
Thursday 15 February 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


Sharing today a few things that I really love to do, eat, experience, enjoy  . . .  maybe you will enjoy them too.

Are we not all broken in some way.  I think so.  Its nice to think that we can become better people because of it.


Line dried linens . . .  the smell when you iron them. So lovely  . . . .


Trees  . . .  I love trees.  Have you ever hugged one?  Its amazing.  You feel at one with the earth. They are so majestic and mystical  . . . 

Pretty soaps . . . I adore them, but then I can't bring myself to use them.  I just want to look at them. Just looking at them brings me joy . . . 


Tidy cupboards  . . .  so lovely.


So pretty  . . . 


Furry snuggles  . . . 


Sugar coated branches  . . . 


Most unusual. I like it.


Cottage gardens  . . .  that is what I always loved about the National Trust places in the U.K. They usually came with cottage gardens. I love the beauty of gardens, plants, flowers.  I am not much of a gardener myself, but I do appreciate them.


Can you imagine being this relaxed?  Only a cat  . . . 


Such pretty spoons and that bunny cup . . .  so lovely  . . . 


I totally adore flat white peaches or nectarines  . . .  So sweet  . . . 


So lovely . . .  pristine  . . . 


Chocolate Chip overload  . . .  such decadence  . . . 


Patterns of light  . . . 


Beautiful post  . . . 


Laughter, its the best medicine for anything that ails you  . . . 


Yes, please  . . . 


Window seats  . . . 


Can you imagine such a bath?  Sigh  . . .  such comfort  . . .


Love this look  . . . 


Pearls  . . .  so pretty  . . . 


The Lake District  . . .  such a beautiful place  . . . 

I am a person who can enjoy the beauty in life without needing to possess it. And those are my favorite things for today.  I hope you enjoyed them!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*The true way to soften one's troubles
is to solace those of others.
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • Maintenon
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Breakfast Egg Rolls

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Breakfast Egg Rolls  . . .  such a simple thing. Ready in less than 10 minutes. Really.

I hope that you have a lovely day. I have plans to go over to Cindy's later on, probably after  lunch and enjoy a bit of art time together.  Hopefully it happens!  It is -4 out there this morning, but it says it feels like -18. Brrr . . . it is expected to be blustery today.  Double brrr . . . 

Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!     


  1. I love a boatload of pearls too..they don't need to be real:) Yesterday was blustery here.Calmer but cold today.Have fun artsing!

  2. Love the smell of clothes dried outside, really miss that in the winter months. Snow storm heading our was this afternoon, so I've already been out and got what is needed, just in case. Enjoy your art time with Cindy, look forward to hearing what you both created. Have fun.

  3. Broken? Probably most are, in some way, if they live long enough. Lake District...ah, never been, but if wishes were horses...beggars would ride, eh? Always wanted to visit the UK...being a not of my DNA is from there etc. My grandsons went last summer and fell in love with it. Had a blast, visiting as many castles as they could. We watch youtube of several who live in those long boats on the canals...just enchanting scenery and experiences!! Hope you got over to Cindy's today...but brave to go out in the deep freeze!!
    Elizabeth xo

  4. Just to say "thanks" for the St Valentine's Day past yesterday! It is one of my favorite days

  5. Amen to Mme de Maintenon's quote.
    Love the one by Dickens as well.
    Lots of lovely things to look at in your post, Marie. My favorites, the cottage garden, and the ady laughing with her dog.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!