what I will get up to yet, but I am sure it will be wonderful no matter what it is.  Perhaps I will do some clearing out.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I read your post yesterday, but for some reason forgot to comment. I enjoyed today's poem a lot. I too wonder about hits/comments etc on social media and my website. I have actually given up posting on the website, too much time for such a limited audience now. The older posts for crafts and plant info get a fair number of hits but no comments. I'm too old to change to the new ways of sharing so am now content to read along. When you rely on the income it is different. I love this time of year when all the plants are growing and blooming. Like you our house faces north and gets very little sun. How lovely to see a redpoll. We have the wrens that have just returned and are busy building a nest. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Linda! I know there is an algorithm to it all, but I am danged if I can understand it all. I see some people join up one day and within a few hours have thousands of followers. I do not know what the secret is! I have been doing this blog here for many, many moons, and this is my fun blog, the blog where I channel my soul. The food blog is my bread and butter and I am grateful for that as altogether my pensions wouldn't even cover my rent! The result of a misspent life and poor choices I guess! Anyways, I work so hard at it and don't seem to get very far. I know comparison is the thief of joy so I try not to compare, but it is hard sometimes! There is no way I could find the time to do videos and the like. I think those people must be paying someone to do it for them! I can't afford that! Oh, how wonderful that you have Wrens. They are one of my favorite birds! Bonne weekend! xoxo

  2. "The spark of that eternal life that beats inside of you". That is a lovely quote to remember. Thank you. Do you have link on here to your Instagram account? I couldn't see it. Take care. x

    1. You are welcome Kay. Thank YOU. My IG account is here:

  3. I hate that feature re comment pastry etc to get the recipe..If I really want it now I google..and the recipe comes up..Half the time the recipes would not arrive.I have no clue why it became so popular.Re comments not sure..we all know blogs have become a thing of the past:(Even top top bloggers can get very few responses..apart form the ones that teach something like Miss Mustard Seed?Not sure.. I am certain you will find somethig for your shady porch..Ferns do very well..impatiens also but they are messy..a hanging fern is no work at all:)

    1. I find it quite annoying as well Monique! I think it is a way to grab comments and perhaps force the algorithm to pay attention to them? I so want my viewers/likes to be organic and not forced. I used to get 40 0r 50 likes, sometimes more, but lately I am lucky if I get 10, lol Its very strange and I am sure being manipulated by the main machine. I should look into ferns. Do you have to bring them indoors in the winter? xoxo

  4. PS when my girls were little..? same I made them matching outfits;)

  5. Your sketches turned out lovely, Marie. They remind me of Beatrix Potter’s nature sketches. Loved the Edna Jacques poem, too. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! Not as cute as Beatrix Potter's but I did enjoy them! I hope you and Larry are enjoying your weekend also! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. Your sketches are just wonderful! …a treat for me to get to see your work. I admire your ability to write and share also….your words so beautifully take me to your thoughts. Thanks for the visit, happy happy weekend. xo,V.

    1. Thank you so much V! You are so kind. I hope that you are having a lovely weekend also! xoxo

  7. Having the choice between your sketches/painting/creating your food blog/and writing versus gardening, it's wonderful that you chose the former to continue on with. Ferns aren't winter hardy. A hanging basket that may be winter hardy is creeping dwarf connifer, with perhaps English ivy tucked around it. You could tuck a few dried flowers here and there to brighten it if you wanted more color, but it's beautiful as is.

    1. I will probably just stick with what is already in the ground garden. Maybe take a year off from having any other plants, but thank you so much for your suggestions! They are very much appreciated! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!