
Tuesday 6 February 2024

A Daybook . . .




Not quite my window, but you can imagine!  This is a photograph that someone in Nova Scotia took of a moose on their roof in the snow.  We had snow literally all day yesterday and high winds and drifting. We are well and truly entrenched. It is a bit milder this morning at only -1*C/30.28F and the snow has stopped. I had to put my garbage out earlier and I didn't have to trudge through too much snow to do it. Only about 2 inches which is enough in your pajamas!  Normally I put it out the night before, but I was afraid it would blow away so I waited until early this morning. Everyone else was doing the same thing. You are told to have your garbage out by 7 a.m. Normally they don't come until mid-afternoon to pick it up, but this would be the one time they come earlier. So best to not take chances!  I cannot open my back door which is a bit of a pain in the patootie. They did not shovel out any of our back doors.  I am not too worried as Sheila will be on their case complaining about it today and I am sure it will be done today.


I was saddened to hear yesterday that King Charles is now battling some form of cancer. It is probably bladder if they discovered it during his recently prostrate procedure.  I hope and pray that he gets through the treatments and recovers completely.  I like HRH.  I think he has gotten a bad rap through the years, and undeservedly so. I think he is an incredibly intelligent man with a good heart, especially for the environment, etc.  I wish him well.



I am wondering if we will get out today, and what the roads are like. I know Dad is keen to pick up his car.  Nobody got out yesterday.  I did see a few hardy people out and about, but nobody from my family got out. I don't think Dan even made it in to work.  It snowed pretty much all day and into the night, with a lot of blowing and drifting.  I will see what Cindy wants to do later when we "meet" for our cycling session!

Here is an actual photo of outside my door that I just took.  Thought you might like to see it. We are pretty buried despite them plowing out the drives yesterday.  Interestingly enough they used a snow blower to do the street.  It took ages.


One of the downsides to living by yourself is that you have nobody around when something goes wrong. I was eating my dinner yesterday and I inhaled a piece of rice and started choking.  I managed to get it out but I was really scared that I wouldn't.     It took a lot of hacking.  That is how mom died you know.  She choked  on her breakfast in hospital and nobody was there to help her.  Living on your own makes you quite vulnerable in a variety of ways. I suppose anyone could choke when they are by themselves, but when you live along you are almost always by yourself.  

Anyways, must not have been my time! ( Thank goodness!)


This is so true. I had never thought of it before, but it really is true.  This is the month of hope! Won't be too long now, especially when you think about how fast the days and weeks seem to flow!


Loving this vase of flowers.  So pretty. I couldn't tell you what kind they are, peonies?  I don't know for sure. Baby's breath.  That I know for sure.


Just got off the phone with dad.  He said he had been up since 3 a.m. Worrying about this car he bought.  A 2021 Kia Soul. He said his brother said that they were hard on gas. And Dad thinks the car dealer is taking advantage of him. He thinks the mileage is too high at 60,000 k's. His mind is going over and over it.  He says the car came from Newfoundland.  I am not sure how he knows that.  Anyways I reassured him that Cindy was not going to let anyone take advantage of him. We will see what happens when we get out later this morning.

Marry Me Tuscany Vegetable Soup from Plant Me.  This looks fabulous!


Forget me nots. I love forget me nots.  Such a pretty little flower.


Chocolate cake.  With white frosting. I love chocolate cake with white frosting. 

All Creatures Great and Small.  I am very late to the party. I don't know why I did not watch it before, but I am really enjoying it. I just started series two so I have a lot of catching up to do. It is so well done.


To the Bright Edge of the World, by Eowyn Ivey

An atmospheric, transporting tale of adventure, love, and survival from the bestselling author of The Snow Child, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. 

 In the winter of 1885, decorated war hero Colonel Allen Forrester leads a small band of men on an expedition that has been deemed impossible: to venture up the Wolverine River and pierce the vast, untamed Alaska Territory. Leaving behind Sophie, his newly pregnant wife, Colonel Forrester records his extraordinary experiences in hopes that his journal will reach her if he doesn't return--once he passes beyond the edge of the known world, there's no telling what awaits him. 

 The Wolverine River Valley is not only breathtaking and forbidding but also terrifying in ways that the colonel and his men never could have imagined. As they map the territory and gather information on the native tribes, whose understanding of the natural world is unlike anything they have ever encountered, Forrester and his men discover the blurred lines between human and wild animal, the living and the dead. And while the men knew they would face starvation and danger, they cannot escape the sense that some greater, mysterious force threatens their lives. 

 Meanwhile, on her own at Vancouver Barracks, Sophie chafes under the social restrictions and yearns to travel alongside her husband. She does not know that the winter will require as much of her as it does her husband, that both her courage and faith will be tested to the breaking point. Can her exploration of nature through the new art of photography help her to rediscover her sense of beauty and wonder? 

 The truths that Allen and Sophie discover over the course of that fateful year change both of their lives--and the lives of those who hear their stories long after they're gone--forever.

I loved The Snow Child. I think I have read it about three times. I am loving this book also.

A delicious stir fry today. Bok Choy Chicken.  Quick, easy, healthy and delicious!  I really enjoyed this.


Warm home and hearth, safety, faith, family, friends, cats, enough. I have enough of all that I need and I know from whence it comes. I am truly blessed.



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.The world is full of magic things
patiently waiting for° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
your senses to grow sharper.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Yeats° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

And that is my daybook for this week. Not much of a one today, but I am out of time. Cindy will soon be calling me and I have things to do before that happens!  I hope that you all have beautiful days.  Blessings to you all and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. What a storm your area has been through. Clean up will take awhile. I am sure you are all eager to get out and get back to normal. It is still mild here, close to +6 Celsius during the day. What snow is left is dirty and hard. I'm not a Royal family fan, but don't wish cancer on anyone. Recently had a friend's husband pass away from it, he was only 56. Have a safe day if you venture out.

  2. Morning, Marie. So glad you were able to revover from your choking spell. Very scary, indeed. Your snow looks so pretty it's hard to believe how treacherous it can be. Perhaps best to wait another day before going out. Hope things go well when your Dad picks up his car and the roads are clear. Stay safe, stay warm. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. Choking spells are indeed awful...and though my Hubby is here, he would not be able to help me in time, for sure!! We need to slow down eating and eat small bites...tis part of getting older!! As to Charles, he is a way more fortunate man than so many. Many of us had less than stellar childhoods. But he is "missing some upstairs" for how he treated Diana. For the sake of his sons if nothing else. At least money is no object for him and he will be able to get the very best medical care...something so many of us will never be able to get...not in USA anyways. It is said he eats healthy, so that is in his favor. (I personally wonder if he has lung cancer from all his years around smoky Camilla...2nd hand smoke is very dangerous too...something that worries me about my hubby from his years in the Navy, under the sea, having to breathe the smoke from others, with no great ventilation. My Hubby coughs a great deal now...but as I say medical care is almost not available to us)!!
    Elizabeth xo

  4. Hi Marie, love the moose on the roof…I hope King Charles will be okay, cancer is terrible thing to go through…so glad you’re okay from that choking experience, whew…too scary…and I loveLOVE love ‘All Creatures’…such a sweet show, wish there were more like it these days. Best wishes to your dad with his new car…he’s lucky to have you and Cindy to help. Take care and stay warm…xo, V.

  5. There is an emergency system available in the US called Life Alert, people wear a pendant or bracelet to alert the company in case of an emergency. They have the "I've fallen and can't get up" commercials, probably something like it available in Canada too. A good resource if rice or something bigger like a nut gets inhaled.


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