
Wednesday 10 January 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



Finally I am back with a regular post! That was a long ride! Sorry about that.  Family here and then three days of running on the trot without a lot of spare time.  I think that is the longest stretch of non-blogging I have ever gone through with the exception of when I have been literally away from home.  I am back now and like the bird in the above photo, ready to sing!

Anthony made it over safe and sound with his family and we had a really lovely visit! It was so nice to see them. I think the boys have each grown 10 feet since I last saw them.  Seriously Luke is sprouting up like a weed. He is very slim and tall. Gabe is tall also, but I think Luke is going to surpass him. I think they are both taller than their mother now.  Anthony managed to see everyone for the most part while he was down.  Both dads, me, my dad, my sister.  He did miss out on Eileen and was feeling guilty about that, but I told him she would understand. They were literally only here for a few days and it was hard to get everyone in.  Understandable.  


We had two Birthdays over the past couple of days. Eileen's Birthday was on Sunday. It is hard to believe that she is 46 years old now.  Cindy and I took her out to lunch yesterday.  We went to Angies around the corner from me and it was great just to be together.  We decided to have dessert. Eileen had Coconut Cream Pie, Cindy had chocolate cake and I chose Lemon Meringue Pie. I adore Lemon Meringue Pie.  

It was disgusting.  I should have taken a photograph. The crust was so soggy that the pie was laid flat out in a puddle of goo on the plate and there was literally no meringue to speak of. Maybe a small dot. It looked like someone had already had a go through the pie.  And, this is the kicker.  There was a hair in it. I sent it back and thankfully did not have to pay for it. I think if I was the waitress I would have been embarrassed bringing that out to anyone. It really was appalling. I really should have taken a photograph of it. 

To be honest, I didn't need dessert anyways, and I was already full after the fish and chips so . . . 

I had my follow up Doctors Appointment yesterday, plus a blood pressure check, etc.  Good news on the blood pressure front. It was very good, which made me happy.  My sugars were up however (not surprising considering Christmas) and my iron is quite low.  So I need to work at that.  Too much indulgence over the holidays on the sugar front.  Too many treats, and high sugar ones as well such as fruit cake and mince pies.  And to be honest I have not been eating enough vegetables or meat. So I can understand both.  I have always struggled with anemia.   For someone who likes to cook, I am a very poor eater.  I tend to graze more than eat.  I really only sit down and eat a full meal when I am with other people or if I am at a restaurant. The rest of the time I am too busy.  I need to fix that.

Last night for my supper I had a fruit smoothie that I had made and this morning I have had overnight oats.  Its a start.

This is Little Mac.  All grown up he is now.  I renewed my phone contract and got a new phone. My sons keep telling me to get an iPhone and so this time I went with an iPhone.  This is one of the photos I took with it.

This is the other.  Clearly I need to practice but I think both are good photos. I  just need more practice.  I think I will try to look up some videos on YouTube when I have the time.

Its a learning curve for sure.  I gave Cindy my  old phone so she is on a learning curve also. lol  Misery loves company.  She's doing excellent however.  She had gotten a Fit Bit for Christmas and you need a mobile phone to be able to use it. So it all just worked out.


I still have not written my talk. I have been mulling all sorts around in my mind. I have never had so much difficulty before pulling my thoughts together. Mind, these have been really busy days. I have told myself that today I will sit down and write it.  I hope that I can make some headway on it.  This is crunch time now.

The weather is a bit weird for January. It is snowing out there right now. That is what you would expect in January.  But there are two weather alerts out for our area today.  A wind warning is in effect as well as a heavy rainfall warning. The temperature is +1 at the moment and supposed to go up to +8 as the day progresses. Very weird for January.  Not at all seasonal. Saturday it is going to be +9.  That's crazy for January. Not that I am complaining, but I do know that we rely on the moisture for farming, etc.  Last year we had so many fires because it was too dry.  I hope we don't have a repeat of that this year.

How is the weather where you are?  Is it pretty similar to past years?  Or are you seeing a difference?


Well, I did it.  I bought a new sofa. Hopefully this one will be more comfortable. I need to get rid of the old one before I have the new one brought in however.  I think I am going to put it on marketplace either for a small fee or to give away for free.  I haven't made my mind up. It is only 2 1/2 years old and has been kept covered for most of that time.  It is not a very comfortable couch however, at least not to me.  I will put it on marketplace for a week and if it doesn't go then I will pay the furniture people to take it away when they deliver the new one.

I had ordered this one that was blue, but I went back yesterday and switched it out for another one.  I felt that the dark blue was going to be too dark.  The lighter one is kind of like  mocha color. My easy boy chair  is a light blue and should go well with it.

I have been humming and hawing about this change for a while now. I think I have made the right choice.


Today is the day that the Big Scoop will be re-opening under new ownership. We had planned to go. They have their new menu on Facebook and it looks quite a bit different, although many things are the same.  I expect it will be quite busy today, so long as the weather doesn't get too bad.  We shall see. If its too nasty out I won't go.  I know that will disappoint Dad, but I can't see Hazel wanting to drive down to Middleton from where they live in nasty weather either.  We will just have to play it by ear as the day goes on.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day. Cindy is due to call me at quarter to 9 so we can peddle together for 15 minutes.  Sigh  . . . I am not sure how long I will be able to do it. But I can try.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Hang onto your hat, hold on to your hope,
& wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day.
~E.B. White° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Roasted Mustard Potatoes. Delicious!

I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Be safe and be happy. Stay warm!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Good to see you back, how dare real life get in the way of posting haha Glad you had a good visit with son and family, and a birthday celebration with Eileen. I'm sure we all indulged too much over the holidays, time to get back to regular eating and exercising. Lots to learn with a new iphone, I have that type and find it really good. We had a snow storm yesterday, followed by rain. Really wet and heavy snow, thank goodness our neighbour helped out with his Kubota. Today +4 Celsius, a bit more rain, then temperatures dropping again. Bet you are looking forward to the new sofa, the cats will enjoy investigating it too. Have a good day.

  2. I have been seeing a lot about carnivore diets lately. People on them swear by them for losing weight and curing their health issues. It is not for me, but if you think about it, it make sense because our early ancestors would have existed mainly on meat.

  3. Good to hear from you, glad your visit was lovely, good to get to the doctor for a check up, happy times coming with your family, best of luck on the talk, you will be brilliant. Happy day, V.

  4. I just wanted to mention that you might want to confirm that the furniture company will indeed take your old sofa away. We bought a new one and that furniture company delivered the new one, of course, but does not remove anything. I was surprised. Fortunately we had asked the sales clerk about that ahead of time

  5. How fun new phone new sofa:) I get stuck with keeping everything I did get an iphone last yr..or yr. before but an 11 not the new ones..

  6. So glad you had your kin come!! We have been eating an intermittent fasting kind of pattern for some time. We try not to eat after 7 PM at night and then eat first about 11ish the next day. I have lost some weight...and in general my blood pressure and blood sugars have gone down. It is slow...not fast...but hope it lasts!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  7. Sorry that my comment about furniture company removal of old pieces showed up as"anonymous" This is Marceline


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