
Friday 29 March 2024

Friday thoughts . . .



The other day I was sitting in contemplation and I started to think about Mary, the mother of Jesus, standing at the foot of the cross watching what was happening to her son, and my heart was there with her in the mess.  I know that she knew from the very beginning that hers was the son of God, and that he was destined for greatness, but I am not sure that she could ever have known . . . had even an inkling . . . that it would end in this way.

This was her son, who she had carried within her, near to her heart, for nine months, and near to her heart for all of his life. She had been there from the beginning, felt him quicken inside her, his movements only small flutters are first, and then much stronger. She had gone through the pangs of childbirth to bring him into the world, this son who was not really destined to be hers forever, but only given into her care-giving.

She nurtured him through all of his childhood. Protected him.  Healed his cuts and hurts, and bumps and scrapes. Watched his first tentative steps grow into walking and then running. I am sure there were moments when she forgot just who he was.  There would have been moments when he wrapped his little boy arms around her neck and nestled his little head into her shoulder. He was simply her little boy, as she watched him grow and wax strong.

And then, when he began his ministry, and it became clear to all just who he was, I am sure she was proud of this little boy who had grown into such a strong man, with such a beautiful message, who was the promise of delivery for them all.  Who spoke with such wisdom and who performed miracles.  Her request at the wedding in Cana was his first public  miracle, and I am sure her heart glowed with pride, knowing that he was much more than just a man.  Her son, and yet not  just her son . . . as his miracles and his message grew, along with his many followers, and his enemies too . . .

And then she finds herself at the foot of the cross, and her heart must have been breaking.  As a mother myself, I know her heart had to have been breaking, and she may have even been questioning if she had been mistaken about his destiny for all these years.  There had to have been moments of doubt in her heart, there at the foot of the cross.


Or maybe I have got it all wrong.  Maybe she knew all along that this was how it would end, but still . . . her heart had to be breaking.  For sure those who had known and walked with him were swept away in feelings of  disbelief and despair at what was happening, but for her  . . .  a mother  . . .  it must have been so much more.  It must have been simply horrendous.  Heart breaking  . . . 

And tears came to my eyes, rolling down my cheeks as I pondered these things.

And whether you believe in the Divinity of Christ or not . . .  you must surely believe in the depth and the power of a mother's love . . . and you must know how it felt to be there in this moment.

Is it any wonder that the earth trembled and broke in two . . . 

Those feelings could only have been matched by perfect joy when only  a few days later the stone was rolled away, and his ministry became clear to all of those who loved and followed Him.  The despair of her mother's heart must have been replaced with the joy of hope and promise, any doubt being swept away in the miracle that simply was.

Anyways, those were my thoughts and I wanted to share them on this Good Friday.  Sometimes I wonder what is so "good" about it, but then I remember Sunday and the promise it holds for us all.


I managed to get a Doctor's appointment yesterday for next Tuesday morning.  I am not sure what can be done.  The ibuprofen just barely takes the edge off the pain.  It is still there, but just a bit duller for a time, until the ibuprofen wears off.  Last night in bed, it kept waking me up all night, but you can only take so many of those things a day and I try to save them for when it is really bad.

I hope that all it is is arthritis.  Anyways, I am going to the Doctors and maybe they will do an x-ray or something, or offer me a cortisone shot. I have had those before and they have helped immensely.

It was so busy in the shops yesterday.  I had thought that it would be.  Much of what we wanted to get really was shopped out, but I did get some really nice looking Brussel's Sprouts.  So we will have those on Sunday with our ham.  Cindy has got the ham and will cook it at hers and bring it over. I think she is making her special sweet potatoes as well. I will do a potato scallop, cook some veg, make some rolls and dessert. It will be a nice Easter Dinner.  I think dad is taking us all out to Swiss Chalet on Saturday.  Yummy!

Its my youngest grandson's 4th birthday today. My son posted a video of him on Facebook, eating a donut I think.  He is really cute. I left Birthday greetings.  I didn't know if I should.  I was really torn as to if I should or not, but I did in the end anyways. I sent him a gift and a card. I always do. It was a car eating dinosaur. I have no idea what he likes to play with, so I just guessed it was something a four year old boy would like.  I live in hope that maybe some day I will be able to meet him in person. You know what they say, hope springs eternal!  Our God is a God of miracles.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.Nature gives to  every time and season
some beauties of its own.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Charles Dickens° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Classic English Bread and Butter Pudding.  Wibbly and creamy rich on the bottom, toasted buttery crunchy on top.  Delicious.

I hope that you have a beautiful day, no matter what you get up to.  it is 10*C already so promises to be warm and mild.  Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Good you got a doctor appointment, hopefully xrays will help sort out the issue. Easter is a time of new beginnings, so there is always hope for you to reconnect with estranged family. My aunt made the most delicious bread pudding, have several of her recipes but not that one. Enjoy your family dinner.

    1. I sure hope so Linda. This is getting beyond tolerable. I think there may be something more than arthritis going on! Thank you! xoxo

  2. Lovely thoughts this morning, thank you. Good to hear you got a doctor appointment! Happy Easter weekend, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. xo,V.

  3. You wrote so beautifully on your thoughts about Mary. You really captured what she must have been feeling. Thanks for sharing this with us all. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I hope that you and Larry are having a lovely Easter! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Beautiful Good Friday thoughts, Marie. And yes, God is a God of miracles. Praying He would make a way for you to be able to meet your little grandson.

  5. I hope that your pain issues are solved soon!!
    It is hard being a grandmother and not being sure about doing even simple things, like grandmas do!! My empathy...
    HUGS, Elizabeth xo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am getting very wearied from the pain. On both counts. Hugs, xoxo

  6. Wonderful Good Friday post - thank you

    1. Thanks very much Marceline! Happy Easter. xoxo


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