
Friday 8 March 2024

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . maybe they will do the same for you! 


I am always looking for ways to save money.  Who doesn't want to save a bit of money? I found this article which gives 32 cleaning recipes for a frugal household.  There are some brilliant and very economical ideas here, on DIY and Crafts.  

101 Uses for Ordinary Things.   Yep, everything from lemons, to newspapers to Olive Oil.   This site gives you 10 uses for each and then some.  You can find out more on Real Simple.

There is no source for these but are they not adorable!!  They are rocks painted to look like Cactus!  I just love them!  I used to paint a lot on rocks.  I just may have to take it up again.  The hardest part will probably be finding the rocks.

You all know how much I love lemon flavored things, well . . . I found this recipe for Lemon and White Chocolate Truffles that looks absolutely delicious and easy to make.  I found it on Sugar Coated.   They look just gorgeous.  Top of my list of things I want to make but shouldn't!!!

Bathroom storage ideas from BHG.  I love the lunch box first aid kit.  What a brilliant do-over!  I would never have thought of that!   Making the most of your bathroom with 20 quick storage solutions.

This is a brilliant idea for keeping your floors clean and storing your wellies.  A tray filled with pebbles.   All the yuck drips down below the pebbles.  The hardest part for me would be to keep the cats from fishing them out of the tray.

I think I am pretty much the most disorganized person on the face of the earth.    When the organization skills were being handed out, I must have been at the back of the line and I got the leavings.   In other words . . . I am not good at any of it.   I found this blog however, which has printouts and schedules, etc..   I think it's fab.  Find out more on Simplify 101.  

From Rustic Living.   A wine rack re-purposed as a towel rack.   Now why didn't I think of that.   I'd see a wine rack and only think, hmmm . . . I don't drink wine.   This is really using your noggin!  I love it.  I need to learn how to think more outside of the box!!

Are you like me?  Do you struggle when it comes to folding sheets, well the fitted ones at any rate.  I found this fab tutorial on The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking.  It's really good!  I am going to try this.

Fabric Boxes from Seaside Stitches.   These are fabulous!  I can see lots of uses for them!   She has a complete tutorial.  

Make your own Luggage Tags.  These are so pretty and they seem pretty easy to do.  There a complete tutorial, including the pattern on  Craftsy.

Egg Carton Roses!  Aren't they wonderful!  You could paint them whatever colour you wanted to.  They would make great table decorations for tea parties, showers, etc.    From Bliss Bloom Blog.

I know it's more paper flowers, but it was just so dang pretty I just had to share.  From Pretty DIY, a breathtakingly beautiful Paper Rose Garland.    I thought you might like this!

Oh my word, from Averie Cooks . . .  a Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie.  Creamy, smooth and tasting like one of my favourite pies.   Will life ever be the same???   Oh, and she also has a recipe for Cinnamon Raisin Bread Smoothies.  Be still my heart!

And those are my finds for this week. I hope there was something there of interest to you!  Its been one of those mornings today (everything is fighting me), plus I was late getting started this morning.  I must be off, but not before I leave you with a thought for the day!

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*Go out into the world today
and love the people you meet.
Let your presence bring new light
in the hearts of people.
~ Mother Teresa 

In The English Kitchen today a delicious Olive Oil Cake. This is a fantastic cake.  You need to bake it!

I hope that you have a lovely day filled with lots of things that you care about.  Be happy and be blessed. Don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. I have 2 pots of painted rock cacti, in fact they are on my worktable to be touched up before going outside this year. Lots of rain heading out way over the weekend. And this weekend it is time to change the clocks. Will enjoy the extra daylight hours. Have a good day.

    1. I keep thinking I want to do them, but never get around to it! xoxo

  2. Lovely Friday finds, Marie. Something for everyone. I'm definitely going to bake your Olive Oil Cake this afternoon. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks Elaine! I hope that you enjoy the cake! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. The egg carton roses are nice, they could be stuck with wooden barbeque sewers as stems and given as a bouquet gift for any holiday or hospital visit.


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