
Monday 4 March 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

I am so grateful for the week that I got to spend with my daughter Eileen. It feels kind of empty here this morning and it did last night as well. It was very good to have her around.  Unfortunately  Saturday afternoon I came down with a bad tummy bug.  I started feeling ill when I went to pick up my sister for our paint afternoon, and it progressed from there. I did not paint.  Eileen and she did though and had a great time. My sister is so patient and such a wonderful teacher.  I could not drive her home so I told her to just take the car.  Eileen was very attentive to me.  She fed the cats, got me water, scooped the litter and even had to get her own supper, etc.  Then yesterday morning my sister picked her up and took her to church and then back home.  I was sorry to see her go, but I know we will do it again, hopefully more sooner than later.  

 I still felt pretty bad all day yesterday. I spent most of the day laying back in my easy boy chair, dozing with one or both of the cats laying on my lap.  I was in bed early, early last night. I think I managed to eat a half a slice of dry toast and keep it down and I drank half a bottle of water.   I am feeling much better this morning, thankfully.


It’s important for us to notice how media influences the way we define beauty. If there were no television, internet, magazines, or any other media, how would your paradigm of who you consider
“beautiful” change?

This guy I follow on Instagram posted this and it really resonated with me.  We are surrounded by beautiful images of everything.  Very few people want us to see the truth of what their lives really are. We see brushed over filtered faces, ultra edited photos of people's homes, food, etc.  That can leave us, when we look at our own un-filtered lives, feeling a bit like we are falling short.  Like we are missing out on something.  Often when people do post the reality, they are shouted down by negative voices that are super critical.  People seem to want to see the filtered versions of reality, but they do not want to apply that same filter to their own voices and opinions.  They can be harsh and cruel and unfeeling in their criticism of others.  We live in a world of very mixed messages.  The media builds things up only so they can then tear them down in the most cruel and unfeeling way.

I try always to share the truth with you.  You get me warts and all.  Sometimes I am subject to some very unkind comments.  Not everyone will like you, or your truth.  But here is the thing. Its okay. Not everybody has to like you or your truth.  You will not be everyone's cup of tea.  What counts most is how those you are closest to feel about you.  Family. Friends. Nobody who loves you will ever want to tear you apart. Those are the voices which we should listen to and the only voices which really should  matter.  I am grateful for the positive influences in my life. You all know who you are.


Oh I was having the craziest dream this morning just prior to waking up. My sister and I had gone shopping but it was the weirdest mall, filled with tunnels and corridors. We were in the U.S.  I always used to love shopping in the U.S. They had different things and I used to like to see them and pick up a few of them.  In my dream however, we were kept going through secret passageways in this mall, and tunnels, never quite reaching our destination and by the time we did it was time to leave. It was a very frustrating dream.  Walking, walking, walking and never quite being able to achieve any satisfaction.  I can remember feeling almost "lost" in the dream.  I have a really insane fear of getting "lost."  People think I have an incredible sense of direction, but that is not true. It is only that I really pay attention to where I am going because I want to be able to find my way back again. 

I am grateful that this was just a dream and not real.   Oh, and I had a beard in the dream.  Ha Ha.  That was really strange.  (not to mention a tiny bit scary! 😕)


With all of the rain and mild temperatures our snow is all but gone. There is the odd dirty pile left on the edges of  the parking lots of malls and shops. The river in town is largely overflowing its banks.  It is about four times as wide as it usually is, but thankfully it has not encroached on anyone's actual property.  They rerouted the river back when I was a teenager. I remember when they started the process. It was a huge undertaking.  Up to that point the people on one of the finest streets in town used to be flooded or in danger of flooding almost every year.  They say a river never forgets, and it looks like that this year as it is flowing over to its original route, but thankfully not quite to the houses.  This is the result of a quick thaw, plenty of rain and the ground still being frozen so that it cannot absorb all of the moisture. 

I am grateful that my own home is high and dry.


This was my lap most of yesterday. It was one or the other. They took turns. They seemed to know I was not feeling well and wanted to keep me company and be close to me. I am so grateful for these sweet furry companions of mine. Getting them was the best decision ever. 

Ohh, a funny thing.  I found one of their whiskers the other morning and so I stuck it in my eyebrow.  You know how sometimes when people get really old their eyebrows can get a bit bushy.  Eileen thought it was really funny when she saw it.  We had a good laugh.

Our Nova Scotia Athletes will be arriving home this morning.  Very early I think. We are very proud of all of them and what they accomplished.  Altogether I think Eileen said they got 27 medals.  That is great work.  I am not sure how many Tim earned.  We are proud of him no matter what. I am sure he had a great time and will have a lot to share story-wise when we see him next. What a great experience this has been for him!

The Special Olympics Program is a great program for these challenged adults, both young and older.  Eileen has been participating in it for many, many years now.

From Wikipedia: 

Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities providing year-round training and activities to 5 million participants and Unified Sports partners in 172 countries. Special Olympics competitions are held daily, all around the world—including local, national and regional competitions, adding up to more than 100,000 events a year.  Like the International Paralympic Committee, the Special Olympics organization is recognized by the International Olympic Committee; however, unlike the Paralympic Games, Special Olympics World Games are not held in the same year nor in conjunction with the Olympic Games.

I believe it was founded by  Eunice Kennedy Shriver.  I can tell you first hand that it is such a wonderful thing for these people.  Their confidence is boosted in such a positive way.  I know my daughter has always loved participating in them.  It is a wonderful way to explore, increase and showcase their talents and to celebrate the very unique individuals that they are.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day.  I still feel a little bit queasy, albeit much better than yesterday.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Its not what the world holds for you,
its what you bring to it.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Lucy Maud Montgomery° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Due to my recent bout of illness, there is nothing new to share with you in The English Kitchen today, but I am sharing this recipe for Irish Stirabout that I think you might enjoy.  Especially with Saint Patrick's day just around the corner.  This was a most delicious bowl of oats. 

I hope that you have a wonderful day and that your week ahead holds an abundance of blessings for you. Be happy, be safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. Hope you continue to improve, nothing worse than a tummy bug. I have a friend and her husband who are great supporters of the Special Olympics, they adopted 3 special needs children (grown now) and they all participated in the Special Olympics. Special, selfless people. So glad you had a wonderful time with Eileen. The sun is out today, going up to +15 Celsius. Take care.

  2. Glad you are better and kudos to the fab athletes!!

  3. Glad you're on the mend today, Marie. Try to pamper yourself. Eileen will be happy to see Tim and share their adventures. It's sunny here today and 7C. It should warm up a little more. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  4. Happy you had such a great week with family, and are feeling better! Great photo of the athletes, love the smiles! Take care, V.

  5. sorry to hear you have been ill and even moreso with plans with Eileen etc. Glad you feel better and hope it will entirely leave soon!! I think it was your blog some years ago where I first heard: You are not everyone's cup of tea. That is SO true...a helpful thing to remember!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  6. I seem to recall you were unwell during her last visit/stay with her?


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